Wicca Made Easy: Awaken the Divine Magic Within You

Review and recommend pagan, spiritual, Wicca, & witchcraft books.
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Rain Gnosis
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Wicca Made Easy: Awaken the Divine Magic Within You

Post by Rain Gnosis »

This is a new book by Phyllis Curott.

If you've read Curott's previous book, Witchcrafting, this one has the same lyrical and beautiful, Shamanic style, but is again an introduction so covers the same material. She covers Divinity, magic, nature, casting circle, the Goddess and God, the Wheel of the Year, divination, spellcasting, and more. One quibble I have with it is that she mentions you should create a book of shadows to record your experiences, but then doesn't describe what one is or how to create it until the last chapter of the book. However, I really enjoyed reading this evocative, lyrical book with its focus on Mother Earth, and I've already started re-reading it again.
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