Ostara information and rituals
Ostara information and rituals
Ostara (Eostre) circa March 21, also known as the Spring or Vernal Equinox, is one of two dates where day and night are equal; a point of balance, after which the forces of light gain power and preeminence over the powers of darkness until it reaches its ultimate at Midsummer.
Deities honored during this festival are those of the maiden goddess and the youthful, warrior god. The sabbat takes its name from Eostra (Ostara), the Goddess of the Dawn, the Saxon Goddess who heralds the triumphant rebirth of the Sun and the return of the greening season. Hellenic traditions celebrate the return of Persephone, Demeter's daughter, from Hades. Some sects see this as the time of courtship between the God and the Goddess, whose relationship will then be consummated at the following sabbat of Beltaine.
When the Catholic Church preempted this rite, as with so many others, it kept the essence of the sabbat, but appropriated its essential properties for Christ. Ostara has always been a rite celebrating the resurrection and restoration of the Sun. The Holy Roman Church simply ascribed the resurrection to Christ, also known as the Son, who is also described in biblical terms as "the Light." Even the way in which "Easter" is arrived at is Pagan in origin, calculated from the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Equinox. That is, of course, unless a full moon falls on that date; at which time, the Easter sabbath falls on the following Sunday. While they were forced by an unchangeable astronomical event into keeping the essential date of the original Pagan Sabbat, it seems that having the Holy Easter Sabbath on a full moon was simply too much for the Church to abide!
Ostara is the beginning of the fertility festivals. Buds begin to push their way through the earth to reach the strengthening sun's light; animals in the wild feel the ancient instinct to breed; the energies of Nature shift subtly from the torpor of Winter to the exuberant activity of Spring. It is a time of new beginnings, of action, of saying goodbye to the old and making room for the new. We can see this urge reflected in our lives even today. We talk of "Spring cleaning" and "In Spring, a young man's fancy turns to..."; the desire to run the greening fields (or, in our world, walk the parks, fish, and other outdoor activities) vies urgently with the obligation of our workday routines, often resulting in "sick leave days" and spur-of-the-moment "personal days" where the real excuse is "Spring Fever."
Symbols of this holiday include eggs, rabbits, and flowers of all kinds. Modern secular activities such as the dying of Easter Eggs are remnants of ancient Pagan traditions. The Anglo-Saxons painted eggs with their hopes and dreams and presented them as a gift to Eostre. These eggs were then buried in the Earth, so that the Earth-Mother would know dreams of her children, in hopes that She would see fit to help them realize their desires. This practice predates Christianity by approximately 1000 years.
Rabbits (hares) were the companions of Eostre, and she is still often pictured with a hare by Her side. Because of their well-acknowledged reproductive ability, they are the perfect compliments to the start of a fertility-based season.
In many cultures, the Goddess was known not only as the Goddess of Fertility, but also as the Goddess of Grain. Therefore, special cakes and breads were baked and given to Her in offering. This tradition remained, long after the original reasons were lost, and we still see people baking special Easter breads and cakes today.
Other foods traditional to this season include those made of seeds, as well as pine nuts. Also, green leafy vegetables and sprouts are equally appropiate. Some groups create special dishes made of flowers, such as stuffed nasturtiums or carnation cupcakes.
Activities appropriate to celebrate the day include those listed above, as well as randomly collecting wildflowers on a walk through the woods, or buying a mixed bouquet from a florist. The flowers you choose will often reveal your inner thoughts and emotions, and their meanings to you can be divined through books, pendulum, and your intuition.
Some groups set the seeds they'll soon be planting within the sacred Circle of their Ostara rituals. In this way, either a special charging ritual can be done for the seeds, or the seeds can simply absorb the energy of the Circle. They can then be planted safely after the next full moon.
Ritual cleaning is often done, though usually in the secular vein today. It seems people are driven by the need to throw open the windows to our homes and force out all the stale, winter air. Many of us clean the house from top to bottom; sweeping every nook and cranny from ceiling to floor; cleaning out cabinets and drawers, and scrubbing them, too. Often, many choose this time of year to change the liners in drawers, or to put away the winter bedding in favor of the lighter-weight summer linen. Heavy winter clothes are washed, folded, and put away and the lighter weight spring and summer clothes find their way into our closets.
This same mundane ritual of household cleaning can be applied to our inner selves, as well. Use Ostara to clean out all the mental cobwebs and to throw away all the old, negative modes of thought. Throw open the doors to your mind, heart, and soul and let the gentle breezes of Ostara breathe new hope and the vigor of youth into your newly awakening life.
Ostara ritual for solitaries
1.For this ritual, you'll want to decorate your altar with symbols of the season. Think about all the colors you see in nature at this time of year -- bright daffodils, crocuses, plump tulips, green shoots -- and incorporate them into your altar. This is also a time of fertility in the natural world -- the egg is the perfect representation of this aspect of the season. Symbols of young animals such as lambs, chicks, and calves are also great altar adornments for Ostara.
2.In addition, you'll need the following:
•Three candles -- one yellow, one green, and one purple
•A bowl of milk
•A small bowl of honey or sugar
Perform this ritual outside if at all possible, in the early morning as the sun rises. It's spring, so it may be a bit chilly, but it's a good time to reconnect with the earth. If your tradition normally requires you to cast a circle, do so now.
3.Begin by taking a moment to focus on the air around you. Inhale deeply, and see if you can smell the change in the seasons. Depending on where you live, the air may have an earthy aroma, or a rainy one, or even smell like green grass. Sense the shift in energy as the Wheel of the Year has turned. Light the green candle, to symbolize the blossoming earth. As you light it, say:
The Wheel of the Year turns once more,
and the vernal equinox arrives.
Light and dark are equal,
and the soil begins to change.
The earth awakes from its slumber,
and new life springs forth once more.
4.Next, light the yellow candle, representing the sun. As you do so, say:
The sun draws ever closer to us,
greeting the earth with its welcoming rays.
Light and dark are equal,
and the sky fills with light and warmth.
The sun warms the land beneath our feet,
and gives life to all in its path.
5.Finally, light the purple candle. This one represents the Divine in our lives -- whether you call it a god or a goddess, whether you identify it by name or simply as a universal life force, this is the candle which stands for all the things we do not know, all those things we cannot understand, but that are the sacred in our daily lives. As you light this candle, focus on the Divine around and within you. Say:
6.Spring has come! For this, we are thankful!
The Divine is present all around,
in the cool fall of a rain storm,
in the tiny buds of a flower,
in the down of a newborn chick,
in the fertile fields waiting to be planted,
in the sky above us,
and in the earth below us.
We thank the universe* for all it has to offer us, (*you can change universe with any spring God and Goddess names)
and are so blessed to be alive on this day.
Welcome, life! Welcome, light! Welcome, spring!
7.Take a moment and meditate on the three flames before you and what they symbolize. Consider your own place within these three things -- the earth, the sun, and the Divine. How do you fit into the grand scheme of things? How do you find balance between light and dark in your own life?
Finally, blend the milk and honey together, mixing gently. Pour it onto the ground around your altar space as an offering to the earth**. As you do, you may wish to say something like: (**If you are performing the ritual indoors, take the milk and honey outdoors to pour)
I make this offering to the earth,
As thanks for the many blessings I have received,
And those I shall some day receive.
8.Once you have made your offering, stand for a minute facing your altar. Feel the cool earth beneath your feet, and the sun on your face. Take in every sensation of this moment, and know that you are in a perfect place of balance between light and dark, winter and summer, warmth and cold -- a time of polarity and harmony.
When you are ready, end the ritual.
Ostara ritual for groups
The altar is set in the center of the room on a low round table draped in green. At the center of the altar is the flower cone, a simple wicker structure about a meter high and half a meter in diameter topped with a white candle. Around the base of the cone are placed small seed packets wrapped in spring patterned fabric and tied with ribbon. Gold & Silver candles (Goddess & God) as well as painted eggs, feathers and items to be charged surround the seeds.
HP stands for High Priest and HPS stands for High Priestess
At the four quarters on the alter are green hand-dipped beeswax tapers, unlit (they don't have to be hand dipped). Between the tapers are quarter-circles of egg shaped votives, 6 between each taper, also unlit. The center top candle will be lit before people arrive for the ritual.
Chairs are arranged in a circle. Just outside the perimeter of the circle, at each quarter, candleholders sit on small draped tables. Music will be playing as people arrive. We will have asked everyone to bring a few flowers or greenery with stems from their home, to be collected in wicker baskets at the door as people arrive. Programs will be handed out at the door. Tables will be set up for the 'cakes and ale' portion of the program.
Drumming signals the beginning of the ritual.
Drumming ends. HPS comes to the Center.
Welcome to the Spring Equinox Celebration. As we cast our Circle, please stand as we call the quarters.
The circle is cast. (Our HP improvised and was quite impressive)
As each quarter is called, caller lights the appropriate taper from the center and lights three eggs on each side of the taper direction. Then she/he turns and calls the quarter, and takes the taper to the perimeter of the circle, placing the taper in the candleholder outside the circle.
From the East come the winds that carry the seed.
Spirits of East be here Now!
From the South comes the sun, kindling the life of the seed.
Spirits of South be here Now!
From the West comes the water that swells the sprout.
Spirits of West be here Now!
From the North comes the Earth that nourishes the plant.
Spirits of North be here Now!
HPS - Center / God / Goddess Invocation (also improvised). Gold & Silver candles are lit directly from the center.
East quarter:
Earth Mother, Star Mother
You who are called by a thousand names
May all remember - We are cells in your body
And dance together
South quarter:
You are the grain and the loaf
That sustains us each day,
and as you are patient with our struggles to learn
So shall we be patient with ourselves and each other
West quarter:
We are radiant light and sacred dark
- the Balance -
You are the embrace that heartens
And the freedom beyond fear
North quarter:
Within you we are born, we grow, live, and die
You bring us around the circle to rebirth
Within us you dance
Crone: Short explanation of the significance of the vernal equinox.
Chant: Into the Silence of the Night
HPS: Childrens' story: Persephone
HP: Introduction to the Flower cone.
To symbolize the promise of Spring, we have arranged on the alter a cone of crab-apple cuttings. The cone shape represents power and focus. At its base are packets of wild-flower seeds. These seeds can represent our hopes for the coming time of warmth. Surrounding the cone are candles in the shape of eggs. Eggs are symbols of new life and hope.
Four children offer baskets of flowers around the circle
HP takes a flower from each basket and places them to start.
We welcome you now to take some flowers and greens from the baskets. Starting in the East, please come forward, a few at a time and place them into the cone. As you do, please visualize something you'd like to grow this spring. Something in your garden? A relationship? Perhaps a special project? As the cone is filled with dreams of fruition, the seeds are charged with energy. After all have placed flowers, we will dance to the coming Spring.
Dancer: Introduction to the spiral dance, including the significance of the spiral.
Singer: Runs through chant Spiralling Into the Center
Dancer: Leads once through the spiral, leading all back into a circle. Walk in circle until home. Signals drumming to end.
HP: Invite people to take a seed packet.
We'd like to invite you to come forward and take a seed packet now filled with your energy. Take them and grow your vision.
HPS: Grounds; Dismisses Quarters, snuff candles; Opens Circle.
Baked goods, Fruit, Tea & Coffee
Drumming with dancing and merriment!!!
Deities honored during this festival are those of the maiden goddess and the youthful, warrior god. The sabbat takes its name from Eostra (Ostara), the Goddess of the Dawn, the Saxon Goddess who heralds the triumphant rebirth of the Sun and the return of the greening season. Hellenic traditions celebrate the return of Persephone, Demeter's daughter, from Hades. Some sects see this as the time of courtship between the God and the Goddess, whose relationship will then be consummated at the following sabbat of Beltaine.
When the Catholic Church preempted this rite, as with so many others, it kept the essence of the sabbat, but appropriated its essential properties for Christ. Ostara has always been a rite celebrating the resurrection and restoration of the Sun. The Holy Roman Church simply ascribed the resurrection to Christ, also known as the Son, who is also described in biblical terms as "the Light." Even the way in which "Easter" is arrived at is Pagan in origin, calculated from the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Equinox. That is, of course, unless a full moon falls on that date; at which time, the Easter sabbath falls on the following Sunday. While they were forced by an unchangeable astronomical event into keeping the essential date of the original Pagan Sabbat, it seems that having the Holy Easter Sabbath on a full moon was simply too much for the Church to abide!
Ostara is the beginning of the fertility festivals. Buds begin to push their way through the earth to reach the strengthening sun's light; animals in the wild feel the ancient instinct to breed; the energies of Nature shift subtly from the torpor of Winter to the exuberant activity of Spring. It is a time of new beginnings, of action, of saying goodbye to the old and making room for the new. We can see this urge reflected in our lives even today. We talk of "Spring cleaning" and "In Spring, a young man's fancy turns to..."; the desire to run the greening fields (or, in our world, walk the parks, fish, and other outdoor activities) vies urgently with the obligation of our workday routines, often resulting in "sick leave days" and spur-of-the-moment "personal days" where the real excuse is "Spring Fever."
Symbols of this holiday include eggs, rabbits, and flowers of all kinds. Modern secular activities such as the dying of Easter Eggs are remnants of ancient Pagan traditions. The Anglo-Saxons painted eggs with their hopes and dreams and presented them as a gift to Eostre. These eggs were then buried in the Earth, so that the Earth-Mother would know dreams of her children, in hopes that She would see fit to help them realize their desires. This practice predates Christianity by approximately 1000 years.
Rabbits (hares) were the companions of Eostre, and she is still often pictured with a hare by Her side. Because of their well-acknowledged reproductive ability, they are the perfect compliments to the start of a fertility-based season.
In many cultures, the Goddess was known not only as the Goddess of Fertility, but also as the Goddess of Grain. Therefore, special cakes and breads were baked and given to Her in offering. This tradition remained, long after the original reasons were lost, and we still see people baking special Easter breads and cakes today.
Other foods traditional to this season include those made of seeds, as well as pine nuts. Also, green leafy vegetables and sprouts are equally appropiate. Some groups create special dishes made of flowers, such as stuffed nasturtiums or carnation cupcakes.
Activities appropriate to celebrate the day include those listed above, as well as randomly collecting wildflowers on a walk through the woods, or buying a mixed bouquet from a florist. The flowers you choose will often reveal your inner thoughts and emotions, and their meanings to you can be divined through books, pendulum, and your intuition.
Some groups set the seeds they'll soon be planting within the sacred Circle of their Ostara rituals. In this way, either a special charging ritual can be done for the seeds, or the seeds can simply absorb the energy of the Circle. They can then be planted safely after the next full moon.
Ritual cleaning is often done, though usually in the secular vein today. It seems people are driven by the need to throw open the windows to our homes and force out all the stale, winter air. Many of us clean the house from top to bottom; sweeping every nook and cranny from ceiling to floor; cleaning out cabinets and drawers, and scrubbing them, too. Often, many choose this time of year to change the liners in drawers, or to put away the winter bedding in favor of the lighter-weight summer linen. Heavy winter clothes are washed, folded, and put away and the lighter weight spring and summer clothes find their way into our closets.
This same mundane ritual of household cleaning can be applied to our inner selves, as well. Use Ostara to clean out all the mental cobwebs and to throw away all the old, negative modes of thought. Throw open the doors to your mind, heart, and soul and let the gentle breezes of Ostara breathe new hope and the vigor of youth into your newly awakening life.
Ostara ritual for solitaries
1.For this ritual, you'll want to decorate your altar with symbols of the season. Think about all the colors you see in nature at this time of year -- bright daffodils, crocuses, plump tulips, green shoots -- and incorporate them into your altar. This is also a time of fertility in the natural world -- the egg is the perfect representation of this aspect of the season. Symbols of young animals such as lambs, chicks, and calves are also great altar adornments for Ostara.
2.In addition, you'll need the following:
•Three candles -- one yellow, one green, and one purple
•A bowl of milk
•A small bowl of honey or sugar
Perform this ritual outside if at all possible, in the early morning as the sun rises. It's spring, so it may be a bit chilly, but it's a good time to reconnect with the earth. If your tradition normally requires you to cast a circle, do so now.
3.Begin by taking a moment to focus on the air around you. Inhale deeply, and see if you can smell the change in the seasons. Depending on where you live, the air may have an earthy aroma, or a rainy one, or even smell like green grass. Sense the shift in energy as the Wheel of the Year has turned. Light the green candle, to symbolize the blossoming earth. As you light it, say:
The Wheel of the Year turns once more,
and the vernal equinox arrives.
Light and dark are equal,
and the soil begins to change.
The earth awakes from its slumber,
and new life springs forth once more.
4.Next, light the yellow candle, representing the sun. As you do so, say:
The sun draws ever closer to us,
greeting the earth with its welcoming rays.
Light and dark are equal,
and the sky fills with light and warmth.
The sun warms the land beneath our feet,
and gives life to all in its path.
5.Finally, light the purple candle. This one represents the Divine in our lives -- whether you call it a god or a goddess, whether you identify it by name or simply as a universal life force, this is the candle which stands for all the things we do not know, all those things we cannot understand, but that are the sacred in our daily lives. As you light this candle, focus on the Divine around and within you. Say:
6.Spring has come! For this, we are thankful!
The Divine is present all around,
in the cool fall of a rain storm,
in the tiny buds of a flower,
in the down of a newborn chick,
in the fertile fields waiting to be planted,
in the sky above us,
and in the earth below us.
We thank the universe* for all it has to offer us, (*you can change universe with any spring God and Goddess names)
and are so blessed to be alive on this day.
Welcome, life! Welcome, light! Welcome, spring!
7.Take a moment and meditate on the three flames before you and what they symbolize. Consider your own place within these three things -- the earth, the sun, and the Divine. How do you fit into the grand scheme of things? How do you find balance between light and dark in your own life?
Finally, blend the milk and honey together, mixing gently. Pour it onto the ground around your altar space as an offering to the earth**. As you do, you may wish to say something like: (**If you are performing the ritual indoors, take the milk and honey outdoors to pour)
I make this offering to the earth,
As thanks for the many blessings I have received,
And those I shall some day receive.
8.Once you have made your offering, stand for a minute facing your altar. Feel the cool earth beneath your feet, and the sun on your face. Take in every sensation of this moment, and know that you are in a perfect place of balance between light and dark, winter and summer, warmth and cold -- a time of polarity and harmony.
When you are ready, end the ritual.
Ostara ritual for groups
The altar is set in the center of the room on a low round table draped in green. At the center of the altar is the flower cone, a simple wicker structure about a meter high and half a meter in diameter topped with a white candle. Around the base of the cone are placed small seed packets wrapped in spring patterned fabric and tied with ribbon. Gold & Silver candles (Goddess & God) as well as painted eggs, feathers and items to be charged surround the seeds.
HP stands for High Priest and HPS stands for High Priestess
At the four quarters on the alter are green hand-dipped beeswax tapers, unlit (they don't have to be hand dipped). Between the tapers are quarter-circles of egg shaped votives, 6 between each taper, also unlit. The center top candle will be lit before people arrive for the ritual.
Chairs are arranged in a circle. Just outside the perimeter of the circle, at each quarter, candleholders sit on small draped tables. Music will be playing as people arrive. We will have asked everyone to bring a few flowers or greenery with stems from their home, to be collected in wicker baskets at the door as people arrive. Programs will be handed out at the door. Tables will be set up for the 'cakes and ale' portion of the program.
Drumming signals the beginning of the ritual.
Drumming ends. HPS comes to the Center.
Welcome to the Spring Equinox Celebration. As we cast our Circle, please stand as we call the quarters.
The circle is cast. (Our HP improvised and was quite impressive)
As each quarter is called, caller lights the appropriate taper from the center and lights three eggs on each side of the taper direction. Then she/he turns and calls the quarter, and takes the taper to the perimeter of the circle, placing the taper in the candleholder outside the circle.
From the East come the winds that carry the seed.
Spirits of East be here Now!
From the South comes the sun, kindling the life of the seed.
Spirits of South be here Now!
From the West comes the water that swells the sprout.
Spirits of West be here Now!
From the North comes the Earth that nourishes the plant.
Spirits of North be here Now!
HPS - Center / God / Goddess Invocation (also improvised). Gold & Silver candles are lit directly from the center.
East quarter:
Earth Mother, Star Mother
You who are called by a thousand names
May all remember - We are cells in your body
And dance together
South quarter:
You are the grain and the loaf
That sustains us each day,
and as you are patient with our struggles to learn
So shall we be patient with ourselves and each other
West quarter:
We are radiant light and sacred dark
- the Balance -
You are the embrace that heartens
And the freedom beyond fear
North quarter:
Within you we are born, we grow, live, and die
You bring us around the circle to rebirth
Within us you dance
Crone: Short explanation of the significance of the vernal equinox.
Chant: Into the Silence of the Night
HPS: Childrens' story: Persephone
HP: Introduction to the Flower cone.
To symbolize the promise of Spring, we have arranged on the alter a cone of crab-apple cuttings. The cone shape represents power and focus. At its base are packets of wild-flower seeds. These seeds can represent our hopes for the coming time of warmth. Surrounding the cone are candles in the shape of eggs. Eggs are symbols of new life and hope.
Four children offer baskets of flowers around the circle
HP takes a flower from each basket and places them to start.
We welcome you now to take some flowers and greens from the baskets. Starting in the East, please come forward, a few at a time and place them into the cone. As you do, please visualize something you'd like to grow this spring. Something in your garden? A relationship? Perhaps a special project? As the cone is filled with dreams of fruition, the seeds are charged with energy. After all have placed flowers, we will dance to the coming Spring.
Dancer: Introduction to the spiral dance, including the significance of the spiral.
Singer: Runs through chant Spiralling Into the Center
Dancer: Leads once through the spiral, leading all back into a circle. Walk in circle until home. Signals drumming to end.
HP: Invite people to take a seed packet.
We'd like to invite you to come forward and take a seed packet now filled with your energy. Take them and grow your vision.
HPS: Grounds; Dismisses Quarters, snuff candles; Opens Circle.
Baked goods, Fruit, Tea & Coffee
Drumming with dancing and merriment!!!
Re: Ostara information and rituals
Great article ![Smile :)](images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
I'm so excited about Ostara! I feel myself changing just like the Divine. I can't wait to be reborn with the Goddess, God, and the Earth.
Thank you![Smile :)](images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Blessed be
![Smile :)](images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
I'm so excited about Ostara! I feel myself changing just like the Divine. I can't wait to be reborn with the Goddess, God, and the Earth.
Thank you
![Smile :)](images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Blessed be
Peace cannot be kept by force but can only be achieved through understanding (Albert Einstein) ~coexist~
Re: Ostara information and rituals
Your welcome!
And heres a sunrise calculator for those who need it- http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/sunrise.html
And Ostara is on March 20th this year!
And heres a sunrise calculator for those who need it- http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/sunrise.html
And Ostara is on March 20th this year!
Re: Ostara information and rituals
More information!
Ostara Lore
This marks the rekindling of life within the Earth and the renewal of fertility to our spiritual lives. This fertility festival and the Christian Easter celebration both get their names from the free-spirited goddess, Eostre. Legend has it that while entertaining a group of children, she once turned a bird into a rabbit. To the amusement of the children, the bewitched animal laid colored eggs. Her story is the basis for the Easter Bunny, spring egg hunts, and most other traditions associated with this holiday.
Eostre's story aside, the egg is an excellent symbol for the spring celebration. The egg white represents the all-encompassing nature of the Goddess while the golden yolk represents the virile qualities of the Sun God. The symmetrical outer shell binds the two together, sealing Their fertility and Their perfect love for one another.
From a more mundane angle, all animal life comes from eggs. Fish, fowL amphibians, and insects lay them. Mammals conceive when sperm cells penetrire them. If you wanted to stretch the imagination somewhat, you could say that vegetation sprouts from eggs, too. Being embryonic and shell-covered, seeds are egg-like in nature. For these reasons, eggs provide a prime fertility symbol for thr Ostara ritual.
The above article from Dorothy Morrisons The Craft A Witchs Book of Shadows
For those of us in colder climates the coming of this sabbat means the ending of the cold that has hung on for what seems to be forever. The sap begins to flow, the trees are budding, the ground softens, ice melts, and everywhere the fragrance and colors of spring slowly awake from their sleep. It's the second of the three spring holidays, Imbolc marking spring's first glimmer and Beltaine spring's height and power. If Imbolc is about inspiration and Beltaine about consummation, then Ostara is about growth. Since the Spring Equinox represents new life and growth, this is the perfect sabbat for planting the seeds of plans you made at Imbolc.
As Spring reaches its midpoint, night and day are in perfect balance, with light growing every day. This is the time when the young Sun God now celebrates a sacred marraige with the young Maiden Goddess,who once again became a virgin at Imbolc. The courtship begins. It is a time of great fertility, new growth, and newborn animals.
One tradition is to go to a field and randomly collect wildflowers. Then bring them home and divine their magickal meanings by the use of books, your own intuition, a pendulum or by other means. The flowers you've chosen reveal your inner thoughts and emotions.
It is important at this time of renewed life to plan a walk through gardens, a park, woodlands, forest and other green places. Other traditional activities include planting seeds, working on magickal gardens and practicing all forms of herb work - magickal, medicinal, culinary and artistic.
Foods for this day include those made of seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds. Sprouts are equally appropriate, as are leafy, green vegetables.
At this time, witches cast spells for careers, relationships, and love. It's a time for planting new ideas.
Seek harmony and balance in the incredible energy of the season, and project good health, good fortune, and confidence in achieving goals.
Symbols used to represent Ostara include the egg-for fertility and reproduction, and the hare-for rebirth and resurrection, the New Moon, butterflies and cocoons. Symbolically, many Pagans choose to represent Ostara by the planting of seeds, potted plants, ringing bells, lighting new fires at sunrise, either in the fireplace, in the cauldron, or light a balefire outdoors. I always give myself a gift of a newly potted plant or
take a seed and plant it within my cast Circle. Ritually, a fire may be lit in the cauldron during (not before) the rite itself. You may want to decorate your altar with a colorful bouquet of Spring wildflowers. Other traditional activities include working on magickal gardens and practicing all forms of herbal work --- magickal, artistic, medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic. author unknown
Ostara Deities: Eostre, the adolescent Spring Maiden, the adolescent Spring Lord, All Youthful and Virile Gods and Goddesses, Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses, Love Goddesses, Moon Gods and Goddesses, and all Fertility Deities including :Persephone, Blodeuwedd, Eostre, Aphrodite, Athena, Gaia, Cybele, Hera, Isis, Ishtar, Minerva, Venus, Robin of the Woods, the Green Man, Cernunnos, Lord of the Greenwood, The Dagda, Attis, The Great Horned God, Mithras, Odin, Thoth, Osiris, and Pan.
Symbolism of Ostara: Renewed promise of life, The Union of the Goddess and the God,
Fertility, and dispensing of the old and making way for the new.Resurrection of life , The Season of Rebirth
Symbols of Ostara: Eggs, bunnies, new moon, butterflies, cocoons, dragons, flowers,trees.
Colors: lemon yellow, pale green and pale pink. Other appropriate colors include green, all pastels, Robin's egg blue, violet, and white.
Ostara Foods: eggs, egg salad, hard-boiled eggs, honey cakes, first fruits of the season, fish, cakes, biscuits, cheeses, honey and ham. You may also include foods made of seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, as well as pine nuts. Sprouts are equally appropriate, as are leafy, green vegetables.
Plants and Herbs: acorn, broom, celandine, cinquefoil, crocuses, daffodil, dandelion, dogwood, elder, ginger, Gorse, honeysuckle (woodbine), iris, jasmine, jonquils, irish moss, lavender, lemon balm, lilac, Lily, lily of the valley, lovage, marjoram, meadowsweet, narcissus, oak, oakmoss, olive, orris root, peony, rose, rose hips, sage, snowdrops, strawberry, tansy, tarragon, thyme, trefoil (purple clover), tulip, vervain, violet, willow, woodruff and all spring flowers.
Incense: jasmine, frankincense, myrrh, dragon's blood, cinnamon, nutmeg, aloes wood, benzoin, musk, African violet, sage, strawberry, lotus, violet flowers, orange peel, or rose petals.
Gemstone: agate, amazonite, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, clear quartz crystal, garnet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, red jasper and rose quartz.
Spellwork for Ostara: Spellwork for improving communication and group interaction are recommended, as well as fertility, balance and abundance
Animals and Mythical Beasts: rabbits,snakes,unicorns, merpeople, and pegasus
Candle Colors: Yellow and Green.
Tree: The Alder, a tree sacred to the God Bran, who is said to protect the British Isles. Trees are very
important to Witches, and indeed important to us all. They are the lungs of the Earth, purifying the very air we breathe as they shade us and protect us.
Ostara Activities
Here is a traditional Vernal Equinox pastime according to Scott Cunningham: go to a field and randomly collect wildflowers. Thank the flowers for their sacrifice before picking them and it is also best to leave an offering to the plant and/or the Earth for taking the flowers, such as some milk and honey, a small crystal or even a coin. Or, buy some from a florist, taking one or two of those that appeal to you. Then bring them home and divine their magickal meanings by the use of books, your own intuition, a pendulum or by other means. The flowers you've chosen reveal your inner thoughts and emotions. A particular suggestion from Scott Cunningham that I really enjoy each
year is to do the following... at this time in the turn of the Wheel of the Year, when all things are green and renewed life is all around us, it is a very good idea to plan a walk (or a ride) through gardens, a park, woodlands, forest and other green places. This is not simply for exercise, and you should be on no other mission. It isn't even just an appreciation of Nature. You should make your walk celebratory, a ritual for Nature itself. Other Pagan activities may
include the planting of your herb and/or vegetable garden.
Another very popular Ostara activity is decorating and coloring or dying hard-boiled eggs - or other eggs such as wooden or paper mache (I call them "Ostara Eggs"), and drawing Pagan and magickal symbols on the colored eggs. You could then choose to either keep the eggs, bury them in the Earth or cast them into a fire as offerings to the
Goddess - the choice is yours. If you use hard- boiled eggs, then bury them in the Earth when the ritual is over. Wooden ones can be bought at a local craft store (such as Hobby Lobby). These eggs can be reused next year and you can even add new ones to the old, if you like. The first thing I do is paint them each a different color - whatever shade strikes me - whether it be dull, bright, pastel, or primary. Then I use gold and silver paint pens to draw Pagan designs and magickal symbols all over them. You may opt to use other color combinations. It is entirely up to your personal choice. I have one egg that is totally covered with interconnected triangles (Triple Goddess), a couple with pentagrams and God and Goddess symbols, some with words written in Theban script, etc. Just let your imagination take you there - it's a lot of fun!
Clear a space for a garden, or start flowers, herbs or vegetables indoors. It's too early in this climate to plant fruits and
vegetables; frosts can happen as late as April in the North.
You can clear weeds, grass and rubbish from the spot where you plan a garden, or you can start seeds indoors.
Pick up litter at your favorite park or beach. Help the earth rejuvenate by getting rid of the mess.
Meditate on the imagery of the seed.
Meditate on the season's flowers. Flowers are the sexual organs of plants, consider what this says to you.
Perform magick to give back to the earth. Raise and send energy to return to the Earth, our mother, some of the bounteous energy and fertility She gives to us.
Meditate on the Moon-Hare, rabbits provide an obvious symbol of animal fertility and see what comes to you about literal or creative fertility in your own life.
Honor the spring or Earth goddess or god of your choice, or a goddess or god of balance.
Light a bonfire at dawn on the Equinox to honor the light half of the year.
Meditate or perform ritual at dawn or sunset.
Meditate or perform ritual for balance in your life and in the earth's life.
Do a ritual denoting the passing of the year's dark half.
Use the energy of the time of year as you would the first quarter of the moon. You can use the energy of this time of year to fuel any new project or goal.
Meditate on beginnings, on the East, on air, on dawn. In meditation, note how these symbols connect organically and how you relate personally to them.
Taking a long walk in nature with no intent other than reflecting on the Magick of nature and our Great Mother and her bounty.
If you don't do your spring cleaning at Imbolc it is an ideal time to clean your home to welcome the new season.
Offerings of food and milk are left for the fairies and other spirits who live in and around rocks and are responsible for the fertility of the land. Leave a few fruits from the last harvest for the nature spirits.
Ostara Lore
This marks the rekindling of life within the Earth and the renewal of fertility to our spiritual lives. This fertility festival and the Christian Easter celebration both get their names from the free-spirited goddess, Eostre. Legend has it that while entertaining a group of children, she once turned a bird into a rabbit. To the amusement of the children, the bewitched animal laid colored eggs. Her story is the basis for the Easter Bunny, spring egg hunts, and most other traditions associated with this holiday.
Eostre's story aside, the egg is an excellent symbol for the spring celebration. The egg white represents the all-encompassing nature of the Goddess while the golden yolk represents the virile qualities of the Sun God. The symmetrical outer shell binds the two together, sealing Their fertility and Their perfect love for one another.
From a more mundane angle, all animal life comes from eggs. Fish, fowL amphibians, and insects lay them. Mammals conceive when sperm cells penetrire them. If you wanted to stretch the imagination somewhat, you could say that vegetation sprouts from eggs, too. Being embryonic and shell-covered, seeds are egg-like in nature. For these reasons, eggs provide a prime fertility symbol for thr Ostara ritual.
The above article from Dorothy Morrisons The Craft A Witchs Book of Shadows
For those of us in colder climates the coming of this sabbat means the ending of the cold that has hung on for what seems to be forever. The sap begins to flow, the trees are budding, the ground softens, ice melts, and everywhere the fragrance and colors of spring slowly awake from their sleep. It's the second of the three spring holidays, Imbolc marking spring's first glimmer and Beltaine spring's height and power. If Imbolc is about inspiration and Beltaine about consummation, then Ostara is about growth. Since the Spring Equinox represents new life and growth, this is the perfect sabbat for planting the seeds of plans you made at Imbolc.
As Spring reaches its midpoint, night and day are in perfect balance, with light growing every day. This is the time when the young Sun God now celebrates a sacred marraige with the young Maiden Goddess,who once again became a virgin at Imbolc. The courtship begins. It is a time of great fertility, new growth, and newborn animals.
One tradition is to go to a field and randomly collect wildflowers. Then bring them home and divine their magickal meanings by the use of books, your own intuition, a pendulum or by other means. The flowers you've chosen reveal your inner thoughts and emotions.
It is important at this time of renewed life to plan a walk through gardens, a park, woodlands, forest and other green places. Other traditional activities include planting seeds, working on magickal gardens and practicing all forms of herb work - magickal, medicinal, culinary and artistic.
Foods for this day include those made of seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds. Sprouts are equally appropriate, as are leafy, green vegetables.
At this time, witches cast spells for careers, relationships, and love. It's a time for planting new ideas.
Seek harmony and balance in the incredible energy of the season, and project good health, good fortune, and confidence in achieving goals.
Symbols used to represent Ostara include the egg-for fertility and reproduction, and the hare-for rebirth and resurrection, the New Moon, butterflies and cocoons. Symbolically, many Pagans choose to represent Ostara by the planting of seeds, potted plants, ringing bells, lighting new fires at sunrise, either in the fireplace, in the cauldron, or light a balefire outdoors. I always give myself a gift of a newly potted plant or
take a seed and plant it within my cast Circle. Ritually, a fire may be lit in the cauldron during (not before) the rite itself. You may want to decorate your altar with a colorful bouquet of Spring wildflowers. Other traditional activities include working on magickal gardens and practicing all forms of herbal work --- magickal, artistic, medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic. author unknown
Ostara Deities: Eostre, the adolescent Spring Maiden, the adolescent Spring Lord, All Youthful and Virile Gods and Goddesses, Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses, Love Goddesses, Moon Gods and Goddesses, and all Fertility Deities including :Persephone, Blodeuwedd, Eostre, Aphrodite, Athena, Gaia, Cybele, Hera, Isis, Ishtar, Minerva, Venus, Robin of the Woods, the Green Man, Cernunnos, Lord of the Greenwood, The Dagda, Attis, The Great Horned God, Mithras, Odin, Thoth, Osiris, and Pan.
Symbolism of Ostara: Renewed promise of life, The Union of the Goddess and the God,
Fertility, and dispensing of the old and making way for the new.Resurrection of life , The Season of Rebirth
Symbols of Ostara: Eggs, bunnies, new moon, butterflies, cocoons, dragons, flowers,trees.
Colors: lemon yellow, pale green and pale pink. Other appropriate colors include green, all pastels, Robin's egg blue, violet, and white.
Ostara Foods: eggs, egg salad, hard-boiled eggs, honey cakes, first fruits of the season, fish, cakes, biscuits, cheeses, honey and ham. You may also include foods made of seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, as well as pine nuts. Sprouts are equally appropriate, as are leafy, green vegetables.
Plants and Herbs: acorn, broom, celandine, cinquefoil, crocuses, daffodil, dandelion, dogwood, elder, ginger, Gorse, honeysuckle (woodbine), iris, jasmine, jonquils, irish moss, lavender, lemon balm, lilac, Lily, lily of the valley, lovage, marjoram, meadowsweet, narcissus, oak, oakmoss, olive, orris root, peony, rose, rose hips, sage, snowdrops, strawberry, tansy, tarragon, thyme, trefoil (purple clover), tulip, vervain, violet, willow, woodruff and all spring flowers.
Incense: jasmine, frankincense, myrrh, dragon's blood, cinnamon, nutmeg, aloes wood, benzoin, musk, African violet, sage, strawberry, lotus, violet flowers, orange peel, or rose petals.
Gemstone: agate, amazonite, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, clear quartz crystal, garnet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, red jasper and rose quartz.
Spellwork for Ostara: Spellwork for improving communication and group interaction are recommended, as well as fertility, balance and abundance
Animals and Mythical Beasts: rabbits,snakes,unicorns, merpeople, and pegasus
Candle Colors: Yellow and Green.
Tree: The Alder, a tree sacred to the God Bran, who is said to protect the British Isles. Trees are very
important to Witches, and indeed important to us all. They are the lungs of the Earth, purifying the very air we breathe as they shade us and protect us.
Ostara Activities
Here is a traditional Vernal Equinox pastime according to Scott Cunningham: go to a field and randomly collect wildflowers. Thank the flowers for their sacrifice before picking them and it is also best to leave an offering to the plant and/or the Earth for taking the flowers, such as some milk and honey, a small crystal or even a coin. Or, buy some from a florist, taking one or two of those that appeal to you. Then bring them home and divine their magickal meanings by the use of books, your own intuition, a pendulum or by other means. The flowers you've chosen reveal your inner thoughts and emotions. A particular suggestion from Scott Cunningham that I really enjoy each
year is to do the following... at this time in the turn of the Wheel of the Year, when all things are green and renewed life is all around us, it is a very good idea to plan a walk (or a ride) through gardens, a park, woodlands, forest and other green places. This is not simply for exercise, and you should be on no other mission. It isn't even just an appreciation of Nature. You should make your walk celebratory, a ritual for Nature itself. Other Pagan activities may
include the planting of your herb and/or vegetable garden.
Another very popular Ostara activity is decorating and coloring or dying hard-boiled eggs - or other eggs such as wooden or paper mache (I call them "Ostara Eggs"), and drawing Pagan and magickal symbols on the colored eggs. You could then choose to either keep the eggs, bury them in the Earth or cast them into a fire as offerings to the
Goddess - the choice is yours. If you use hard- boiled eggs, then bury them in the Earth when the ritual is over. Wooden ones can be bought at a local craft store (such as Hobby Lobby). These eggs can be reused next year and you can even add new ones to the old, if you like. The first thing I do is paint them each a different color - whatever shade strikes me - whether it be dull, bright, pastel, or primary. Then I use gold and silver paint pens to draw Pagan designs and magickal symbols all over them. You may opt to use other color combinations. It is entirely up to your personal choice. I have one egg that is totally covered with interconnected triangles (Triple Goddess), a couple with pentagrams and God and Goddess symbols, some with words written in Theban script, etc. Just let your imagination take you there - it's a lot of fun!
Clear a space for a garden, or start flowers, herbs or vegetables indoors. It's too early in this climate to plant fruits and
vegetables; frosts can happen as late as April in the North.
You can clear weeds, grass and rubbish from the spot where you plan a garden, or you can start seeds indoors.
Pick up litter at your favorite park or beach. Help the earth rejuvenate by getting rid of the mess.
Meditate on the imagery of the seed.
Meditate on the season's flowers. Flowers are the sexual organs of plants, consider what this says to you.
Perform magick to give back to the earth. Raise and send energy to return to the Earth, our mother, some of the bounteous energy and fertility She gives to us.
Meditate on the Moon-Hare, rabbits provide an obvious symbol of animal fertility and see what comes to you about literal or creative fertility in your own life.
Honor the spring or Earth goddess or god of your choice, or a goddess or god of balance.
Light a bonfire at dawn on the Equinox to honor the light half of the year.
Meditate or perform ritual at dawn or sunset.
Meditate or perform ritual for balance in your life and in the earth's life.
Do a ritual denoting the passing of the year's dark half.
Use the energy of the time of year as you would the first quarter of the moon. You can use the energy of this time of year to fuel any new project or goal.
Meditate on beginnings, on the East, on air, on dawn. In meditation, note how these symbols connect organically and how you relate personally to them.
Taking a long walk in nature with no intent other than reflecting on the Magick of nature and our Great Mother and her bounty.
If you don't do your spring cleaning at Imbolc it is an ideal time to clean your home to welcome the new season.
Offerings of food and milk are left for the fairies and other spirits who live in and around rocks and are responsible for the fertility of the land. Leave a few fruits from the last harvest for the nature spirits.
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Re: Ostara information and rituals
Ostara and Mabon are two of my favorite holidays, so I felt like it would be nice to revive this topic.
This post has many lovely ideas, does anybody have any personal rituals they would add to it?
This post has many lovely ideas, does anybody have any personal rituals they would add to it?
- Lord_of_Nightmares
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Re: Ostara information and rituals
These are nice rituals but a small correction. There is no proof of the goddess Ostara's existence among anglo-saxons, leading some to think she never existed. But that doesn't stop me. xD
I am the Earth, The Sun and the Stars
And I am the also the Moon
I am all animal and birds,
And I am the outcast as well, and the thief
I am the low person of dreadful deeds,
And the great person of excellent deeds
I am Female. I am Male and I am Neuter. - Devi
And I am the also the Moon
I am all animal and birds,
And I am the outcast as well, and the thief
I am the low person of dreadful deeds,
And the great person of excellent deeds
I am Female. I am Male and I am Neuter. - Devi
Re: Ostara information and rituals
This is very helpful!!! I just posted a thread about Ostara before I saw this, but now this answers all my questions. Oopsie poopsie. Lol. Maybe I can edit it.
- HopefulChild
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Re: Ostara information and rituals
My wife and I are just going to give the kids their "easter" stuff on Ostara. This will be the first year we officially recognize "our" holiday versus the Christian version we were both raised under.
It is kicking off with Mommy being able to sleep in as late as she wants LOL.
Wish Us luck and have a lovely holiday to all of you!
It is kicking off with Mommy being able to sleep in as late as she wants LOL.
Wish Us luck and have a lovely holiday to all of you!
Re: Ostara information and rituals
That's awesome Hopeful ! Have a grand day
Bb, Firebird
![fairy :fairy:](images/smilies/Fairy.gif)
In all honesty is there really proof that any of the Gods and Goddesses existed? Its part of faith....The Goddess honored at this time was Eostre, and there is quite a lot of information on her.Lady_Lilith wrote:There is no proof of the goddess Ostara's existence among anglo-saxons,
Bb, Firebird
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
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- Location: A land far away up north
Re: Ostara information and rituals
What a fantastic thread. Thank you for the awesome ideas on what to do... I'm planning a clean up of my place and a ritual to do, this thread sure helped a lot.
Re: Ostara information and rituals
Passover y'all. Easter is calculated the way it is because of Passover. It's not really because of paganism. Christians actually didn't just slap Easter where it is for no reason. The Bible's real clear about what's going on at that time, and it's Passover. This is why in most countries Easter is called something like Pascha, descended from Pesach, Passover. Easter got it's name because it usually falls during a month which may have been named after a goddess - it is not directly named after that goddess. Passover begins on the 15th of the Jewish month of Nisan, which must always fall in the spring. The Jewish calendar is both solar and lunar (like a great many calendars were back in the day), so the 15th is going to fall right around the full moon. That's why the equinox and full moon feature in the calculation of Easter, not because of something some pagans may have been doing.Ravencry wrote: Even the way in which "Easter" is arrived at is Pagan in origin, calculated from the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Equinox.
Easter cannot fall on the full moon not because the church was afraid of pagans, but because it would make no sense with the Jewish calendar and what the Bible itself says! We know Jesus was still alive and kickin at that full moon, the 15th of Nisan, because he was still going about doing stuff like the last supper and whatnot. So celebrating Easter, his resurrection then, doesn't really work out.
Now a couple hundred years after Jesus' death the church tried to make the date more solid, as to not rely so much on the Jewish calendar, and trying to make it line up with the Julian calendar, and it was all kind of a mess... Especially since the Jewish calendar went through a bit of reform of it's own around that time. But there's still heavy overlap. Most years Easter comes around during the middle/end of Passover, just as it makes sense for it to be, Biblically speaking. Once every several years it does not overlap due to the reforms of the Jewish calendar (this is one of the reasons why Christians took the issue into their own hands way back for calculating the date), but most years, and this year, they overlap.
If you want to pick at holiday dates that don't really make sense, go pick on Christmas. But the timing of Easter is actually a holiday there's a fair amount of support for.
(So why are there 'pagan' bunnies and eggs and all that? People who converted brought their previous traditions with them and gave them new meaning. They built on what their ancestors did. Ancient pagans did the same sort of thing. It's not always that deep...)
Re: Ostara information and rituals
Hi, I’m new here and I apologise if I’m asking this in the wrong section...
Regarding offerings/settings of the altar for a specific sabbat, how do we know how long to leave them on the altar before we change it again?
Thank you in advance for your guidance!
Regarding offerings/settings of the altar for a specific sabbat, how do we know how long to leave them on the altar before we change it again?
Thank you in advance for your guidance!
Re: Ostara information and rituals
You know Austria is actually called Osterreich
How do you think the name would influence the overall course of the country?
How do you think the name would influence the overall course of the country?