How pagans see life after death?
How pagans see life after death?
How pagans see life after death? I am used to christian way of looking, but what about Pagans? 

Re: How pagans see life after death?

Many believe in a place called the Summerland, or the otherworld.
Also seems very insensible to burn in Hell. To me this is a control method used by the church to brain wash their congregants.
In my personal view and knowing that the human body has an electrical component in the brain...I find comfort in the fact that electricity as a rule can never be created or destroyed it just changes form. So no matter what happens, life is not linear, and we do not just blink out.
My teacher died of breast cancer, and she had no fear of her impending exit, and with confidence knew she would be born again into the arms of her mother, whoever that was. It also made the transition easier to bear for many of us, we knew she was going to be ok, because she believed she was going to the next gig.
In many traditions/cases there is a body of water involved, one must cross to get to the next realm. Some might argue/wonder if this is indeed the amniotic fluid.
So, whether this transition is instantaneous or not is a mystery, but one can be sure there is more out there. Onward! Excelsior! From this life to the next!...and in the words of my beloved Jim Morrison, "We live we die and death not ends it."
many blessings, Firebird
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

Re: How pagans see life after death?
One night by chance found some Rudolf Steiner lectures videos on youtube about the afterlife, not his voice he passed away in 1925.
- HopefulChild
- Posts: 274
- Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:10 pm
Re: How pagans see life after death?
This is heavily reliant on your personal cosmology. How you understand the universe.
As mentioned by the esteemed Firebird, there are some commonly shared/used words and concepts. I hold that during the pagan reawakening those terms were invented to help comfort the abrahamic religions fears.
My own worst case scenario is that my cosmology is so uniquely my own that there won't be any other people who can share into my afterlife. That would be pretty lonely. Hopefully that's all ego driven and I'll cross over and be like everyone else.
I've read posts from other members here that they had experiences with dead loved ones who told them that the next phase is a lot like this one. You get time to explore and learn like a child does, and then you are expected to choose a path and to "do work" relevant to the continued functioning of the universe.
After my brother passed away, there was a period of roughly 2 years when I could sense his presence on and off. I would talk to him as though he were listening.
Then I had a dream or a vision and he let me know he had other things he wanted to explore so I wouldn't sense him again until I crossed over...after that his presence was gone and has remained gone.
There is no "pagan afterlife" because every pagan has a unique personal religion just like every christian, muslim, jew, and Hindu are each practicing a uniquely personal version of their respective religion.
I'm sure that isn't what you were hoping to hear.
One thing I can say confidently is that this life is not all we get. What makes us-US, doesn't simply vanish when the blood oxygen level in our brain drops so low that neurons can no longer fire off.
We cross over. If you are comfortable with the word soul...then the soul continues.
What do you think happens?
What kind of afterlife is available to is all based on your understanding of the universe?
As mentioned by the esteemed Firebird, there are some commonly shared/used words and concepts. I hold that during the pagan reawakening those terms were invented to help comfort the abrahamic religions fears.
My own worst case scenario is that my cosmology is so uniquely my own that there won't be any other people who can share into my afterlife. That would be pretty lonely. Hopefully that's all ego driven and I'll cross over and be like everyone else.
I've read posts from other members here that they had experiences with dead loved ones who told them that the next phase is a lot like this one. You get time to explore and learn like a child does, and then you are expected to choose a path and to "do work" relevant to the continued functioning of the universe.
After my brother passed away, there was a period of roughly 2 years when I could sense his presence on and off. I would talk to him as though he were listening.
Then I had a dream or a vision and he let me know he had other things he wanted to explore so I wouldn't sense him again until I crossed over...after that his presence was gone and has remained gone.
There is no "pagan afterlife" because every pagan has a unique personal religion just like every christian, muslim, jew, and Hindu are each practicing a uniquely personal version of their respective religion.
I'm sure that isn't what you were hoping to hear.
One thing I can say confidently is that this life is not all we get. What makes us-US, doesn't simply vanish when the blood oxygen level in our brain drops so low that neurons can no longer fire off.
We cross over. If you are comfortable with the word soul...then the soul continues.
What do you think happens?
What kind of afterlife is available to is all based on your understanding of the universe?