Review-Wicca: a guide to modern witchcraft and Magick

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Moon Petal
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Review-Wicca: a guide to modern witchcraft and Magick

Post by Moon Petal »

Written by Harmony Nice and released in October 2018.

This is very much an introduction-type book but as someone who needed to brush up on everything I found it very informative. Harmony not only covers the basics: Wiccan Rede, circle casting, ritual tools, Sabbats and Esbats, herbs, colours, etc. She also talks about the many different paths within Wicca, the different deities, tips for those living in small spaces, and dealing with negative reactions, etc.

The thing I enjoyed most about the book was her constant reminder that everyone has their own way of practicing magick and there is no right or wrong way, as long as you do no harm.

This was a great read, and I can definitely see myself using it as a reference as I continue with my path.
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Re: Review-Wicca: a guide to modern witchcraft and Magick

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh good. Thanks for the review. Just a quick Q: When telling the basics, does she explain why she does a thing this way or that way & maybe give alternatives?
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Moon Petal
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Re: Review-Wicca: a guide to modern witchcraft and Magick

Post by Moon Petal »

Aside from explaining how she casts a circle and of her some spells and rituals, she doesn’t tell the reader how things should be done but rather things you CAN do. So yes, she gives a lot of alternatives. It’s an extremely unbiased book which is very refreshing.
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