Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

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Bychan Wulf
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Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I've been planning to upload a picture with the "to go altair" that I arrange before rituals and spells. It has different components each time,depending on the natire of the ritual. I still have a lot to learn,so I just use whatever speaks to me at the moment of setting it.
Criticism and advice are all welcome! :-)
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by moonraingirl »

It looks nice, I find simple and natural things the most effective.
Can you explain the meaning of those items to you?
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Thank you!
In the white basket there is a statue of my Goddess,dried flowers for smell and the element Earth and shells for Water(which is my favourite element)
In the lila bag,there is thread, small things that can be inseryed on bracelets and some small papers with spells or other notes.
The white candle is the one I light when I invite the Goddess,the knife I use as an anthem (it's out of ceramic) and the pyramid for channeling the energy.
The others are candies for offerings,incent,and 2 branches from the Yule tree which symbolise the life.
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by corvidus »

I'm healed just looking at it!! ;)
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Aww,thank you!
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by SpiritTalker »

I like the pyramid. It's a beauty.
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by moonraingirl »

That's lovely :-)
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by Thitabe »

Very nice and simple. Simple is always good. The more complex an alter or spell, the more that can go wrong.
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by Bychan Wulf »

After my last prayer,I forgot to put everything back and left a part of the altair on the bookshelf. When my parents and grandparents entered the room and I realised I left it there,I was sure that I would have to tell them that I'm a pagan or lie to them (not the best option anyway)
Instead of asking questions and being upset,they loved it and now I have to make a few more for my grandma and her friends :shock:
So...I guses that will be my permanent hidden-in-plane-sight pagan altair.
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by smogie_michele »

My altar looked much like that when I was living with my in-laws. They once asked me about it, and I just told them that all of the components of it were soothing to me, and I like to be around them when I pray or mediate, so they dropped it.

Very pretty.
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by SpiritTalker »

Whew, what a relief, i imagine. Still, It looks very christmassy to me with the greens and red candle. The fairy could even be an angel. Nice to know the energy is not disrupted.
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Thank you smogie and ST!
smogie_michele wrote:They once asked me about it, and I just told them that all of the components of it were soothing to me, and I like to be around them when I pray or mediate, so they dropped it.
Haha. Are they cool with you being spiritual or did they just say "ok" and give you strange looks?
Spit Talker wrote: Still, It looks very christmassy to me with the greens and red candle
Yeah,I love the feeling that comes with Christmas. We usually keep the tree and all the ornaments untill February.
SpiritTalker wrote:The fairy could even be an angel.
That is the closest thing to the image of my Goddess. The one I have in mind.
Others associated it with Mary or Angels too. But Fairy is new,and much more interesting,to be honest ;-)
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by SpiritTalker »

When I enlarge it so I can see it on my iPad, it looks like something gauzy on her back shoulders, so I thought she might be a fairy statue.

Heh heh my Goddess representation is a black star crowned"Nile Goddess" figure. It's the closest to my imagination of the primal female force. She wouldn't make anyone think christmassy thoughts. ;) For the god, I use a stag head candle holder; & sometimes I use a dancing frog candle holder for Herself in playful moods. Just sharing.
Bychan Wulf
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Re: Bychan Wulf's Yule and healing spell-Altair

Post by Bychan Wulf »

This candle holder is for Christmas,I have one for Halloween too. The one I use everyday is a glass with a Gothic-style cover,or a simple green candle holder.
SpiritTalker wrote: my Goddess representation is a black star crowned"Nile Goddess" figure. It's the closest to my imagination of the primal female force
I'm working with Gaia and the first things that come to mind are nature and purity. I'm also on a very low budget,so for now I have to work with what I can find in a christian house.
I am so waiting for the moment I will have total freedom <sigh> and that moment is so close hehe
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