No such thing as Christian Wicca

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Witchy333 »

Mazu_Sakura wrote:However, part of the bible also states that members of witchcraft should be killed, for they are not real humans at all.
This part of the bible was edited by King James VI because he was scared of witchcraft. That was not apart of the first edition of the bible.
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Mazu Sakura »

YULE: Winter Solstice for pagans is a time of feasting and the exchanging of gifts and is the original Holiday that the Christian religions modified into their own Christmas, even up to the birth of the child (Most theologians who have spent time studying the birth of Jesus admit he was born in either March or April, not the celebrated Christmas date we all know from the standard calendar - it was moved to this date to help induce Pagans to give up their old ways yet allow them their holidays during the spread of Christianity through Europe and the British Isles).

IMBOLC: Brigid had such a strong following among the Celtics that the Christian church decided it was easier to assimilate her into their own system, and so there came about the making of Saint Brigit and all the stories they created about her so that her followers would leave their old beliefs enough so they would not side with the Druids, who were known at that time as 'the snakes' because of their tendency to have tamed snakes that were used to help produce various healing mixtures via their venom, and who were violently opposing the Catholic church.

Handcrafts are often sacrificed to Brigid or dedicated to her as they are started on this day. Its celebration is done with many candles and as usual much feasting. The Christians also took, moved slightly and used this date by creating St. Valentine and using the day for one of chaste love reflections.

OSTARA: In the Christian calendar, again to draw early worshipers, they marked this as the final days and rebirth of Jesus (when according to history he died in June!)


My meaning is, Christians have copied MANY things from the Pagans and what they believed in an attempt to "Brainwash" the Pagans into joining their side.
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Mazu Sakura »

Witchy333 wrote:
Mazu_Sakura wrote:However, part of the bible also states that members of witchcraft should be killed, for they are not real humans at all.
This part of the bible was edited by King James VI because he was scared of witchcraft. That was not apart of the first edition of the bible.
Exactly the point I make. Nothing is as it was when the first bible was writ.
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Mazu Sakura »

firebirdflys wrote:not only do you take a language that is difficult to translate, but have you ever played telephone??? you pass the story down through 10 people and the story changes, try hundreds of times over a couple thousand years, swayed by those who would wish to influence...
But in response to the Christian Wicca...there may be such a thing, maybe,... and I say this only if they are separating the Goddess and God from the the rest of the practice. (kinda takes a lot of the beauty out of it,) but I can see a Christian following the cycles of the seasons. ... 22274.html
Blessings Firebird
Another Excellent point!
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Firebird »

I admire the zeal you have for the craft, unfortunately that news is not new, but it probably is to some, so thanks for posting...
I wanted to add something about this statement:
Mazu_Sakura wrote:so they would not side with the Druids, who were known at that time as 'the snakes' because of their tendency to have tamed snakes that were used to help produce various healing mixtures via their venom, and who were violently opposing the Catholic church.
as far as I understand there were no poisonous native snakes to the British Isles, and the "snakes" that were driven out by St. Patrick, are the Druids.
The Adder has venom but is only lethal to those who are allergic.
BB, Firebird
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by The Judge »

Zili wrote:
Back then witch actually was used to describe someone who dabbled in healing medicine. The original word was the Hebrew or Latin version of pharmacist.
Wrong wrong wrong. the term people translate to mean "witch" in our modern language did not mean so back then it meant sorcerer/sorceress it refers to those who used their knowledge for wrong, those that did practice more evil things such as calling up demons, casting curses and hexes, and so on.
This is a point of contention. It was translated into that but the word that was a more accurate translation was chemist/apothicary.

Here is something that provides a little more info: ... 65647.html

And this: ... er-a-witch
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Lillady »

I strongly believe there is no such thing as Christian Wicca. Christianity is complex just like being Wiccan, Celtic and the like but overall looking upon the histories of each and the similarites, coincidences that have evolved overtime. I just cannot see how one can follow "God" but study Wicca where many will follow the God/Goddess. I apologize if I offend anybody , certainly not my intentions. I have tried to be a Christian and study Wicca but I cant knowing it is wrong in the sense entirely. Many of you here have given a great deal of information for those who are uninformed. Just wanted to state my look on it :) Blessings Be!
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Xiao Rong » ... 03-20-2013

Here is a very interesting argument about "Why You Can't Worship Jesus Christ and Be Pagan", touching on many of the same thoughts discussed earlier in this thread. I am not a Christian Wiccan, but I'd be very interested to hear your reactions to this article.

ETA: I should probably add that the above article is pretty ... emphatic about its assertions, and not afraid to be controversial.
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Miss RNG »

whitefire wrote:I'm Christian. And I'm learning more and more about Wicca every day, and beginning to consider it part of my identity.

I resolve the 'conflict' very simply, in that for me, there is no conflict. I have battled long and hard with Christianity and concepts of Christianity and what Christianity means to me. I was devout at 7. I was an angry atheist at 12. At 16, I had a religious revival that lasted until I was 19. Then, I began to reassess. I stepped back. I prayed - and do still pray - every day. I pray the rosary when I am worried. I sit in churches if I am out and about and a panic attack strikes. I have a St Christopher pendant to protect me from harm. And when I set up my altar when I move house, I'm going to be retrieving a statue I had when I was a child to take pride of place on it - a statue of Mary.

You know, I had a friend, once, who told me that Catholicism's 'worship' of Mary was as bad as the worshiping of false idols that the Ten Commandments forbids. That's one branch of Christianity. It isn't mine.

My boyfriend studies history, and loves it. He's passionate about the religious aspects, too. And let me tell you, people have believed some crazy stuff. And one of the things that gets him most riled up is people relying heavily - and basing their lives around - quotes from the Bible. Because they're badly translated. Because they're old. Because the Bible was written by a bunch of dudes who - assuming they really were influenced by the Holy Spirit, really did hear Jesus preach - went out of their way to keep THEIR values enshrined in what they were writing.

This is super evident in the New Testament. On one page, you have Jesus preaching about how love is the highest of virtues, how you should question God to reach the truth, how you should be good and kind and how all people are equal. On the next page you have rules about how if a woman cheats on her husband she should be stoned to death. One of these things is not like the others.

I follow Christianity as Christianity happens to me. I believe in the Christian God - that is, one entity that created everything. I do not believe that that entity is a stern, bearded man. I do not think I believe that there are two separate 'member's only' clubs of Heaven and Hell. Hell, really, I think means only a place without God - without any hope of God. And at the time of writing the Bible, no God was a big deal, because this religion was supposed to permeate everything. I don't think about Heaven and Hell. I think about my life.

The God I believe in, the God I worship, is kind. That God makes me strong. I pray to 'Him', but I do not think he is any more male than I am. He is everything, because from him came everything. And to me, that includes other deities. I think those are all aspects of God. I have not done enough reading to comment conclusively, but I would say that the God and Goddess in Wicca would, to me, be halves of the same whole. I do not view my God as a person. I view Him as an essence of creation and kindness and love and spirituality. I see Him as a vibrant, wonderful force that flows through me and everything I touch and everything that exists. I see Him as a force that can propel me forwards, that can be harnessed through methods like prayer and worship and study and divination. The God I believe in loves fiercely and strongly, and wants me to love fiercely and strongly, too.

And I believe in a Christ that died on the cross. I don't know how much I believe in original sin. There's still a lot I have to work out. But there are things I know in my heart. And one of them is that I have thought about this long and hard, struggled and cried over it, and made my decisions.

When I read the tarot, I pray that my hand be guided to give me the answers I need. I do not always direct these prayers to God by name. I direct them into the universe of creation, because everything that exists is part of me and him and every other deity and system of belief that is contained therein.

And yeah, some people tell me I'm going to Hell for this. Non-Christians do, with a smug look on their face like they've caught me out. I don't care. What I believe is right for me. Christians tell me I don't worship right, but so what? The God of the New Testament, when you read it right, isn't going to hate on me for not dotting my I's and crossing my T's. I'm living right, I'm thankful, and I'm giving back.

I am Christian, and I am learning more about Wicca every day. The way I practice both, they are not in conflict. Maybe that means I'm not welcome in either? If so, that's the case. I can deal with that. But I'm going to keep doing what's right for me.

I am also Christian and i would like to thank you for posting this. Very well put. I have always wondered why God would be so cruel to those who practice "witchcraft" but give them "abilities" or "gifts". I was given a few different gifts and in no way do i believe them to be sinful. I have grown to be more intuitive than my friends and family..certainly "tapping" into that can't be wrong. Much as i believe that God charged our mother earth with the crystals..stones..trees and flowers. There is a very delicate balance here and i too am working on finding it.

Nobody should be ostracized because of their spiritual beliefs.

Peace and Love <3
::*Miss RNG*::

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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by lilmizsunshine727 »

I am not Christian, but I agree with Miss RNG and Whitefire. No one should be harassed or even given a hard time about their religion. Thea Sabin, a Wiccan author, states clearly that Wiccans do not hate anyone from any other religion, nor do they try to convert them. She also says Wicca is a wonderful religion in that you can practice it and any other religion as well. I realize that people are allowed their opinions, but no one should feel threatened by anyone else because of how they feel about a topic.
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by North Star »

I have 'Catholic Witches' in my family, a couple actually. So yes, they do and can exist. My mom wears a cross and a pentacle. My aunt too (not 'the aunt' lol, but even she respects these ladies... they are her closest friends for over 50 years). Both these woman can perform some kick ass magick and have no problem praying to their 'God' or going to Christmas Eve mass, then going home and busting out the yule log or smudging their house. The one big thing I have learned from them which sets them apart so much from many Christians, they have no hate or judgement. They are both the most easy going, do as you will women with the kindest hearts and they kept some of the beauty from their Catholic roots, dismissed the hatred, and incorporated it with magick.

Who is anyone to judge or say it is not possible to be both? I grew up with both and as much as I am a one path kind of gal, I never thought less of them. Sometimes it seems those who judge so strongly are in fact insecure about their own is the general rule of thumb for such strong criticism, it just says more about you than them. Those secure in our paths seem to not be bothered by those who mix Christianity with Witchcraft. Who cares if someone else believes in a Christian God and Witchcraft? If a person finds peace and beauty in their path and does not hate or judge... that is beautiful.
Wicce Lorrie

Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Wicce Lorrie »

My thoughts on this is when two (or more) religions are combined, very rarely--if ever--do people believe in them all in a totally equal way--straight down the line. One of them tends to be a dominant belief.

I believe it's best to choose the one where you feel you believe in most about--if not sure, you can find out by getting a pen and paper, draw a line down each one as columns and write down what you belief in each one, finding which one you favor more, and call yourself that but also saying you have some beliefs in others. Because for the most part, every religious person has beliefs in other religions too. If one does their research into other religions of the world, you'll find that there are plenty others out there you believe in too.

I say I'm Pagan--but with some Christian and Buddhist beliefs, because I mainly believe in paganism, and it's a lot less complicated to say I'm a Pagan/Christian/Buddhist.

Hardly anyone is 100% anything. For instance, even though some people say they are Conservative or Liberal..Really? Talk to these people for awhile and you realize the Conservatives beileve in some liberal issues and Liberals believe in some conservative issues. Religion is no different.
Wicce Lorrie

Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Wicce Lorrie »

North Star wrote:
Who cares if someone else believes in a Christian God and Witchcraft? If a person finds peace and beauty in their path and does not hate or judge... that is beautiful.
True, and I've heard many people say statements like this, for instance, "I can call myself anything I want, or call something anything I want."

The concern with that is, we, as humans, are forced to be on a planet where we are around people and we must communicate with other people as we all coexist with each other. To do that with some kind of peace, it's important to be less of a confusion in how you communicate, otherwise you get discussions like this which brings about frustrations and (possible) aruguments and not just with this board, but probably with most people you ever encounter if you want to discuss religious beliefs with them. It can cause quite a headache, so I personally believe it's best to say, as I said in my post above, what you mostly believe in.

You can call yourself anything you want--of course--a person can say they are an Atheist Catholic, but just be prepared for quite a heated discussion every time, if you mention it to others!
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by Holdasown »

You know we hear all the time that Christ is the New Testament but Christians use the Old Testament to through out judgments on others. Mary and Christ could easily be used as the Lord and Lady. As could Christ and the Holy Spirit (which I believe to be female). There are plenty in the Heathen community to get upset when Wicca used Freyr and Freya for their god/goddess and I say bs. We are called when we are called. The PA Dutch have lots of spells that reference Christ and the Bible and many esoteric traditions use Psalms as powerful works. You can be a Christian pagan. If you are following Wicca using Abrahamic representations for the Lord and Lady you are Christian Wiccan. If it's ok to honor say Thor and Hera together and call it eclectic then I say Christians have the same right. It's silly to keep fighting and judging over it.
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Re: No such thing as Christian Wicca

Post by lilmizsunshine727 »

North Star wrote:I have 'Catholic Witches' in my family, a couple actually. So yes, they do and can exist. My mom wears a cross and a pentacle. My aunt too (not 'the aunt' lol, but even she respects these ladies... they are her closest friends for over 50 years). Both these woman can perform some kick ass magick and have no problem praying to their 'God' or going to Christmas Eve mass, then going home and busting out the yule log or smudging their house. The one big thing I have learned from them which sets them apart so much from many Christians, they have no hate or judgement. They are both the most easy going, do as you will women with the kindest hearts and they kept some of the beauty from their Catholic roots, dismissed the hatred, and incorporated it with magick.

Who is anyone to judge or say it is not possible to be both? I grew up with both and as much as I am a one path kind of gal, I never thought less of them. Sometimes it seems those who judge so strongly are in fact insecure about their own is the general rule of thumb for such strong criticism, it just says more about you than them. Those secure in our paths seem to not be bothered by those who mix Christianity with Witchcraft. Who cares if someone else believes in a Christian God and Witchcraft? If a person finds peace and beauty in their path and does not hate or judge... that is beautiful.
Very well put (: They both sound like such interesting women!
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