Bychan Wulf's dream realm

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Bychan Wulf
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Re: Bychan Wulf's dream realm

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I keep having this recurrent dream:
I am in my yard, in front of my house, alone and something feels strange. When I pay more attention, everything is under water and I can see the peak of the rooftop, which is out of the water. I hold my breath and begin to panic. Then, a woman whose face I can never see, (sometimes her voice is one of a friend, someone I met or a completely strange person) and she tells me to calm down. I keep looking for a way out and know that swimming is not an option. The woman tells me that it's ok, because I can breathe under water, which seems highly impossible for me to do. Yet, I try to take small breaths and can indeed only feel the air coning in and not the water. I try to come closer to her, still fearing to take big breaths and sometimes she keeps talking to me or just dissapeared when I look away trying to find my family or friends.

This dream usually comes when I am really stressed or afraid of something. I usually wake up because I feel that I take water in and can't breathe any more, which also projects on my body, because I wake up breathing heavily.
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Re: Bychan Wulf's dream realm

Post by Tutmosis »

Water has been known to represent the inner mind, the darkness, the house of our intuition. My guess is that your soul is trying to tell you to trust your intuition about a particular thing in your life that may seem overwhelming.
Bychan Wulf
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Re: Bychan Wulf's dream realm

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Thank you for your insight!
I could try to do that and see what comes out ;-)
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