Metonic Cycle

For all things "moon", your guide to magical moon work, moon phases, etc.
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Metonic Cycle

Post by Firebird »



Named after Greek astronomer Menton in the 5th century BC, but also known by other names, it is a lunar/solar calendar that tracks the moons cycle of 18.6 years. You may have heard we will not see another super blue blood moon until 2036. The reason is this cycle. And also why every (aprox) 19 years the month of February is void of a Full moon. Causing what has now come to be known as a black moon month. There are other reasons for a black moon but one is this rare February without a full moon.
Now, how would work with this energy?
The rarity of this moon indicates that this energy must not be taken lightly. Firstly how does one normally approach the dark of/new moon? For myself it is a shedding of outworn ideas and andttitudes, letting go and preparing the road for change.
This black moon might be a great time to do an Inanna rite. Where one is shead of all their worldly goods, only to die a pseudo death and then be re-born. The focus for the next cycle of 19 years shoud be well thought out, however while laying in the "death" state one may receive messages or major clarity on direction and how focus may be achieved.
I find it interesting this moon should fall at a month known for initiations. Like Inanna coming down the cosmic birth canal the portal will be open to a new cycle, not only a moon cycle but a 19 year moon cycle! The moon will be in Sagittarius indicating one should shoot for the stars!

This cycle also let early astrologers know when the eclipses in this cycle were happening, solar and lunar.
The next time this void of full moon in February occurs, it will be predecessed by the Super blue blood moon. Where will you be?

I have heard that our Anasazi culture had niches carved at Chaco canyon (N.M.) to follow that cycle they also have a Solstice indicator nicely chiseled as a spiral into a rock.
(More to follow)...

Where to find the Moon in the sky on any given day depends on 3 things:

(1) the phase of the Moon on that day
(2) where the Sun is in the sky
(3) where the Moon is in its 18.6 year cycle
Source: ongoing project at the Uni of Mass, Amherst

Many black moon blessings!
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Re: Metonic Cycle

Post by SpiritTalker »

This is so cool! I wanted to find this in one place but hadn't taken the initiative. Thanx.
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Re: Metonic Cycle

Post by nightshroud »

this was a fun read thanks firebird
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Re: Metonic Cycle

Post by blue_moon »

Wow thanks for sharing your research!

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Re: Metonic Cycle

Post by Firebird »

[media]0[/media]You're welcome!
But wait...there's more !


Solar/lunar marker?
illustrations of the sun dagger calendar
illustrations of the sun dagger calendar
fb6f1df48395c5b168e9b450665eb640--western-world-the-western.jpg (16.63 KiB) Viewed 4399 times
This is an excerpt from a book called Contemporary Archaeologies of the Southwest, By William Walker, Kathryn R. Venzor
Where he speaks about the spiral/light dagger that marks solar/lunar calendar. Even though there is little sufficient ethnographic evidence that the Chacoans would have moon worship. They honored the Sun, why would the moon be left out? Unfortunately the area around the Sun dagger is inaccessible due to tourist impact having already damaged the alignment. This amazing artifact is on Fajada Butte which is within the Chaco Canyon National Park area. ... on&f=false

There is another area at the grand kiva called Casa Riconada which seems to me to be a most likely place to observe the 18.6 year moon cycle. This massive gathering spot was made for spiritual gatherings. Why wouldn't the gathering incorporate full moons?

By the way, the new cycle started in 2014 I believe, but will check to make sure. One thing that I found absolutely fascinating is the pattern on which this cycle takes. Looks very much like a DNA pattern :shock:

Bye for now!
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Re: Metonic Cycle

Post by Firebird »

Dark Moon cometh :fairy: :flyingwitch:
I wonder if there is a way to see that chart "the duration of the lunation" in a different format, and for a more recent time as that last one ended in 2018.
I go looking around.
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Re: Metonic Cycle-Antikythera mechanism

Post by Firebird »

Not only is this interesting hunk of decaying metal able to predict astronomical events it can also tell when the astrological phases are coming too. It could also foretell lunar eclipses relating to the 18/19 year metonic cycle, as well as solar eclipses and more...
It's been called the worlds first computer.!
It is well over 2000 years old and the only such calendar found, accidentally discovered while diving for sponges around 100 years ago. Yet the function of this highly sophisticated piece of machinery was largely unknown until recently.

Antikythera mechanism

For more information and some graphs see the Wikipedia entry.

Animation of how it works

Full documentary, by Nova[EDIT- the screen looks blank but the documentary is working]

So cool huh?
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Re: Metonic Cycle

Post by Firebird »

firebirdflys wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:48 am Dark Moon cometh :fairy: :flyingwitch:
I wonder if there is a way to see that chart "the duration of the lunation" in a different format, and for a more recent time as that last one ended in 2018.
I go looking around.
I found this interesting article, ... uary-2018/
Next time February is without a full moon is the beginning of the next metonic cycle. That is 2037, (oofda that's a ways off.)
So if the last cycle started in 2018, we are in year 3.
see that chart "the duration of the lunation" in a different format
not even sure what I was trying to say or thinking there :evilwitch:

This animation might offer an unusual perspective, here's the full moon on or near Christmas in the metonic cycle every 19 years since the year 1711 all they way through 2300!


Resourced from this wikipedia page,

Blessings, Firebird
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
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