
Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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loona wynd
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Post by loona wynd »

How many of you that are Christian Witches work primarily with angelic spirits?

What sort of research into angel lore did you do prior to working with them?

Do you work with the arch angels?
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Re: Angels

Post by Isis3Anubis »

The Dictionary of Angels by Gustov Davidson is a good reference book. I am not a Catholic but I respect angels as there power is great. Have respect and be grounded after ritual. St. Michael came through the strongest for me when I needed protection. Be careful there power can be overwhelming.
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Re: Angels

Post by loona wynd »

Isis3Anubis wrote:The Dictionary of Angels by Gustov Davidson is a good reference book. I am not a Catholic but I respect angels as there power is great. Have respect and be grounded after ritual. St. Michael came through the strongest for me when I needed protection. Be careful there power can be overwhelming.
I'm not Christian. I am a pagan witch through and through. That being said I still believe in Jesus as the Son of God or rather the son of a a specific God. I was raised in the UCC. I left when I realized just how heretical my views were in regards to their being more than one God and there being a Goddess as well. I never stopped believing in angels though.

I just have never really worked with them magically. That is why I started this thread. I was hoping for discussion about working with angels as well as the different angelic forces that exist out there. The one time I have worked with the Arch Angels has been when I use the LBRP for clearing an area of energetic forces.

My mom was raised Catholic so I learned a bit about saints and arch angels from her. I figured why not learn more and ask more questions?

Like any forces and spirits angels are going to be powerful. Any spirit is not something to play around with contact and working with. Its something to do very respectfully. As I know like nothing about actual angelic lore I don't want to work with them without studying them.
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Re: Angels

Post by Violet »

I pray to the archangels nearly every day for help. I pray to Michael for strength and protection, Raphael for the healing of my body and mind, and Gabriel for poise and articulateness with others.

I believe the strength and power I summon from them comes from their place within myself. I don't do evocation magick, because that concept doesn't feel right for me.
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Re: Angels

Post by loona wynd »

Violet Flower wrote:I believe the strength and power I summon from them comes from their place within myself. I don't do evocation magick, because that concept doesn't feel right for me.
Why doesn't evocation magic sit well with you?
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Re: Angels

Post by Violet »

loona wynd wrote:
Violet Flower wrote:I believe the strength and power I summon from them comes from their place within myself. I don't do evocation magick, because that concept doesn't feel right for me.
Why doesn't evocation magic sit well with you?
Loona Wyrd,

I am sorry that I deleted part of your post in attempting to reply. I was not able to recover your original text and sincerely apologize.

This was my response:

To "invoke" a deity or angel is, for me, to invite them to join me, to make space for them in my mind, to surrender a burden (usually surrendering a need to control), and this is done with the intention of love in my heart.

To "evoke" a deity or angel is, for me, to gain control over them so that they will do my bidding, which does not come from a place of love, and will not ultimately deepen my ability to surrender control, or love others unconditionally.
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Re: Angels

Post by loona wynd »

Violet Flower wrote: To "invoke" a deity or angel is, for me, to invite them to join me, to make space for them in my mind, to surrender a burden (usually surrendering a need to control), and this is done with the intention of love in my heart.
See to me invocation is the calling of a deity or spirit into your mind and body. Its a form of ritual possession. You literally become the being that you called into the circle. This is why they say in traditional Wicca circle that the God and Goddess are present in every ritual. The High Priest and High Priestess invoke the God (into the priest) and the Goddess (into the priestess).

I have done this practice a few times and it was scary. I was not prepared for the presence of the Goddess within me. There is a reason they suggest that solitaries and newbies not practice invocation right away. If you are not properly prepared it can be a very frightening thing to have something else take over your body.
Violet Flower wrote:To "evoke" a deity or angel is, for me, to gain control over them so that they will do my bidding, which does not come from a place of love, and will not ultimately deepen my ability to surrender control, or love others unconditionally.
Here again is a term difference. Evocation for me is what you said there as described in the various ceremonial magic Grimoires, but it is also much more. Evocation is also the process of calling spirits into the circle to be present for a ritual. An example I can think of is calling the elemental powers in a circle. They are not forced to be here, but are asked to come.

I honestly don't believe we can really force spirits to do anything. I have always believed that in the end they decide if they are going to manifest or not. They also decide if they are going to do the work you ask as you ask or if they are going to do their own thing with it. It's still the spirits choice to do the work.

Any way thank you for answering my question. It makes sense that you wouldn't enjoy evocation as a magical practice given your understanding and belief of it. There are two different ways to work evocations. The one that you mention and know and the simple calling to and asking/requesting that they come and be there for you. They both call the spirits one politely with permission and the other more controlling.
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Re: Angels

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Hello! I am currently learning all about the arch angels and how to pray to them and work with them if you will. Right now I'm focusing on building a relationship with Ariel. I am a teacher and I have read she likes teachers. Hoping she can help me in life!
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