Fake news or speeding up towards ascension?

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Fake news or speeding up towards ascension?

Post by birublackzoey »

Planet has only until 2030 to stem catastrophic climate change, experts warn

https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/07/worl ... index.html


Any thoughts, regarding ascension window?
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Re: Fake news or speeding up towards ascension?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Fake news media seems like it's purpose is maintaining the blinders. Mis-information likewise. I still don't know what use the chem trails are...or which story to believe.

So could the obvious immediate conversion to free energy technology be at hand? If so that would be a first for an organization that so far has instigated man-made disease for mass population extermination instead of controlling fertility as a fix.

As for the estimated time-frame ... I can only speculate. If something is repeated often enough ... Will the mass consciousness reverberate it?
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Re: Fake news or speeding up towards ascension?

Post by birublackzoey »

SpiritTalker wrote:If something is repeated often enough ... Will the mass consciousness reverberate it?
That is a very disturbing thought indeed, and sad to say also that most people don't know their transformative/spiritual/psionic power, be it individual or collective. It is not hard to see that keeping mass populations distracted and occupied is a key tool, i am also going to just say it out loud that there are some aspects of these higher groups that even thrive on the negative emotions and energies. It benefits them to keep overall consciousness low.

To keep the charade going, there definitely needs to be an "event" before free energy (zero-gravity, regenerative, dark matter) will be brought out into the open. It is definitely already in operation, just that it will cause major restructuring (dollars lost) in industries such as aviation, automobile, petroleum, power generation etc

Some of the fat cats in those industries have to obviously be bought out into new arrangements before this switch is made. If there is anything about human greed is that they will try as hard as they can to maintain their control and wealth.

whatever it is, the ones who are open and in the know, need to continue the good work towards positive change. spiritually, mentally, then physically.
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Re: Fake news or speeding up towards ascension?

Post by . »

SpiritTalker wrote: Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:12 pm Fake news media seems like it's purpose is maintaining the blinders. Mis-information likewise. I still don't know what use the chem trails are...or which story to believe.

So could the obvious immediate conversion to free energy technology be at hand? If so that would be a first for an organization that so far has instigated man-made disease for mass population extermination instead of controlling fertility as a fix.

As for the estimated time-frame ... I can only speculate. If something is repeated often enough ... Will the mass consciousness reverberate it?
There is no fix for overpopulated world (I have vasectomy and born last quarter of the moon) don't push fertility on people born barren signs or waning moon
Mass extermination due to my occult study is wrong since it scratches emotional realm more than all of us dying 20 years sooner from oil combustion filled air.
I say polluted world is better for fairy realm than emotional pain from mass anihiliation which tries to save the world
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