ISO Dragon Interpretations

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ISO Dragon Interpretations

Post by GemmaVonDrachä »

I believe I have discovered my Dragon guide. She is black with one red eye one the color of my birthstone which is peridot. Last night I had another dream where she was being attacked by a gold male Dragon. But I think I saved her. It was like there was a sonic boom and the gold Dragon was knocked back. He glared at her then me and was gone. She wasn't injured to bad and seemed grateful. Can anyone help me figure all of this out? And how can I develop a better way of communication?
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Re: ISO Dragon Interpretations

Post by SpiritTalker »

This is just my opnion...Possibly you were being presented an opportunity to choose a more aggressive guide, and rejected the gold in favor of the black. And as a result you have established a rapor with your preferred guide. that's a good start. I think that with one red and one green eye she is well balanced, and a good choice.

How do you communicate now? Use what works. Ask the dragon for her input, as she probably has some ideas.
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Re: ISO Dragon Interpretations

Post by GemmaVonDrachä »

We haven't really communicated rele nobody says anything. Just seen in 2 dreams.
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Re: ISO Dragon Interpretations

Post by corvidus »

Sometimes dreams are just dreams.

Or the subconscious categorizing experience.
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Re: ISO Dragon Interpretations

Post by GemmaVonDrachä »

I have been very busy lately. Been trying to gather all the items I need to meditate correctly in hopes of actually contacting my black Drachä. So hopefully I can finally talk to her.. I'm in desperate need of guidance.
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Re: ISO Dragon Interpretations

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

So Gemma :

I did not answer until now, because (please don't take this "wrong") I am not a "lightweight" person when it comes to dragon energy and magic, and your description somehow seemed too ...hmmm..."fuu - fuu".

Please forgive me.

Yet, I just "heard" something from my spirit guides, who told me to check the code. Sure enough, the answer was there.;)

So, one of our arrangements of symbols, that is our tree of eleven dimensions, adds to 1495. Top two pairs of symbols for those top two dimensions, plus the value of the bottom two pairs, equals 803.

Dream Of Black Dragon = 803

That leaves over the center of the tree. Seven pairs of symbols l, equaling 692 which equals *many* words and phrases, but with your last statement, about being desperate, it gives me the main information needed. You need to do an "integration ritual."

With yourself, and the "Powers That Be."
Integration Ritual = 692
Powers That Be = 692

The easiest way of doing this is to center oneself, fully grounded (very important) on the earth in a grove, or sacred place on earth near you. Then, as that is your center (and portal), connect to your six directions, surrounding, up, down, right, left, back, forth. There are many rituals from many traditions for this. If you focus on the ***need*** to connect that can keep things away. Focus instead on your balance in the universe, and your connection to the Powers That Be. That will help.

Chop wood, carry water, as is said. Stay grounded. Most important, as dragon energy is like 440, most people, including you,have run on, or most still do, on 110 current. Think of what happens when a machine is plugged into 440 current, without proper grounding. So, you are being held back until you properly prepare.

It will take time. Do not think tomorrow or the next day.
After initial contact, it is like any initiation. That is *only* the *beginning* of a very long process of integration. Work at that. Then, when you are ready, the Powers That Be, will know. ;)

In the meantime, for reading, look up Welsh Black Dragon.
Last edited by Heartsong on Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Grammar and Punctuation errors
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