Last night, I meditated on clearing my chakras before bed. I had one dream I do not quite remember, and another that I was working at Starbucks (as I do in real life) and a lady at the drive thru window was horrifically nasty to me. She and I really got into it, to the point where she came into the store and complained to my ex assistant store manager. Part of me feels like this may have been precognitive, although I have a different manager now. I feel as though it may have been a warning to keep my negativity in check or else there could be consequences.
I then sort of woke up in the morning and went back to sleep and immediately slipped into a sort of lucid half-dream where I simply raised my hands up and examined the palms to see if I was dreaming - a technique I learned to do in real life.
dream journal
Re: dream journal
This is going to come out kind of jumbled. Early this morning, I had a dream and woke from it. When I fell back asleep, the same dream continued. I remember being on a plane with my boyfriend and two of my girlfriends were on a different flight to the same location, which I believed to be the bahamas and when we arrived I had no reason to think otherwise except for someone saying we were in some central american country. Or maybe it was mediterranian. I'm not sure. I also remember after getting off the plane realizing I'd only purchased one way tickets and my money situation was looking bleak after buying both mine and my boyfriend's tickets. As we walked around, I remember hearing in passing something about the surf being incredibly dangerous on this particular evening. Then a strange man grabbed my boyfriend's butt (not a suprise after the discussion we had before bed) and obviously I was enraged. I went to the bathroom and there was another strange man in there who wouldn't stop staring at me. It was also apparently a unisex bathroom, and he perpetually hit on the girls that would come in, and then hit on me - a guy - as I left. From here, my boyfriend and I went to the hotel room and unpacked before the two girl friends converged on us to go out and party. This is about when I woke up, and when I fell back asleep I remember being on a plane home and realizing I'd forgotten all of my clothes. Thats all I remember, I was too tired to write everything down right away so I just jotted down key words to jog my memory.
This is going to come out kind of jumbled. Early this morning, I had a dream and woke from it. When I fell back asleep, the same dream continued. I remember being on a plane with my boyfriend and two of my girlfriends were on a different flight to the same location, which I believed to be the bahamas and when we arrived I had no reason to think otherwise except for someone saying we were in some central american country. Or maybe it was mediterranian. I'm not sure. I also remember after getting off the plane realizing I'd only purchased one way tickets and my money situation was looking bleak after buying both mine and my boyfriend's tickets. As we walked around, I remember hearing in passing something about the surf being incredibly dangerous on this particular evening. Then a strange man grabbed my boyfriend's butt (not a suprise after the discussion we had before bed) and obviously I was enraged. I went to the bathroom and there was another strange man in there who wouldn't stop staring at me. It was also apparently a unisex bathroom, and he perpetually hit on the girls that would come in, and then hit on me - a guy - as I left. From here, my boyfriend and I went to the hotel room and unpacked before the two girl friends converged on us to go out and party. This is about when I woke up, and when I fell back asleep I remember being on a plane home and realizing I'd forgotten all of my clothes. Thats all I remember, I was too tired to write everything down right away so I just jotted down key words to jog my memory.
Re: dream journal
I haven't been dreaming very much lately. A week ago I was broken up with so the few dreams I do remember have to do with my now-ex. I think that's fairly self explanatory. Last night I had a few drinks and shared a bed with a good friend of mine. My sleep was fitful and my dreams consisted mostly of things that could've happened while I was in bed, such as strange, abstract conversations we had that I unfortunately do not remember. There was also a sexual nature to one dream. There was another in which I went downstairs and interacted briefly with one of the roommates, which was strange because it almost felt lucid.
But really, nothing exciting to report.
I haven't been dreaming very much lately. A week ago I was broken up with so the few dreams I do remember have to do with my now-ex. I think that's fairly self explanatory. Last night I had a few drinks and shared a bed with a good friend of mine. My sleep was fitful and my dreams consisted mostly of things that could've happened while I was in bed, such as strange, abstract conversations we had that I unfortunately do not remember. There was also a sexual nature to one dream. There was another in which I went downstairs and interacted briefly with one of the roommates, which was strange because it almost felt lucid.
But really, nothing exciting to report.