Charmed (TV Show)

Paganism, witchcraft, and Wicca as portrayed on TV, movies, and popular culture. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Practical Magic, etc. If you know of a good show or movie, you can recommend it here or discuss it with others.
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Post by moonlit »

I LOVE CHARMED!!!!!! Piper was my favorite. I hated prue. lol How many seasons did they realease? I havent had cable in a while so I feel likeive been living under a rock!!! I'm going through withdraws!

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Post by reikihealer83 »

Hi Moonlit!

All 8 seasons are out on DVD now. I was a Piper fan myself. I think Holly Marie Combs is beautiful anyway but I always liked Piper. They gave her the best one liners. I liked Prue at the start but toward the end it was just forced.
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Post by Beothany »

My cousin has every single season on DVD. I like the show and all but they make it seem like there is only one B.O.S. Plus not many families write in the same book. a lot of people pass them down to children but everyone should have their own
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Post by Peregrine »

I used to watch the reruns on TNT back in the golden days when I had cable. Have not had cable since 2006 so just as I felt as though I was catching up, of course I got lost again. It's a cute show, as far as I can remember. I had a soft spot in my heart for Paige. Remember liking Leo too, thought he was a nice guy and a cutie.
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Post by connor)O( »

right so has nobody noticed that piper referenced that she should "keep her wiccan nose out of it"? and yet she has never worn a pentagram but on several episodes as in the one before she had chris she was wearing a cross? that really annoyed me honestly and the fact that the only sabbat they went to was the one were abraxas stole the book? also they call themselves wiccan as i referenced by just reading from their book when their was NO self dedication reference included? their is also NO mention of a female goddess whatso-ever >< dont get me wrong its a good show but theres holes to fly an elephant through :@
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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by Coven »

okay ~ I've downloaded the entire series and just started watching it ~ so far I love it ~ I'll let you know how I feel about it when I'm finished watching all of it
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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by Silent Ponny »

This was a tv series of my childhood and I really loved it. Later, in my 30' I watched it again and I realized there are many flaws. But the emotions are spot on, still.
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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by Coven »

I like charmed a lot .

I love witchcraft in the media , but charmed is definitely one of my favorites .

It's a good show I like it . I'll probably watch it again , I have already watched it twice .
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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by RavenClaw »

I too liked Charmed though they lacked a few magical things that they should've been doing but ignored. Knowing what you know now, you'll probably find the holes if you haven't by now. In some ways, the sisters came off as being ignorant about magic but I blame that on the producers for not researching Wicca.

They made a new Charmed but I didn't care for it at all.
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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by TwilightDancer »

Charmed was always a favorite of mine growing up. Someone above me said that Prue was their least favorite of the sisters but she was always my favorite. I was disappointed when she left the show, but Rose McGowan did a wonderful job as Paige in her place.
RavenClaw wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:06 pm They made a new Charmed but I didn't care for it at all.
I never watched the remake. I hardly do, they usually don't hold a candle to their predecessor. I haven't even watched the new Hocus Pocus even though I hear they're now working on a 3rd.
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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by Coven »

I remember charmed being on cable when I was younger . The fact that they were witches never even registered in my mind , I just liked the chicks .
One time I saw Prue with an older woman that was like an Identical twin except older . I remember it like it was yesterday because I thought that the woman was beautiful and it was the first time in my life that I was ever attracted to an older woman . I found her a million more time attractive than Prue even though they were identical . It had to be her real life mother , that's the only explanation .

So after watching Charmed twice now ~ that scene is not there ??????? . This actually happens regularly as I watch the same stuff from different sources . Things are worded differently . Like take 1 take 2 etc. who knows

So after not being able to find that scene I searched google for Prues mother , but it was someone else who looks nothing like her ~ There was a scene where Sam the whitelighter told Piper that he saw her mother and she was beautiful and Piper just looked at him.

One scene Page said I got a new pendulum it's Amethyst for an extra boost. My first pendulum was a 7 chakra pendulum and it was the only one I used even though I have bought several more on AliExpress where they are affordable . I always had it in the back of my mind that page said that and I couldn't stop thinking about it so I ordered an Amethyst pendulum and assigned it a place in my permanent circle . Still unwilling to use any pendulum except my first one but Page just kept nagging at me until one day I switched pendulums , now I use an Amethyst one .
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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by Old Soul »

I re-watched charmed few months ago, all seasons. Tv show is wonderful and it teaches us many things. Yes, it has many plot holes and mistakes but it's okay. First season is best of them all! I also love Paige more than any other sister. So cute and flirty :D

I can say for sure that charmed has drawn me into magic.
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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by Coven »

I was watching supernatural and charmed and I kept seeing witchcraft books at goodwill but I thought that they were evil or something so I wouldn't buy them , but they kept ending up back on the shelf and I kept seeing them . It was like a sign that I couldn't ignore . As I finished supernatural and got more into charmed I started looking at the books differently , so I bought all the witchcraft books and some really nice book of shadows supplies from goodwill for next to nothing .

That's how I got started ~ I already had tarot and oracle cards and was doing psychometry that I learned from watching psychic detectives and psychic investigators . Turns out that I'm really good at it .

While I wasn't practicing actual witchcraft yet ~ I found the book of shadows extremely valuable for everyday life and everything I already had going on .

Didn't really find the witchcraft books too interesting but I kept them.

Later became more interested in correspondences and stuff like that when I started casting a circle .

I religiously have a permanent circle cast and I focus on what interests me , not so much interested in Sabbats and stuff . mostly just focusing on psychic stuff and magic , but if there is a holiday that has something to do with the supernatural and magic then I would give it the time of day.

I no longer acknowledge christian holidays or american holidays . I'm just a witch now .

Found some books that I like better , like Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences and stuff like that . I have a lot of psychic books that are filled with exercises which is what I'm looking for . Doing exercises from Psychic Witch and Mastering Magic right now .Also several psychic books .

The demonologist lady seems to have a problem with Psychic witch for some reason . If I ever get to a page that tells me to worship satan or something I'll just skip that page , but I'm not going to miss out on all of the valuable psychic exercises .

I'm having a lot of fun combining psychic stuff with Magic .

I would say that I got into witchcraft because of Charmed , and I think that that's a good thing .
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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by Coven »

Just found this photo of a new charmed and some pictures of Prue & older prue



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Re: Charmed (TV Show)

Post by Old Soul »

Piper seen to be as same as it can get. Paige is..
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