Is my tortoise somehow magical?

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Is my tortoise somehow magical?

Post by TakoNigiri »

I've had a tortoise ever since I was 10. His name is Lucky, and I knew that I'd wanted to name him that since before I got him. I was going to get him a day early originally, but the tortoise that was there earlier that day had been bought by someone else. Amazingly, they got another tortoise in less than a day, and I took him home the actual night of my birthday. I somehow knew he was going to be male without actually knowing how to identify him. He's never shown any signs of illness nor injury, even during my rookie days and the many terrible mistakes I've made regarding his care, and he becomes accustomed to change much quicker than usual. He seems to even understand human speech and has nodded his head several times in response to what I say.
Two weeks ago, I wanted an insanely rare boss drop in a game, and had spent 4 hours looking for it to no avail. As a joke, I brought him my favorite D20 and asked him to make it lucky. He looked at me, nodded, and started to inspect the die and brush his face against it. He then looked back at me. I took the die and did 3 test rolls, getting 2 20s and an 18. Not even half an hour later, I got the boss drop.
The die is still lucky to this day. I keep it on my desk, and held it up to a broken furby that I was trying and failing to fix. I put in the batteries and it started working again. I used it to play D&D, and yesterday, it rolled a 19 on the only saving throw. Everyone else rolled very low. My character, as a result, ended up being the only one who wasn't sent running aimlessly down a dark dungeon hallway as a result of a fear spell, and was able to pick up everyone's stuff for them. The die was not lucky before I asked him to enchant it, and would frequently roll poorly.
If I show him anything made of metal, even if it has no bright colors on it, he will start to bite it and push it around. His favorite ring of mine has a Chinese dragon on it, and both dragons and tortoises are some of the celestial animals in Feng Shui. He is also very fond of flowers, both looking at and eating them. He loves hiding in the plants I put in his enclosure and his favorite foods are sweet berries.
Is Lucky magical in some way? Is he some kind of fairy? Tortoises are considered symbols of good luck in some cultures, maybe I just earned his favor. Who knows.
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Re: Is my tortoise somehow magical?

Post by SnowCat »

Your tortoise may be your familiar.
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Re: Is my tortoise somehow magical?

Post by RavenClaw »

Thank you for sharing a wonderful experience. Tortoises are indeed good luck and I agree with SnowCat that Lucky is your familiar. You might want to research symbolism associated with tortoises.
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Re: Is my tortoise somehow magical?

Post by Firebird »

What kind of tortoise is he, do you know? It sounds like he is very fond of you anyway. I'm not altogether sure what you are speaking of that he is helping you with sounds like a game, however I would consider enlisting his blessings on more serious or important issues.
My box turtle got out of her enclosure this spring because the bigger turtle (don't know what kind he is) dug a hole under the board that is set six inches deep in the ground. The big one was easy to find, My little boxie is still missing and it is bumming me out. I had her for about 30 years. We've only had the big one a couple years.
These shelled creatures are amazingly sweet. I used to have a desert tortoise that would charge across the grass if he saw you spinning a yellow dandelion at him. He loved to eat them.
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Re: Is my tortoise somehow magical?

Post by Silas Nightfall »

I would dare say that all living things are magickal. Even ones that don’t immediately come to mind or seem unlikely. They are alive with the same energies given to us. It doesn’t matter if it’s a cat a dung beetle or something in between.

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Re: Is my tortoise somehow magical?

Post by TakoNigiri »

Thanks for the answers! And firebirdflys, he is a Russian tortoise. I don't really have anything in my life right now that needs luck, other than games. But if something comes up, I'll be sure to ask him to help.
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Re: Is my tortoise somehow magical?

Post by barker »

Animal magick: you end up doing truth like them - like me and my cat. Consciousness of that is all it takes to participate positively.
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