There's no definitive way to interpret eclipses & NO RULES; but that's just how i'd look at if I thought about it. To me the whole sequence impacts the full 24-hour period from one moon rise to the next which gives us a flexible 24 hour period to use it, just like any other full moon. As id said, it really doesn't matter how you divide it. You'd seemed to be struggling to make a defined period of time for spell crafting, so I made a suggestion of using the period before totality to represent waxing influences & after totality to represent waning influences. What matters is how you feel and sense it out, in a way you can work with.Wiccita wrote:Ah, interesting. Thank you. I had thought that when the moon was coming out of its totality, it was like a short, powerful waxing phase. But actually when it’s heading towards its eclipse, then THAT is the waxing phase in the eclipse context? And coming out of its eclipse is waning?
It seems to me that when a phase is concluded then it's influence has passed & is replaced by the next phase. So after the Moon's been dark it begins to grow again, so your concept is quite usable as well.