I call it monkey brain.
You try to meditate, and your brain just wont be still. It wants to remind you of all the worrisome and worldly issues of the day.
Its TOTALLY OK and totally normal for a beginner. Say thank you to your monkey..... you trained it to do this to you, and it is only following its training.
Remember this; it took a while to teach your brain to think and speak.
Its also gonna take a while to teach your brain to be still and listen.
Be patient. And be forgiving of the damn monkey. Your brain will learn.
The VERY best learning technique that was ever shared with me is to focus on the 'space between the words'
Here's how it is used;
Pick a phrase you have deeply deeply memorized. I started with The Lords Prayer, because I was still a fallen christian trying to change lanes on my spiritual highway when I started meditating. I was a long way from my current Pagan Way. Now I use the first line of the wiccan creed, even though I'm not exactly wiccan either... it just fits, and that's good enough.
Begin your meditation, however you choose. single flame, music, babbling water, breathing control... whatever suits you. Let the monkey brain take over a couple times.... don't forget you spent a LONG time teaching the monkey to take control. You even made the monkey your most trusted ally a long long time ago. Be patient with your monkey. Once it has come and gone a couple times, slowly say the first word of your 'phrase' and as the word ends, slip into silent peace and nothingness. It is powerful, even if that empty, monkey free gap only lasts for a moment or a fraction of a second. As the monkey starts to realize you've left the door open, and it realizes that it should retake control, simply say the second word and the monkey will hesitate for a second or two. repeat with the third word, forth, etc.
It wont be long before your monkey learns, and then it will only take two or three of the words to put the monkey completely to sleep, and you've transcended. Eventually it will only take one word, and for most people they evolve that word into the long breath
This technique put a jet engine on my progression, and within only a few days, I was fully transcendent for at least a few moments EVERY time I meditated.
For more info on this way, read Wayne Dyer's book;
Getting in the Gap
https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Gap-Cons ... e+dyer+gap
This is what worked for me.
Completely changed my life.
Best of luck. Don't give up. It will come to you... I personally promise.
Pallando the Blue