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Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 7:08 pm
by Leonine Fairy
I recently used a lapis lazuli for a truth spell. After charging the crystal to reveal the truth of a particular situation, I placed it under my pillow. I then did not leave the room, and when I went to bed an hour or so later the lapis lazuli was gone. I looked under the sheets, under the bed, everywhere, but it hasn't shown up. Could this have anything to do with the spell, or do you think it's just coincidence? I'd be really interested to hear what you think, especially as I had already suspected foul play - perhaps black magic - in the situation I was seeking to illuminate!

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:33 pm
by barker
I had a very cool rose quartz pendant a long time ago. It disppeared. I think the theory goes that angels or elves take these things from earth because frankly they are too cool for it. And who they take from too. :)

Also I had a CD appear in my house by a favourite band. One I did not buy. But I don't know the explaination for that, probably the same thing. edit: "too cool for hell"

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:58 pm
by Astro Logical 1
This is a tough one.

On one hand, one could just conclude that it slipped between the sheets and it's unfounded speculation.

On the other hand if it actually did dissapear, the questions are why and how.

If it's due to magick, dematerializing a solid object is very powerful sorcery and whatever was done to achive this is well worth figuring out and doing again to refine it.

If it's dissapearance is due to an entity moving it, that in itself is another issue entirely and you'd want to understand that as well.

It could also have to do with jumping through the multiverse.

Any of these are something I couldn't let go of till I knew the truth. Good luck

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 5:18 am
by L.J.Hex
Interesting... I have had things disappear and then found in weird places, but never quite like that. Nothing related to any spellwork has gone missing. I wonder if that crystal will show up again.

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:21 am
by SpiritTalker
Inevitably if I put a stone under my pillow & turn my back the stone disappears. Eventually they've turned up in the bed someplace. Cats - it's all the cat's doing. So, to counteract the cat-effect I put a stone into a pouch & pin the pouch to the pillow. Take that fur ball! :)

Let us know if/when it returns, would you?

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:45 pm
by Leonine Fairy
Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions! This has been really bothering me...
Astro Logical 1 wrote:This is a tough one.

On one hand, one could just conclude that it slipped between the sheets and it's unfounded speculation.

On the other hand if it actually did dissapear, the questions are why and how.

If it's due to magick, dematerializing a solid object is very powerful sorcery and whatever was done to achive this is well worth figuring out and doing again to refine it.

If it's dissapearance is due to an entity moving it, that in itself is another issue entirely and you'd want to understand that as well.

It could also have to do with jumping through the multiverse.

Any of these are something I couldn't let go of till I knew the truth. Good luck
What do you think might have made these things happen - if they did? I definitely didn't dematerialize anything myself!
SpiritTalker wrote:Inevitably if I put a stone under my pillow & turn my back the stone disappears. Eventually they've turned up in the bed someplace. Cats - it's all the cat's doing. So, to counteract the cat-effect I put a stone into a pouch & pin the pouch to the pillow. Take that fur ball! :)
Haha, glad you've found a method to counteract the cat! There was no one else in my bedroom though, and I always sleep with an amethyst under my pillow and it's there in the morning. It's just so weird because no one could have disturbed the lapis on this occasion.
My spidey sense tells me it'll turn up when the truth comes out...

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:47 pm
by barker
I'm putting amethyst under my pillow tonight - truth works :)

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:31 pm
by Astro Logical 1
What do you think might have made these things happen - if they did? I definitely didn't dematerialize anything myself!
I don't know. I've never had any experience with things morphing out of this plane. I don't even know if it's something that happens, I'm just open to the possibility.

These questions are connected to answers within you, others speculating will only pull you further from the truth that is in your field of view

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:21 pm
by barker
barker wrote:I'm putting amethyst under my pillow tonight - truth works :)
What a glorious four hours of sleep. I must do it again. ::coolglasses::

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:49 am
by Leonine Fairy
Wow. Yesterday I had a massive communication breakthrough with an old friend and pieced together the truth. This morning when I woke up I felt a lump in my pillow, and guess what I found in the pillowcase?! Good morning, lapis. :D

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:50 am
by Leonine Fairy
For the record, that's nearly a week after I did the spell.

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:27 am
by SpiritTalker
That is terrific. Now you've got both answers.

Re: Lapis lazuli vanished after spell

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:19 am
by Coven
I have things teleport a lot . If I'm being abused or oppressed it starts happening a lot if I'm really upset ~ like I'll intend to put something in the trash but it just dematerializes and disappears forever . things start disappearing and moving around . It used to happen all the time when I was younger in my room .

Recently there was an Angel practicing magic in the house , she would teleport my hat all over the house constantly all day long , which I didn't mind , it was doing other stuff but especially the hat . Anyway she moved my hat in the house when I was gone to the store and I asked her to not practice magic like that while I was gone because I wasn't in the house by myself where I knew what was happening and it would make me think that someone broke in and messed with my stuff and make me paranoid .

So after I did that the Angel just stopped all of it , no more teleporting the hat all day everyday . I kind of liked it and I didn't want it to stop because I thought it was cool .

sometimes I'll intend to go get something but then it will just materialize next to me.

Kuan yin does a lot of magic and I have two witches with me at all times it's Baba Yaga and Hekate .

Various entities practice magic just like the Angel was doing , they usually take credit for it so You'll know who did it.

Not sure how things just come to me when I intend to go get them and I always thought that it was poltergeist activity when I was upset , being abused or oppressed , but I'm just now newly aware that there are entities around me , angels , spirit guides , witches , goddesses . Who knows who is around . I don't talk out loud when I'm asking my pendulum questions I just ask silently in my head because they can hear my thoughts ~ so if they can hear my thoughts and they are always with me , then they know when I intend to go get something . maybe they bring it to me , maybe I do it , I really don't know .

The witches communicate with me 24/7 365 with the pendulum , they are always with me . No one else talks to me on the pendulum except Baba Yaga and Hekate except one time my dads ghost did .