
Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Post by tourennatrix »

A friend gifted me a necklace with a small bit of meteorite as a pendant. It definitely feels like I need to "do something with it" before I put it on - but I'm not clear if this pull is just want a good solid cleansing or wanting me to give it a solid purpose. Either way, it feels like putting it under the full moon isn't "enough". Perhaps because this poor stone was packaged up and sold as a tchotchke at a souvenir shop?

As for giving it a purpose, I dunno. The meanings/effects I'm reading seem to be a little *too* Spacey and etherial for my tastes at the moment. But it wants me to do *something* with it.

Anyone have any suggestions for something to do with this, that does not have to do with space, ETs, or astral travel?

Thanks! <3
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Re: Meteorite

Post by SpiritTalker »

What type of meteorite is it - iron nickel or tektite glass? That little bit of deep space traveled a long ways to reach you :) and perhaps wants to stimulate a response within you. So maybe meditate to identify the response you mentioned of giving it a purpose which is in fact identifying your purpose. It wants to give you deeper awareness & a path to your higher self.

If it's iron-nickel that seems more associated with the physical realm & if it's tektite that feels more spiritual. That would tell whether the purpose is in the physical (what am I supposed to do with my life?) or the spiritual (what is my soul hungering for?) context. If that doesn't feel right to you feel free to blow raspberries at it. :D
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Re: Meteorite

Post by tourennatrix »

Thanks SpiritTalker! The box says it's 93% iron, so that does help give a direction! I'll see if I can spare some time to meditate with it soon :D
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