Help me! I am under a curse!

Frequently asked questions about witchcraft, Wicca, magick, paganism, and the occult. Subjects include love spells, Ouija boards, curses, Law of Attraction, and what to do if you don't have the needed tools, ingredients, altar, etc.
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Help me! I am under a curse!

Post by Peregrine »

Okay, I don't think I am under a curse :)

... but I am seeing a lot of posts by people who think they are, most of them because of financial hardships. They are not even waiting until a phoney psychic tells them anything (and of course offers to remove the curse at a large price).

It concerns me because I will be the first to say I know the feeling. Those of you who either don't know me or don't remember me, let's just say that I got a bit hairy at these boards at one point a long time ago. I had come to the end of my rope and truly thought that the problems that fell on my household were all because of me. I thought God or at least a powerful entity was not going to be happy unless I was dead. Now I am glad I stuck it out because I did help keep my family afloat albeit at some serious consequences to myself.

A lot of people are having serious financial problems in this economy. I have seen internet articles and news reports about psychics finding an increase in their business, only it was no longer questions about love but about jobs and money. This year, FDIC has already broken last years brutally dismal record of taking over failed banks. Bankruptcies are at an all-time high and many businesses are failing. A lot of people who thought they had at least some measure of job security are suddenly finding themselves unemployed and unable to find employment.

I am not saying this to be heartless. I am saying this as a plea for you to understand at least one thing: THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT! If you want to see what happened, it is the innocent suffering because of the guilty. I found a video on YouTube that explains the dynamics that started it all here.

You are NOT under a curse. A lot of people are hurting. You are not alone. The more you believe you are under a curse, the more likely you will experience a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If anyone else here can help me with this post, I hope you will feel free to say something here. Usually when people come here about being under a curse, first question they ask them was the first one they asked me, "Why do you think you are under a curse?" Another thing I see is advice on focusing on what you do have and being thankful for it, and to use what you do have to grow from there and survive.

Anyone else want to add anything? Help me field this one?
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Post by Peregrine »

At this point, we have people from many walks of life. It is an overall spirituality board so I suspect that might be part of the issue. What bothers me is that there are people who have tried to do right by things, they never instigated trouble, and their situation involves more than one problem. Some of these people have stated they have tried hex breaking spells and cannot seem to get them to work.

I am well aware that there are bullies in the world and thanks to a bad economy, sometimes it brings the ugly out in people who had otherwise seemed more trustworthy so they can get a bit cut-throat on the job. (In all fairness, it has brought out the good in others, such as the reports I see of people willing to take pay cuts if it spares other employees their jobs.)

I am not talking out of my @$$ when I say that I know how I feel. After a while, I can understand where they begin to wonder about it. I can see it coming too as far as scapegoating, like in the old days when they lynched innocent people if there was a drought or a plague broke out either with people or with livestock.

In central Florida, where I used to live, there were a few cases of murder-suicides because of the economy. In one case, it was a guy that used to work as a manager where my husband used to work. He shot his kids, his wife, then himself. A woman is serving time for killing her daughter. It was an attempt at murder-suicide, but she failed at finishing herself off after she killed her child. Right before my move, there was a TV report about a chat room for one high-profile celebrity... I think it was Demi Moore? A common member there suddenly went berserk, saying he was about to kill himself. They traced it down to Casselberry, a town just north of where I lived, and the police got involved. He was still at his computer crying uncontrollably. There have been reports of murder-suicides elsewhere in the country as well.
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Post by Ravencry »

I think majority of the people that post looking for help from curses will themselves into be cursed. I mean, they believe it to the point where if anything negative happens, its because of this curse. They are afraid cause they did something to someone and they were creepy, so they cursed them. No, people, your just experiencing the negative times in life so you can learn to be grateful and happy when you have good times. Take the bad times like a shot of whiskey, its horrid when you get the initial shock, but afterward everything will be fine. If you think that your cursed because a spellcaster online or in person told you that they have a way that you can get over this 'curse', i say, work through this on your own. You'll figure out the root of the problem by searching within yourself. If you harmed someone, or hurt someone, I think that its just Karma biting you in the ass, telling you to 'stop or I will make your life miserable'.

Just give out what you want in return, and life will treat you so much better.
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Post by Peregrine »

Thank you, Ravencry. That is very well said.

A few more things I want to add.

Sometimes people are instigators and they do cause trouble for others. Sometimes they do "win" but usually their so-called victories are very short-lived. They might get what they want or at least what they THOUGHT they wanted (at your expense) only to realize that they have no clue what the hell to do with it (whatever it is) once they get it. They drop the ball in a heartbeat and they are soon back to square one. I cannot tell you how often I have seen this happen. Left to their own devices, they collapse under the weight of their own stupidity, pettiness, envy, or whatever else it is that makes them a misery to exist with.

Sometimes we ourselves also get what we ask for, but because of poor decision making based on misinformation or our own wishful thinking, we get it in ways we did not necessarily have in mind. That does not make anyone evil or stupid, it just means sometimes we simply make mistake and get hurt because of it no matter how well-intentioned we may have been.

I think about my own case and realize that in many ways I finally am getting what I wanted, but because I had too many conflicting interests that I could not free myself of (like a seriously malevolent monkey trap), something had to come up behind me and slap me a good one and make me let go. Sometimes you just have to reformat the hard drive of your existence. Volcanoes are a nightmare when they erupt but look at the beautiful things that grow almost overnight from the ashes.
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Post by Kaimira »


do you really think your under a curse? it could be worse but you can cleasning spell use sage leaves and burn and wave it to you face

oh goddess
i ask of thee,
cleanse me,
to pure my soul,
and body.

i hope this helps.
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Re: Help me! I am under a curse!

Post by ItsMichael »

Well... I'm not so sure... I know I posted awhile back about the strange happenings in my home and on my Farm. I also posted that I have had a serious run of bad luck. and I mean bad bad! I was divorced over 12 years ago and I was married for 13 years. During that 13 years of marriage I had extremely poor luck, mental and financial hardships, and I had to work three times harder then the average man to correct everything. It was like a black cloud hung over my head everywhere I went and everything I did. It was so bad that every time something happened it didn't bother me anymore. Me, my family, and my friends would simply say... "That's Mike Chief Black Cloud hang'em over head!" I got a divorce for all the right reasons and not because it was my fault. After my divorce was final and I was out on my own things changed. I always had money and good luck everywhere I went. No more cars breaking down, no more lack of funds, and I always had extra money left over even after paying $600.00 dollars a month child support! There was one day prior to the finalization of my divorce where I asked the spirits and Gods to lift this curse from me. And I believe they did.

For the past 11 years I have had nothing but good luck, A good job, no vehicle breakdowns, not even a flat tire. I even got hit while riding my Harley by some kid that ran a stop sign. They said I should have been DEAD! I practically walked away from that accident. I even came out on top with a lawsuit that was filed against the insurance company. Then April 2010 Bad things started happening again I got into a second Motorcycle accident but lived and walked away. And I even won an Orange County Chopper at Soaring Eagle Casino. I even won $3,000 that day. But winning that Motorcycle was like... "Here get on it..." "take it for a spin ." "The girls will love it." I could hear that inner voice say. I sold it! I met this girl she's a Metaphysian or so she says. I think she resorts to the dark side when things don't go her way or if somebody piss's her off. She has made comments in the past of doing such things to people in my presence but then would recant her statements moments later. I told her no matter what happens between us you had better never do that to me. She laughed and said... "Well then you better never do anything bad to me or hurt my feelings." She then once again recanted her statement and said she was just kidding. Ever since we broke up which was only last September I have had nothing but absolutely rotten, Black Cloud Hang'em over head, Bad Luck! And I have or just recently had lost an excellent job with great benefits $71,000 a year, Over time etc etc. It even carried me through this so called recession. Gone Gone all Gone! All I have left is my Farm! And I am dam close to looseing it! And all this bad stuff started after we broke up.

But guess what? I had a hunch. My intuition told me and my past life experiences Say that she or maybe someone else I know may have said or done something to me. Call it a spell, a Hex, a Curse whatever you want. But it wasn't normal it wasn't right. And I could sense it all around me all the way to my bones. So I knew what to do and I knew I needed help so I came here to this website. Sure there were many others I could have chosen but I ended up here. Why? And I asked questions and got help from some of the members here. I did a complete cleaning of my home, I conducted a cleansing ritual (Smudge with Sage and Sweet Grass)of my home, I pre-made four (4) Witch's bottles (Jars), Placed them in the ground to the Four points of my property (North, South, East, and West), and then did a Cleansing ritual (Smudge and cleansing bath) on myself.

I think and I say it worked! You could tell almost instantly that what ever was on me and in my home was gone! My Life is returning back to normal again. More money and opportunity's are on the horizon. I may be getting my job back soon, but I don't think I want to go back because things are going so well here on the Farm. The only bad thing lately is that my horse is very skidish and even tried to run away from me yesterday (He's Never been this way before). But that's because I didn't smudge the barns yet. I ran out of sage lol! And now that I think about it when he was running away from me and I though he was going to get hit by a car he stopped. And guess where he stopped at. He stopped dead in his tracks in the front of my property just before where I put the witch's Jar to the North! He then ran to the East and stopped dead in his tracks! He then ran West and stopped dead his tracks! He couldn't run south because there was the fence. So he ran back through the gate that was open leading to my fenced in back yard. He was still very spooked but I was able to calm him down and return him to the Barn. So I guess I better Smudge the Barns too like Ravencry told me to do lol!

So how can you say what you have said KAIMIRA. I think I am living proof that there may or could be something afoot in peoples lives. And maybe they should do some type of protection prayer or cleansing ritual. And I am not saying revenge type stuff either. I think I made that very clear in one of my post also. No Revenge Just make it go away and then not allow it to come back into your dwelling or your life. :D

Re: Help me! I am under a curse!

Post by ItsMichael »

And Yes I believe that YOU... CAN WILL BAD THINGS TO YOU... But not in my case. Or at least I didn't feel that way. You can tell the difference, you sense the presence of something that's not right. unless you have to be gifted to sense those things. I've been told that I am gifted. I've been told that I need to follow those gifts more often. I am becoming more and more aware and awakened by new things everyday.

Re: Help me! I am under a curse!

Post by RoseRidingHood »

Nice post! I have nothing else to add except words of wisdom my father gave me: "The harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
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Re: Help me! I am under a curse!

Post by lilmizsunshine727 »

@ItsMichael I'm very glad you are getting your life back on track. And you are definitely right about not taking revenge, because whatever you do comes back to you threefold. Congratulations :)
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Re: Help me! I am under a curse!

Post by LoneWolf78 »

Really, there are many tools that can be used for different things. However, based on my own experiences tools are just that, tools. The real Magick is in your head. Consider the basic elements of the Like Attracts Like Law. If you think (or believe) that you are under either a curse or a blessing, don't be surprised if you are. We get from life what we expect.
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Re: Help me! I am under a curse!

Post by azriel »

When I was younger I had very bad luck and I blamed it on the universe; everyone hates me and no one wants me to be happy. In essence, whenever I "lost" something, whether it be a job, school, relationship, etc. I would try my best to try and get it back or when looking for something new I would always compare it to the standards of the previous. Through my own self denial to move forward I had basically "cursed" myself with bad luck by containing myself within the negative energies from the moment of loss.
It was not until I was older that I started to realize that when bad things happen, good has always come from it. Not necessarily something better, but in most cases I was able to protect myself with the loss of these things. Some of these experiences were bad influences and I did not realize it until afterwards. Most of the time the "good" resulted from long-term effects instead of right then at the moment of crisis. This was mostly why I believed that nothing good every happened to me, I expected fast results.
Now I understand that most of my "bad luck" is a way to inform me that it is time to move on or change something and I do not allow myself to wallow in self pity.
I know that every person is different and some influences are in fact external in nature, but ultimately it is up to you to change your life. Trust in your own abilities to provoke the good energies in your life.

Blessed Be,
Unfold your wings and take off into the sky
Before you're burned, become the sun
Blow, oh wind... It guides you into the sky
Before your whole self is taken away

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