Altar Arrangements

Frequently asked questions about witchcraft, Wicca, magick, paganism, and the occult. Subjects include love spells, Ouija boards, curses, Law of Attraction, and what to do if you don't have the needed tools, ingredients, altar, etc.
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Altar Arrangements

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oops 🙊- see below
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Re: Altar Arrangements

Post by Firebird »

oh yea! creative use of emogees, very cool!
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
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Re: Altar Arrangements

Post by SpiritTalker »

An altar is a meeting place with the divine and a magical tool for shaping energy. A devotional altar is where you'd pay homage to your Deity, guardian or ancestors & seek their input in your life. It would have symbols representing them. There might be floral bouquet, food/drink, scents & aromas, music, chants. Readings could be presented as offerings and prayers would be made there. You might see vigil candles & petitions. Something as simple as a candle to represent spiritual light and water to represent physical life is enough. We go there to offer prayers, to listen & meditate.

🍸 🕯
The altar is our work space for assembling spells, where the energies are summoned & stirred to carry our will; where spell materials are combined & magnetized. A standard Wiccan layout creates energy by polarity (-/+) to aid spell work. Energy flows from (-)passive to (+)active in Nature. The symbols of passive Earth & Water go on the left & active Fire & Air on the right; luminary candles in back. Energy flows from passive to active in nature so it will do likewise across the altar & spiral upwards.

Simple altar Ex., Place divinity & fire symbol🕯above, pentagram ⭐️ placed below = “as above, so below”; water & earth passive 🍷🧂🥐symbols and air & fire active 💨⚱️🗡symbols mimic Nature’s -/+ energy flow like a battery🔋.
(-)🍷🧂🥐>  >  >💨⚱️🗡(+)
The candles for Goddess and God can also serve as altar lights. Pacifying earth and water symbols are the salt, pentacle & chalice and the activating air & fire symbols are oil, incense & athame. The incense can be shared by both deities.

🚺🕯. . 💨 . . 🕯🚹
🍷 🧂. . ⚱️🗡
The 4-way layout can restore the natural cycle when life or a given situation seems 'as if it’s stuck. The 4-way X places elemental symbols in their associated, true compass quarters. Energy flows in a spiral. If you face East across your altar then north (earth) is on the left.

N- 🪨 -✖️ - 🔥 -S
The pentacle layout is popular & places the elements at their respective point on the star ⭐️. The pentacle is a protective sign.
⏏️ 💨 - -⭐️ - - 🍸🔽
🧂- -🕯🔼
An eclectic arrangement could express the Crafter's state of mind at the moment. It just feels right. It is the Crafter & by creatively making changes to the layout the Crafter is also being changed In their magical persona. :flyingwitch:

An eclectic layout can also be a spell saying what we want from the Universe. Each theme would use colors, scents, symbolic objects & herbs/flowers/stones that are associated with the intention. Ex., a prosperity goal might use symbols of abundance like roses, money, magnet 🧲 to attract, basil & pyrite, a petition,

🪆 ..💐.. 🦌
💎...🍃.🕯 .🍃... 💨
📝 ⭐️ 🌿
💵🧲 ..

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