Bad energy absorber

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Bad energy absorber

Post by Firebird »

This is a super easy and simple spell that can be done any time but goes hand in hand with spring cleaning :fairy:

3 items needed:
A small dish or bowl
3 teaspoons of salt (I blended table salt with Himalayan salt)
7 Bay leaves (for each day of the week)

Pour your salt into dish, and imbew it with clearing energy (it sort of naturally has this quality anyway but intentions are important.)
Now crush each leaf while focusing on each day of the week being clear of negative energy, naming the days and do them one at a time with intention.
Stir with your blade, wand or finger detail several time while envisioning it to be a whirlpool that grabs and keeps all the bad juju out of your home. Refresh by repeating spell as you think it is needed, dump old ingredients into toilet and flush.

My twist on spell by Scott Cunningham
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Re: Bad energy absorber

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

So I should do this each day, or I do this one time and name all days in one ritual? I love this by the way
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Re: Bad energy absorber

Post by Firebird »

Well, I did mention do as you think needed. Generally full moon to full moon would also be a good span. Maybe week to week, but if one is dealing with a ton of negativity, daily would probably be best.
Good to see you stranger! and thanks :)
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
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