Your worst Spirit experience

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by barker »

An astral diablogue to decide the destiny of myself alone. Ya'know what - I chose lust.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by L.J.Hex »

A demonic companion who didn't leave me alone.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, I dabbled in very dark path when I was younger. At first I didn't really know what this thing was. I started noticing a pitch black shadow figure following me around, specially when something paranormal happened or after I "did stuff". This thing was a shape without details, absolutely pitch black void and it felt so frighteningly powerful, I had no clue such thing would even exist. And it kept following me... Years passed and much later I got into even darker path, I started to summon this thing to my aid, to run errands for me which is did. On a price paid in blood.

I get shiwers for even mentioning this thing. And I learned its name which I will not mention any more. And it had bunch of little nasty critters with it. This thing was never alone. Huge dark void with bunch of little nasty f***ers foloowing it around. Then later on when I woke up to my mistake, it was hard to get rid of it.

The good thing that I learned from this is that these days I'm super sensitive to any negative "evil" presence and can ward them off quite easily. I even did an exorcism to a friend of mine and drew out some nasty buggers that were harrassing him. "pulled" them out and tossed them out of the window quite literally.
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