Draconic Wicca?

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Draconic Wicca?

Post by Erydiel »

Hello there, everyone! It's been awhile, but I am back. I was kinda drifting out of Wicca for awhile but came back a few days ago.
So with a start, can anyone give me some info on Draconic Wicca?

I know there aren't many sources out there, but whatever I could scrounge up(which was very little), was from a youtuber named DragonFeather, two sites that she gave, and maybe 1 or 2 other sites which pretty much repeated the same EXACT information with maybe a little differences here and there.

Either way, my 2-day research has come to a disappointing stop. I have learned a few things, but even then I don't know if the info was even true or not.

Can I really have a Guardian Dragon and/or Dragon Guide? How will I meet them? How can I learn more about Dragon Magick, etc etc?

Also, I'm still trying to practice meditation again, which is also failing *sigh* Any tips on this would be helpful. Actually, for someone who does meditation on a daily basis, is it possible if you can give a VERY detailed account of how it should go?(Like how I should feel, how things should go, etc etc....sorry, I might not be helping much).

Anyways, any information given would be extremely helpful, as well as to the others who maybe needing this information as well!

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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by Seraphin »

Yes as one who work with dragons, I would say anyone can have a guardian dragon or guide. In order for you to meet them, I would be inclined to bring an offering of some sort to and start building a relationship.

Think about dragons as Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Angels, Ascended Masters, Deities and such like any other and you'll be fine. dragons respond to people much like most guides and guardians do. Just be respectful and humble upon approach and/or whatever you do and you're unlikely to have a negative experience. You may be ignored but it's normal. Some of them are really aloof and snob. And don't force them to interact with you or distract them when they are doing something. It's generally not advisable to approach a random dragon, just interact with the one that voluntarily approached you.Approach them just as you would a God or Goddess from an unknown pantheon.

Also, I won't beat around the bush. I've been practicing Dragon Magick for a number of years and I've yet to find a reliable, logical and thorough resource to recommend for those interested in this path.

Regarding meditation, it is good to try the Astral Temple Meditation I posted here in this thread: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... on#p195612

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by MsMollimizz »

[quote="Seraphin"]Yes as one who work with dragons, I would say anyone can have a guardian dragon or guide. In order for you to meet them, I would be inclined to bring an offering of some sort to and start building a relationship.

Also, I won't beat around the bush. I've been practicing Dragon Magick for a number of years and I've yet to find a reliable, logical and thorough resource to recommend for those interested in this path.

So why don't you write one ???
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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by Seraphin »

Well I often working on lessons and essays that I'd one day like to publish but they are all still in progress.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by Erydiel »

Seraphin, do you have any tips on how to tell when a dragon guardian or guide is trying to contact/approach you? I've heard sometimes that you can "feel" their presence(or any spirit really), but I have no luck with that yet. Would there be any other signs that I can pick up that lets me know that they are there?
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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by Seraphin »

Most people never see them at first contact but you may, eventually, feel their presence. You may either feel a sudden lively emotion, intellect, an overwhelming energy, confidence and excitement.

Many people perceived them as dangerous and rebellious beings. Some of them are yes! But not all of them. Since I'm incurably for the underdog, I pitied some poor dragons. They are always being made stand-ins for the Devil. However, Eastern dragons are better regarded. Most cultures in the Orient, never depicted these creatures as monsters. There are sentient beings who take care of the nature. Asian dragons protect and guard a lot of valuable and precious things.

Now you may ask, how can you tell if the being or creature is a dragon or not?

When you meet Them, you can tell the difference.

They appear to many people in different guises. For example, Liwyathan (Leviathan) appears to me as a scarlet and smooth scaled (like a serpent) with a fringe of firey red spikes around its face and extremely dark eyes. It breathes flame that comes from its nostrils when irritated and shoots fire from its mouth when angered. Mushussu is a draconic hybrid: a scaly dragon with sharp talons of an eagle, a long neck and tail, a horned head, and a serpentine tongue. Rahav frequently is lizard-like in appearance. It's a winged reptilian creature that has proud yellow eyes, gold horns and similarly coloured spikes that protrude from it's elongated body.

The sensation and visualization actually depends on the dragon and the person. They are very similar to other Deities in that they'll appear to a person based on that person's cultural thought on their appearance.

Light and guidance from dragons like in any other spirit guides also comes more subtly. Dragons can also draw our attention towards signs, and they leave hints, clues, miracles, and wonders which serve to tell and inform us that they are with us. Here are some common signs from the dragons:
  • An unexpected but pleasant talk with your boss
  • A perfect evaluation, examination or test
  • Completion of project or work
  • Appreciation or recognition
  • A direct or indirect message of encouragement
  • Receiving expensive gifts
  • Finding coins or receiving money
  • Being given a gift concerning the sky or the sea
  • Romance
  • A promotion
  • A revelation of something
  • Ancient History books
  • Fireworks or sparks from fire
  • Huge crowd
  • An unexpected visit from an elderly person
  • Tasting something unexpectedly hot
  • Encounters with snakes or lizards
  • Dragon shapes
These may serve as validations, confirmations and reminders that your dragons are with you, and that they are prepared to help.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by Erydiel »

Thank you both for your answers, especially you Seraphin ^__^

Btw, what kind of offerings do they like best? I'm in the broom-closet(with dust and all), so there isn't much I can offer...
Even the Altar setup I have isn't too great, and is cleared and set up again after each ritual/spell :/
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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by Seraphin »

It actually depends on what type or specie of dragon you're trying to contact but in general, dragons have been known to enjoy offerings of:
  • Money especially gold coins
  • Gems and crystals
  • Jewelries
  • Drawings and other crafts created by you
  • Offerings made by fire (roasted meat)
  • Rotten or dead things
  • Music and dancing (for Oriental dragons)
  • Incense (for Oriental dragons)
As you can see, offerings don't have to be complicated or expensive. Most of them I'm quite sure you already have on hand, yes?

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by Erydiel »

Yes, I do have most of those offerings on hand already. Now, I just need to be dedicated on starting the work with the dragons.

Thank you so very much for the info you have given, it is very well appreciative! Surely, you should work on making official posts(stickies, a website, etc.) of your own about the dragons and such. It will help many other people besides me :)
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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by Seraphin »

You are welcome Erydiel and certainly, I will post some information here in EUTM about Dragon Magick... soon. :D

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Draconic Wicca?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

We don't really have much information on Draconic Wicca here on the forum, but we've got a couple threads:
Help With Draconic Wicca
Worked with dragons?
I actually think having more information about Draconic Wicca would be a nice addition, so Seraphin and anyone else, when you've got the time and inclination, it would be appreciated. :mrgreen:
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