Majority Queens in a tarot reading?

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Majority Queens in a tarot reading?

Post by Onlybeentenminutes »

I just got done with a tarot reading for myself, and specifically, I ended up with three Queens cards. The Queen of Wands, The Queen of Cups, and The Queen of Pentacles. Does anyone know what this might mean? I couldn't find anything online so decided it might be best to come here and ask. :o
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Re: Majority Queens in a tarot reading?

Post by SnowCat »

The short version, is that you are mature, intelligent and caring. The context that the queens appeared in would be necessary to give you a more in depth explanation. Where was each one, in what type of spread.
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Re: Majority Queens in a tarot reading?

Post by Firebird »

According to AE Waite, 3 Queens means deception by women. (Source; Pictorial key to the Tarot)
In my mind 3 is a magic number that was sacred to the Celts. Much like a holy trinity. There is a numerical sequence in three that can't hapoen with any other numbers. 3, 6, 9. It makes a portal when you put 3 sticks with their tips touching, so anything is possible with three. To me it feels more like potential. Also the odds are slim-ish to get 3 out of 78. I would say keep you eyes open for an opportunity involving 3 women...1 a fire sign, 2 an earth sign, 3 a water sign. Get a good sense of them and the situation before moving on.

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― Jim Morrison
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