Advise caution, recommend awareness
Advise caution, recommend awareness
At least 3 times per week as my schedule allows, I choose one of my favorite spots in the woods for meditation and prayer. Mostly this is simply burning a little sage or sweetgrass and tuning myself in. Each location resonates with a different spirit and are chosen for the particular vibratory effects I need at the time. Typically I breathe and listen to what is going on around me. Eventually the animals will become used to me and soon I will be aware of all the life around me. This morning I choose a little spot along a tiny brook, grassy, still, lots of willow and moss. Home to many kinds of birds, insects, chipmunks, martens, squirrels, and deer. Tracks of raccoon, skunk, even bear can be found here. This morning, all was well for a while. I was aware that it was somewhat quieter than usual, and almost like hitting a light switch, an impression of malice and darkness surrounded me. All was silent and for about 15 minutes I was struck with an irrational fear. After the feeling passed and all returned to normal, there was a residual sense of discord for nearly an hour. I burned more sage and performed an all-purpose cleanse and protection ritual, then left. It was a shocking reality check reminding me that bad stuff is out there, and it really helped me to reaffirm my intentions and mindset.
Re: Advise caution, recommend awareness
I wonder what that was? Even if it was something not of this world, it took time for the area to get back to normal.
But maybe like something of this world?, like a bear or mountain lion that was walking by in the not so far distance.
You picked up on the fear of everything else around and they went silent. That must have felt a little creepy.
Do you still go to this spot?
BB, Firebird
But maybe like something of this world?, like a bear or mountain lion that was walking by in the not so far distance.
You picked up on the fear of everything else around and they went silent. That must have felt a little creepy.
Do you still go to this spot?
BB, Firebird
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

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- Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:46 pm
- Gender: Gender Queer
- Location: In my head with all the other inmates. We think one of us is schizophrenic.
Re: Advise caution, recommend awareness
I'd say bear. They are an omnivore that will eat anything from little nuts, berries and chipmunks to deer that dress out to a hundred twenty to a hundred fifty pounds. They're not much on eating humans. Threaten cubs and a MAMA bear will rearrange your parts. During mating season, one or both sexes will leave your parts strewn about the greenery. They move quietly and you have to have an educated eye to follow them, even with all their size. Bugs will even be still. Seriously, this time of year nature is their buffet. A cougar or bobcat, you won't see or hear them unless your not only wood-wise, but lucky as well. If it's a cougar, it's an Alpha Carnivore. It, by definition, is looking only for large pieces of meat. 50 - 50 chance you will be on the menu just because your the biggest, slowest and weakest big hunk of meat in a square mile or so.
Re: Advise caution, recommend awareness
I have encountered a Griz or two in Alaska with only a .357 for defense and I got to tell ya one feels quite humble in full knowledge that you are lunch if the critter so chooses. Some have followed from a distance, stopping when I stopped being just curious. None have acted overtly threatening except one that broke a window to enter an old abandoned cabin in which self and a friend was cooking breakfast during a camp out. In retrospect we were not very savvy and probably deserved to become dinner. Generally unless they have had a bad experience from humans or have cubs, bears are to be encountered with respect and given a wide passage. I have looked up to see a bear joining me a few feet away picking blueberries. For sure I left plenty for him. I believe they can sense, feel and smell your intentions.
I found the big cats and baboons in Laos to be a whole different threat, very fast, silent and very territorial and you are prey. Baboons like beer by the way, pop the top and toss them a can and most likely one will let you live.
I found the big cats and baboons in Laos to be a whole different threat, very fast, silent and very territorial and you are prey. Baboons like beer by the way, pop the top and toss them a can and most likely one will let you live.
Re: Advise caution, recommend awareness
Shekinah wrote: Baboons like beer by the way, pop the top and toss them a can and most likely one will let you live.

“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

- Banned Member
- Posts: 951
- Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:46 pm
- Gender: Gender Queer
- Location: In my head with all the other inmates. We think one of us is schizophrenic.
Re: Advise caution, recommend awareness
That's why I always carry a .30-.30 Winchester Lever Action Carbine and a 5-Round .44 Bulldog Revolver. Admittedly, if your not careful with the Bulldog, you hit the grounded paw, followed by a low flying plane, followed by the ISS. It's a frame heavy beast that climbs faster then a lemur. It will also stop a horse at full gallop. I don't look like the typical peaceful nature lover. I've enjoyed many a Rock Rattler for lunch and haven't been bitten. I've got a couple Black Bear coverlettes. It's not like I'm taking them without cause. A friend owns a large campground and riding trails in the Adirondacks. Bears and rattle snakes and a camp ground with little kids is a disaster waiting to happen. I'd never kill a big cat except to save human life. I've seen spore crossing the camp ground and been grateful it didn't take up residence.
It's good to know that baboons are such intelligent creatures. You could probably demonstrate a twist-off cap so they wouldn't miss a drop.
It's good to know that baboons are such intelligent creatures. You could probably demonstrate a twist-off cap so they wouldn't miss a drop.
Re: Advise caution, recommend awareness
In Laos we discovered Baboons were stealing aircraft parts and dragging them into the jungle. Shiny trinkets to them I guess. Anyway we had a couple of fairly tame ones that visited our "Snake pit" (beer hooch) during happy hour to demand a round of brew from we Yanks and fellow Aussies. Was great sport to get them snockered.