Help understanding using crystals - I am a bit confused

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.

Post by springwater84 »

Thanks One Walker, that sounds like a good way of letting go of it!

What do you think about stones to heal the base chakra? For instance Green Fluorite although this is generally recommended to the brow and heart chakras it seems an all round healer as you also mentioned like Quartz

It looks like Red, Orange or Green go well here for meditation on the lower chakras

I know how physical this chakra is with the nervous system and vitality and want to get my energy strong in the physical and emotional sense

I am looking for something before the stronger red colours like Red Garnet and Jasper for this. Orange Calcite feels good, I feel used to this :)
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hi springwater!

Green, especially dark green, is very good for Base Chakra since that is an Earth color. You can also use Black and White stones as they can be empowered for any Chakra. Black is the total absence of color and White is the presence of all colors so they work very well as programmable 'neutrals'.

Red and Orange work best on the lower body cavity (or Central Mass) Chakras.

Your other combinations sound fine. Mudstone with Red Jasper works well in this circumstance too.

Blessings to you and may you enjoy continued success!

One Walker. :D
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Post by springwater84 »

Hi One Walker

Today I took my bloodstone from the glass of water and had to rub it off on a towel because the texture felt funny! Anyway I did this and had a base chakra meditation. It didn't feel too overpowering while healing at the same time. Makes me feel more confident about this point

I have an example of a full chakra recharge and cleanse from that Judy Hall book. There is (from top to bottom chakras) Amethyst, Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Green Aventurine, Yellow Jasper, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper at the base and Smoky Quartz at the feet

For the intent/programming would you hold all these in your hands and intend on for example, "I programme these crystals for a full chakra cleanse and recharge" and then place them appropriately? Just thinking to keep it as simple as possible while cleansing them individually. Sorry about going back to this a bit but I am excited about this :)
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hello springwater!

No problem. What you plan sounds fine. Did the texture of the Bloodstone feel oily? Water has oil in it so if you soak a stone in standing water for an extended period of time it can become coated with it.

For your intent/programming what you describe sounds fine, although personally I would be a little concerned about charging them to cleanse Charkas when holding them all together since they may become confused about which Chakra to address. But, if you then place them over the respective Charkas you intend to use them for they should work out okay. If you feel it doesn't, try charging them individually for each Chakra.

Or, for a charging, since stones don't know what the word 'Chakra' means, and because you're visualizing your whole body, I might try a charging ritual like this: Cup the stones in both hands and say something like:

Rock and stone from Earth, as me;
Cleanse and make my body Free;
Charge me with the Love and Light;
Health and Peace both Day and Night.

That's just an idea and of course you can make up your own. I like this one because it imparts Intent to multiple stones without confusing them as to which is for what part of the body.

Hope this helped some! Blessings to you as always on this beautiful day!

One Walker. :D
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Post by springwater84 »

Hi One Walker

The Bloodstone felt really rough and strange kind of feel when I took it out of the glass of water

I have been meditating with it in the morning and orange calcite later on. Thanks for the advice in this thread!

I have been keeping my crystals on the fireplace on display not far from the window with a bit of space between each

I am still getting round to using more, I feel quite good now :D
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Post by One Walker »

That's terrific to hear, springwater! I'm very glad things are working out for you. Keep us posted!

Blessings to you along this path!

One Walker. :D
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Re: Help understanding using crystals - I am a bit confused

Post by SpiritTalker »

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