All About Ouija Boards

Frequently asked questions about witchcraft, Wicca, magick, paganism, and the occult. Subjects include love spells, Ouija boards, curses, Law of Attraction, and what to do if you don't have the needed tools, ingredients, altar, etc.

Post by Josh »

If you want to try a Quiji board, Cast a circle, and then bless your house. Use a protection spell, and then summon forth your spirit guide. (Or instead of your spirit guide, try asking if there are any spirits that want to talk. For this part, I use a pendulum.)

I hope this helps those of you wanting to try a Quiji board.

Post by LorriePaige »

You really shouldn't be so condescending; it's just another form of divination. It's very common for pagans to use divination in their life.

Unfortunately, the Ouija is the most misunderstood divination tool.

ImperfectAngel wrote:I have one and never had any problems...I never use it...ever..not cause I'm scared just really don't ahve the need. Spirits find me just fine...without any boards haahah

But once, a friend of mine, who isn't a witch or wiccan, went to grave yard with me and played around...Nothing major happened except I learned my bff like to push the pointer LOL :lol:

We did ask for lotto numbers because she was going to lose her car...We didn't win big but we won $2000, which I gave mostly to her so she could keep her car. Althought I do think that was pure luck becasue if you could win the lotto by playing on the Ouija board everyone would have one :wink:

Post by LorriePaige »

I love using the Ouija. If anyone has any questions about it, feel free to ask me if you want; I'm kind of an expert on them.

Blessed be.


Post by Fluestern »

I used one several times when I was a teenager and didn't have any terrible experiences. It seemed like there were a lot of different personalities sometimes interrupting one another while I was using it. I used it alone. I've heard this is a bad thing, but have never had a bad experience. Instead I think a lot of the people who are afraid end up scaring themselves.
My question:
I remember when I was younger and reading something by Crowley on the subject that you can limit the communication with the boards. Is there a way to call someone like a spirit guide, alone, so that I don't have to deal with all the chatter?
Lily Cantodea
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Post by Lily Cantodea »

I would never use a Ouija Board - you couldn't pay me. It opens doors to the spirit world that most people can't close; you don't know what can come through that door, and people can get possessed. Ouija boards are dangerous, IMO.

protecting against harm from ouija board

Post by Southerner »


Just wondering if anyone has actually tried using a board inside a salt circle or drawn a seal to keep whatever comes forth from escaping and doing serious damage?

The circles and seals I am referring to would be the same as what warlocks and proper magicians use to manifest various spiritual entities for various spells. A decent salt circle would at least protect any beginners and limit potential attacks on them. It is also easy to get hold of salt without raising too many eyebrows.

Maybe olive oil would do the trick for a seal, but on a wooden board or table may cause stains.

Or why not draw a decent seal around the board before using it? Maybe include a picture of it in the instructions that come with the new boards? That would probably make it too difficult for those who cannot be bothered to read instructions and just want to mess around with something that Hollywood made to look like a fun scary idea.

Would the board actually work within these sealed boundaries?

The problem I see with most people using the boards to contact spiritual entities are the fact that they are uncertain about what they are aiming for, what they plan on doing and asking, and a huge lack of authority and confidence when opening a gate. This is preyed upon mostly by more evil entities, as they seem to recognise the fear, lack of authority and uncertainty in next to no time.

More petrol gets added to the fire if you are confused and uncertain about your life in general. Majority of people also lack discernment, and they cannot figure out if what they hear is the truth, adding more confusion to the whole excercise. They do not seem to understand the fact that they need to ask 'test' questions about things they already know the answers for.

Add all the above together when working with anything relating to the spiritual world, and you get a dangerous game of spiritual russian roulette.

From what I have read in this forum the bad guys answer the phone more than the good guys.

If you REALLY feel the urge to use the board and it's your first time, take some time to prepare. Ask questions about basic protection seals from and others with more experience in the fields. Prepare yourself mentally and spiritually as well. Once again, if you don't know how, ask someone on these forums, and from what I have seen you will get hundreds of proper ideas.

I have never had the privilege of using a board, and never had the urge or the need for it so all I can do is put forward ideas for it's safe use.

I do know once one bad guy is in, the rest follows. That one opens the door for the bad guys slightly bigger than himself, and they in turn do the same. If not stopped fairly early into the cycle, things can get pretty nasty very quickly.
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Post by notluad »

does the ouija board work better if your alone or with a group because in my house my brother is an athesit and my mother is scared of the thing. I got the glow in the dark one and will try and do it tonight with all the lights off no protection spells or prayers to the Gods just me and the ouija.
But my question is has anyone ever tried to contact the gods while using the board? sorry i accutaly asked 2 questions
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Post by akumaxkami »

Lily Cantodea wrote:I would never use a Ouija Board - you couldn't pay me. It opens doors to the spirit world that most people can't close; you don't know what can come through that door, and people can get possessed. Ouija boards are dangerous, IMO.
See, I don't believe they open doors or portals. In all my time using them, that's never the vibe I get. What I do feel is that whatever I'm communicating with is already in the room with me and using ME as the medium and the board to simply spell out the message.
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Post by staranashannon »

I found a wooden ouija board in the ditch yesterday. Cool, huh?
I'm curious as to why someone threw it in the ditch.
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Post by reikihealer83 »

I would get rid of it but with all due respect to earth wolf do not burn it! Burning them actually is never a good idea. Burying it is a great idea but if you are drawn to use it definately cleanse it with some salt water and moonlight but just be careful. Just my humble .02 :D
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Post by staranashannon »

Thanks guys. It never occurred to me to salt it until you two mentioned it, so I did just that because it was most likely in a ditch because it scared the pants off someone. (Better safe than sorry.) Maybe I'll bury it too.

I had a ouija board years ago. I was skeptical when I started using it; I think I was trying to communicate with elementals or something; can't even remember now. The handpiece made figure-eights and the light bulb in the lamp that was on crackled really loudly and burned out. That unnerved me, so I told a friend he could have it, and he took it.

It is not normal for a light bulb to burn out like that, or is it? I don't recall seeing it before or since. Don't they usually burn out when you flip a switch and not while they're burning?

I searched the web for ouija lore since finding the thing, and lots of sites claim that if the handpiece (or whatever you call it) makes figure-eights, an evil spirit is coming through. I don't necessarily believe that though-- Eights are the symbol of infinity.

Maybe I should just put the board back where I found it??
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Post by staranashannon »

Haha :) . Did that scare your neighbor?

Re: All About Ouija Boards

Post by SouthernBelle »

Personally speaking I have had no good experience with boards one experience made me very glad my friend new how to perform an exorcism if you want touse a board im not stopping you just please be careful and have the proper tools on hand to get rid of anything that might come out but they aren't evil they are just a tool and just like you need to be prepared with a bandage when using a knife you have to be prepared with a ouija board

Re: All About Ouija Boards

Post by Courtney-Lee »

I think that ouija boards are awesome, my friends and i have had loads of sucsessful ouija board sessions, none of which have resulted as anything bad. But DO NOT do any seance's!!!! A group of friends and i did a seance once in her bedroom and weird things have been happening in there ever since! Things get moved around the room, letters appear on the wall... Once while we were at her house scratches appeared going UP a wall. There were two hands and the hands had six fingers (Which is really weird because i'm pretty sure most people have 5 on each hand). So Ouija boards are fine if you ask for some sort of protection before hand and always end the session on goodbye. smileydance
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Re: All About Ouija Boards

Post by Twine »

I've never had any bad sessions with Ouija Boards or seances, even. Sure, there have been times that we've gotten some tricksters who like to play, and even supposed 'demons' who were much more bark than bite, especially considering that they only seemed to be strong enough to communicate through the board. I, being a complete bitch and skeptical of all things "demon," didn't even acknowledge his attempts fright. But that seems to be the way of things. If you expect bad, you'll get bad. Your best bet is to go in with little feeling and certainly NO fear.

As far as seances go, nothing like you mentioned has ever happened. But then again, I always set it up so that if the link of hands that circle back to the Medium is broken, then so the soul is cast out. We've talked to a few dead folks, as well as a Spirit Guide or two (mine included, who did not enjoy the experience and was annoyed that I was wasting her time and energy by 'subjecting' her to such shenanigans. She's just as much a bitch as I. XD

But now, I very rarely use them. As you deal with the Dead, you find it much easier to synch into their plane. I can't see or hear them, but I've always been able to sense them and they certainly have no problems making themselves known or showing me things or even touching me, anymore. On the off chance I do Ouija, it's for a name or something really specific that I can't seem to gather from the images they show me, and when I do that, I also use my own handmade board.
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