Ness's potpourri of dreams

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Ness's potpourri of dreams

Post by ness »

I am starting a dream journal. My husband is willing to donate my mind for research purposes because he thinks my dreams are random and sometimes weird. So, even if they don't mean much, they often have high entertainment value for some.
To the readers - please feel free to pitch in whenever you feel like it.

04/19/2014 - The dog's out

Little background - We have 3 dogs and a cat. I always seem to dream about one dog of ours. Lets call him dog C. This has happened multiple times. None of my other pets show up in my dream.

Dream 1- I am driving home on a pitch dark night. I notice a dog whimpering on the middle of the road. I stop to check and it turns out to be dog C. I am shocked and wonder how and why he is in the middle of the road, so late in the night. I put him in the car and drive home. I open the garage and get out of the car. Suddenly I see someone in blue shirt and dark pants (uniform). He tells me "excuse me while I steal things from the car outside". I am shocked. Soon I realize all of my neighbor's garage doors are open and there is a man in blue shirt uniform in each one. They seem to be stealing things from their car too. I quickly realize that this man will come in the garage and will want to raid my car too. Every house seems empty and dark except for their garages, like no one lived there anymore. I am worried and wondering what to do. I woke up at this point.

Dream 2 - I had another dream. I dreamt that dog C went into my daughter's room and jumped into the crib with her. I rush to her room and get him out of the crib.

Dog C cant physically jump in the crib. The thing is, dog C was diagnosed with diabetes 2 years ago and gets insulin shots. He is usually well regulated. But, this morning he woke up with high sugar level. He came and woke me up at 5:30 am, which is very rare. I suppose dream 2 was more like him telling me, by jumping in the crib, that he needs my attention... even before he woke up?
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Re: Ness's potpourri of dreams

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I dreamt about my ex boyfriend from 7 yrs ago. It was like we were playing a prank or something of that sort. I feel like we were hidding behind a door (trying to scare someone?). We were joking, laughing, smiling at each other, and having a good time. I looked at his face while he was laughing and thought about how much I enjoy his company.
That is all I remember. Don't remember lot of details, its pretty vague.

I havent thought about him in so long!! I have been thinking about him all through the day and feeling nostalgic. We had lot of fun and memorable time together. But we have not been in touch for past 6-7 yrs or so. I have this gut feeling that he might be in trouble. I will try to send him some positive thoughts. I really hope he is ok and happy.
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Re: Ness's potpourri of dreams

Post by ness »

I made few seperate posts about my nightmares. I will post it here just to keep it all together.

May 01, 2014

I have had many weird dreams and usually they are not scary. But, last night I had a nightmare that scared me to my bones. I am very worried. I need some insight and some advice on how I should take it.

I am even sort of scared to put it in words. But, here it is -

I have a 8 mon old daughter. She sleeps in her nursery.

In my dream, I am walking to her room and its sort of dark but dimly lit. I am in the hallway and I can see her crib. But I see that she is suspended flat in the air, well above her crib. She is wearing the little dress her grandma got her for Easter. I am shocked and I rush into her room. But by then she is laying on the crib. I am scared and I pick her up and hold her close. I am mad at someone for doing that to my daughter. So I turn around and I am trying to punch/beat up someone but there is noone. I am also punching close to the ground level as if this "thing" is pretty short. Still I am punching with full force at what seems to be nothing. I am VERY, VERY angry!!!

Then I look up and I see a huge painting on the wall next to her crib. Now the lighting in the room is bright. The painting sort of spans across the center part of the wall. Initially, it looks like a cheerful painting. The background color is bright blue. All the colors are bright. There are weird drawn figures, like respresenting humans. It looks like they are walking in procession. I see one "human" swaddled in white and being carried flat by few others.

In my dream, I am trying to understand what it is and I look to the bottom right side of the painting and it says in capital letters "PAIN". I seem to remember it saying "PAIN. CANCER" but I am not sure. I know for sure it said "PAIN". That shocks me and I suddenly realize that the painting is that of a funeral procession and the group is carrying a dead person. I don't know if I start punching into thin air again as if I am punching someone who did this, but I woke up shaken and my arms were jerking like I was trying to punch in real life.

For past couple of days, she has been sleeping restless and waking up often (consecutively, so are we). That is pretty normal for babies at this age. I had a weird sensation last evening... very uncomfortable feeling in general. I filled up some salt water in a bowl and placed it under her crib last evening, to negate any negative energy. I don't do this at all but I dont know why I felt like I need to place some salt water under her crib.

Needless to say, I am very worried because the dream involved my daughter. To see her suspended like that and that freaky painting has me very worried!!!! The could see the details in the painting, it felt so real.
I thought about what the the nightmare could mean. I feel like me punch in thin air was almost like the mother bear in my coming out. I didnt like that this "something" was messing with my daughter. I also think that cancer word might have been from reading about Heartsong posting about her cousin. But the rest is just so weird. I can't connect it to anything!
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Re: Ness's potpourri of dreams

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Jun 09, 2014

Lately, I have been dreaming about leeches. At least twice I remember in a short span of time.
I don't remember the first dream now, but just last Thurday or Friday, leeches appeared again in my dream. I remember it vague, but my daughter's daycare owner was in the dream. We see that there is some refridge and there are leeches all over the floor and the daycare owner tells be that the leeches would get inside the refridge. I open it and sure enough there are leeches all over. Its gives me a creepy feeling.
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Re: Ness's potpourri of dreams

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Sep 1, 2014

I had a very unsettling dream again.

I am in the kitchen of a small apartment. I think I am in there with my husband. The apartment is several floors high from the ground level. It seemed as though husband was helping me or cooking dinner and we were just chatting. The sink is next to the window. At one point, I look outside the window. It's sort of dark and there is tree outside... AND I see a small kid hung from the tree with a rope and hung in a noose!!!!! The child is still alive, but he is not screaming or crying, just kicking his feet in the air. And I think at one point he looks up and make eye contact with me.

Now, as if that wasn't disturbing enough... in the dream, I am not freaking out, I am not panicking, I am not running down to save this child. I am very calm and I go back to doing my normal work as if what I saw was OK. I even mention it to my husband but we both go to doing what we were doing. THIS IS SO DISTURBING! I think a long time has passed in the dream and I look out the window again. Now I see some cops trying to get the child out of the noose. I am pretty sure the child is dead at this point. I go down now and I see a group of three guys who are high and drunk who called the cops.

Essentially in the dream, I didn't try to help the child and I wasn't even affected by it and some guys who were high and drunk helped but I didn't!!! When I think about this dream this morning, I am very disturbed with myself.

Some how, these sort of dreams seems to be occuring more often in my dream pattern. I would once in a while like a happy dream :cry:
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Re: Ness's potpourri of dreams

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Nov 1, 2015

It has been a while since I made an entry in my dream journal. The dream I had last night brought me here. I feel the need to record it, so here I am.

I had a dream where I meet a military guy. Initially it looks like someone I know but then it doesn't. This person is preparing to go back to some place for a mission or a posting. I am there, as they pack their things and he speaks to me in a very heartfelt manner. He is telling me his story, he talks about what it feels like to leave, what it feels like to be in a war zone, and about the chances of him coming back. I am not saying much to him in my dream, but just listening to him. That was it.

I am getting teary eyed as I type this in my dream journal. I personally don't know any military person or solider. But when I woke up, I felt like I really shared this moment with someone. Maybe in a different dimension, I met someone and we had shared this time? I don't know. Wherever and whomever you are, my friend, I am thinking about you and hoping you are doing OK.
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Re: Ness's potpourri of dreams

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

( past life possibly )
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Re: Ness's potpourri of dreams

Post by ness »

Quite possible, MrsDavid.
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