Anyone else feeling the “Winter Blues”?

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Anyone else feeling the “Winter Blues”?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Well are ya? I’m know I am lately. Most especially since I’ve returned to work.. my job is a major source of stress, anxiety and all around miserableness.

Then I had an interaction with my best friend since jr high that sort of onset more gloomies. This interaction caused me to do some serious introspection on myself and started feeling down and uncertain only to realize that she’s really not a super great friend.

I share, but she doesn’t. I open up, she listens, but she doesn’t open up. She wants to believe she’s better than me, maybe she does believe she is. I honestly wonder if she keeps me as a friend because it makes her feel better about herself if she can convince herself she’s better than me. Anyways, it’s brought out some really raw feelings and has me going from “maybe I don’t need this person in my life” to “what am I talking about, she’s been my best friend since we were 12”.

All this to say, anyone else feeling down lately? I felt better tonight when I had a thought of the recent holidays. I had two weeks off of work and spent lots of time with family, friends and my loving husband. Just thinking back to the last time I was happy and realizing it was less than a month ago really helped me chill out. Haha

Feel free to vent on this thread if you’re also feeling blue, typing that all out helped also!

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Re: Anyone else feeling the “Winter Blues”?

Post by SnowCat »

I know this afternoon the change in the barometric pressure gave me a weather induced migraine. That was fun to deal with while driving carpool. I pick up grandkids on Wednesday and Thursday. I get the fourth grader from the bus, and then we head south to get the eighth grader down by Centennial Airport. It's about 30 miles by the time I drop them off and then get home. It felt like the clouds were trying to crush my head.
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Re: Anyone else feeling the “Winter Blues”?

Post by . »

Yep I'm feeling down a lot too. No childhood friends in my life... due to evolution I guess, that'd be like having a shower and putting old clothes back again.

Actually it's a polarized thing for me... sometimes I like people in this video... then I try those natural remedies and I'm moody again:
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Re: Anyone else feeling the “Winter Blues”?

Post by Firebird »

@ SL, that seems like Saturday Night Live skit, LoL.
I generally have a terrible time in the winter. Much of it from passing over traumatic dates that occurred in past years during winter. This year I am really trying to focus on the now and try to let those things that plagued me every year since childhood not be in the forefront of my brain. It's hard because I'll be sitting there suddenly crying out of the seemingly clear blue sky, and wonder wtf is going on with me, then I realize where in the month we are and ask myself how is everything else right now? and it's usually pretty good so I focus on that. Spring isn't actually much better for me, but at least it's prettier!
I'm sorry about your friend Rosie, that's hard. More likely than not, you have evolved and she has not because you can recognize that what she is doing isn't comfortable to you, and it's not easy to accept that someone we really like or love isn't being good to us. You might have to limit you access to her if you wish to remain friends. And then when she is feeling superior, you can just go, oh...that's her being her and I won't let it get under my skin, but it isn't very fulfilling as a relationship.
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Re: Anyone else feeling the “Winter Blues”?

Post by YanaKhan »

My downtime seems to come during the summer. For a musician, summer is always slow and until last year, I was feeling down during the summer. Which is odd, because I was born in the summer and generally hate the cold :D

@Rosie, I know this is hard, the thing with your friend, but it kinda makes me wonder if it was the right time to free yourself from someone who didn't bring much good in your life? It's always a pitty to lose a friendship, especially a long one, but if it brings you down, do you really need it? A true friend does not consider themselves better than their friend. A true friend lifts their friends up.
@Snow, this must have been horrible. Is it happening often?
I know it's a cliche, but it's always darkest just before dawn.
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Anyone else feeling the “Winter Blues”?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thanks for replying guys.

@Snow, man, and I thought I had something to complain about! To be that in sync or that affected by the wether must be so hard!!

@SL - interesting enough this particular friend is taking some of those anti depressant meds. She never talked to me about what was going on. She only opened up about it once the meds were working, she was feeling better and, she could confidently accept she was taking them. It’s like she feels she can’t show weakness to me, and only comes forward once she’s well and acts like a champion for those who also need help. I don’t get this because I’m always a champion for those in a tough spot!! Why can’t she share with me the way I open up to her about my weaknesses? Or, be my champion when I’m express my issues or personal pain? I guess everyone is different..

@FF - Good to year from you friend! I’m sorry winter is hard for you. I’m just a message away if you ever need to talk/vent!

Wow, hit the nail on the head why don’t you?
firebirdflys wrote:You might have to limit you access to her if you wish to remain friends. And then when she is feeling superior, you can just go, oh...that's her being her and I won't let it get under my skin, but it isn't very fulfilling as a relationship.
My friend lives about 2 hours away so face to face contact is only 2-3 times a year. We talk bi weekly or monthly but mostly because I call or text. I think I’ll back off that for a bit and see if she even notices. And, truth be told, being somewhat of an empath myself, I feel I understand her insecurities and her motives without her verbally expressing them to me. So deep down, I know why she does what she does. And, you’re right. “That’s just her being her, and I’m not going to let her get under my skin” is the most perfect response.

@Yana, I completely understand what you mean. Summer is my time, as I was born in May. I know the petty pains of life are much more bearable if I can go out and be in the sunshine while dealing with it!! I have so many hikes and swims already planned this year and it’s not even February!! Haha!

I’m also wondering these same things about my friend. It may sound odd to be thrown off but a friendship when you’re an adult. But, she and I have been friends since childhood basically. I’ve often considered her more of a sister than a friend. Even, if we’ve outgrown each other, I’d rather not end things permanently or on bad terms. I think I’d prefer a more mature way to not rely on her as much emotionally, but remain friends.

Thanks again for the responses lovely friends, it really made me feel better! I appreciate all of you!

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Re: Anyone else feeling the “Winter Blues”?

Post by . »

RosieMoonflower wrote:@SL - interesting enough this particular friend is taking some of those anti depressant meds. She never talked to me about what was going on. She only opened up about it once the meds were working, she was feeling better and, she could confidently accept she was taking them. It’s like she feels she can’t show weakness to me, and only comes forward once she’s well and acts like a champion for those who also need help. I don’t get this because I’m always a champion for those in a tough spot!! Why can’t she share with me the way I open up to her about my weaknesses? Or, be my champion when I’m express my issues or personal pain? I guess everyone is different..
Mirror to our behaviour attracts similar people. We all tend to hide our weaknesses a lot... by being more honest we also reshape the kind of people we meet as quote of E. Tolle went "whenever you say the truth you feel you instantly connect with people around you" the real way.
Blessings to you :flyingwitch:
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