[b] Before You Cast a Spell, by Carl McColman
Understanding the Power of Magic[/b]
Publisher- New Page Books, USA, 2004
181 text pages, fairly easy reading
Summary - topics run 2-3 pages of of discussion; author uses a good common sense approach; no techniques or spells are given
Ch 1: Before You Cast a Spell
. Chit-chat Intro, learning to fish - Spiritual power; magic & spell craft involve spiritual power - an effective spell requires more than the right candle color or herb
. 1st two principles - magic requires you to know yourself & magic requires careful planning & execution
. Magic definition - Hard Work & An Inside Job - Success or Failure - Take responsibility - Be Careful What You Ask For - What Do You Really Want? - Love, Money, Revenge, Protection - honesty; Pre-Flight Checklist
. Love - the greatest magic of all
Ch 2: 13 Myths of Magic - reality check
. Magic is for getting what you want - Magic will make you happy - Love or money are reasons to cast spells - Magic is dangerous/evil/wicked - Magic need not be taken seriously - Magic’s for kids & teens - Magic's a shortcut to fulfillment - Magic is easy, just follow directions - Magic is a sure fire way to predict the future - If you don’t cast the spell exactly right it won’t work - Be positive and say “and it harm none” - Magic is irrational & unscientific - You don’t have to be religious, spiritual or a good person to do magic.
Ch 3: 13 Laws of Magic
. Magic is subject to karma - What you believe you can achieve - Attitude is everything - Do all you can mundanely towards your goal - Props support the mind & the mind does the work of magic - Magic stands the test of time - If you can’t meditate you can’t magic - the best Spells are ones you write - The closer you are to your Deity the more power you’ll have - Magic is aided by joy & delight - No exceptions to Wiccan Rede & 3-Fold Law - Questionable motives make questionable results - Magic works within the Laws of Nature.
Ch 4: Ethics of Magic
. Consequences - discusses the Wiccan Rede and 3-Fold Law
. Slippery slope - Managing the Shadow - Revenge case study
. The Rede & Law are ethical starting points - Ethical choices, healing not harm, others, your responsibly - Vows, virtues & values - Ethics Schmethics - Bottom Line.
Ch 5: the Goddess & the God, the Heart of Real Magic
. Dogmas aren’t spiritual truths - Magic is superstition or evil - The yin & yang of spirit
. Attributes & Correspondences - Deity isn’t a formula - 9 things to do for Them - the Heart of Spirituality is within - Prayer & Mysticism - Finding you Inner Goddess and God - Sacred inner marriage.
Ch 6: Beyond Love & Money
. About the chakras - Relating chakras to magic - Fulfilling the lower chakras needs - Higher chakras
Ch 7: Power & Happiness
. What [i]is[/i] power? - what Power is not - Interpersonal power - Spiritual power is Magic - Finding & walking in your power - Wisdom & Love
Conclusion - a wee blessing
Appendix A: Hints for further Study
. 13 book suggestions - Finding a teacher
Appendix B: A Magical Glossary
Index - 6 pages
Before You Cast a Spell, by Carl McColman
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