How to Make A Spell/ How to Cast A Spell Guide
I noticed a lot of people asking others for spells and asking others how to make one. If you read everything in this guide, you will know how to make your own spell and how to cast your own spell.
I want to make sure that everyone who reads this knows what magick is and how it works. I'm fairly new here, so please forgive me if outside links are not allowed.
This link leads to a specific page from a site that will let you know everything you need to know about Magick and casting spells : Edit- link is no longer active
When making or casting a spell, make sure there is peace and quiet because concentration and focus is needed when doing this
A spell is nothing more but just words of what you want to happen. Just reading a spell out loud will not make anything happen, unless the original writer of the spell put a tremendous amount of energy and emotion into that spell.
Making a spell is sort of like writing a poem, except it should take more time to write it, even if it's short.
1. Get a piece of paper and a pencil or pen
2. Think about the results of the spell. Think about the intent of the spell. Do you want to make this spell to find love, to get money, or to even get revenge on somebody? (I really don't recommend that last one, just used it as an example). Be very specific with what you want your intent to be because this will make things a lot more quicker. For example, if your intent is to find love, it has to be a specific person. By the way, these are just examples. You can make a spell for school, careers-- even something small like good luck.
3. Now title this piece of paper with a word that describes this spell. If your intent is to get money, you can name the title, "Fortune Spell"
4. Before you begin writing your spell, you will close your eyes and you will visualize the wanted outcome and the intent of your spell. Not only will you visualize, but you will make it emotional. How much do you Want this outcome? How much do you Want this result to actually happen and to come true? Feel the "desire" and the "Want" of this intent-- Feel the emotions inside of you stirring as you visualize the intent. As the emotions become deeper, you will think of the words you want to put on the paper. When I say feel the emotions-- I mean you need to have the desire directly in your heart and really feel it. When you feel the tears forming due to these emotions, you will write the first line of the spell. The spell can be as long or short as you want it to be. The idea is to put as much emotion (energy) into your spell as possible. Repeat this process. Close your eyes, visualize your intent and make it emotional. When the emotions get as deep as you can feel them, write the second line to your spell, and so on until you feel like your spell is done. Now you have a paper full of energy, and an intent. Now you have to release this energy out into the world, so that it will make the result happen.
If making the spell has worn you out, it is okay to wait the next day or whenever to cast the spell because the energy and emotion you put into the spell will always be there until you cast all of it out. Now, if you want to learn how to cast a spell, keep reading.
"Emotion is energy. And without energy, your magick has no power." ( Note : You've already put a lot of (emotion) energy into the spell when making it because you really want to see an outcome. But now you're going to put even more energy into it as you cast it out, so that you will see an even greater outcome as the spell and all of your energy is released )
Casting the spell is just like making the spell, except you're going to be raising and directing even more energy, and releasing it.
1. First, we're going to raise the energy we need. There are many ways of raising energy for your spell. There is dancing, percussion, singing, running etc. So choose which technique you wish to use for raising the energy. I'm going to use chanting as an example.
2. You're going to begin raising the energy by chanting the spell you have written. While chanting your spell, be sure to feel the emotion like you did when you were writing your spell. We're not going to visualize just yet. Just focus on feeling the words and how much you Want those words to become reality. Keep chanting and chanting until you feel the emotions at their deepest, your desire at its greatest, and your will at its strongest.
3. Now you're going to direct this energy. Like raising the energy, there are many ways to direct the enegy. The best method is visualization. And you're going to chant and visualize at the same time.
4. Close your eyes and visualize your intent as if it has already happened, while chanting. If your spell was intended to find love, visualize you and the person you wish to be with kissing in a garden. When doing this, your emotions have to be at their deepest and you need to really focus on where this energy is going. Keep chanting, make your visualization rich in detail and deep in emotion. When tears start falling, you will know if you put enough emotion and energy into directing it. When you feel as though you've directed this energy well enough, open your eyes and confirm it with a closing statement, like, "This is my will, so mote it be".
5. Now, you wait to see the outcome, because trust me, there will be one.
If you did everything in this guide, including putting tremendous energy and emotion into your spell, you should see the outcome in about 1-4 days. Certain spells may take longer.
Love spells aren't always what people expect. You may think the spell didn't work, but sometimes you have to go up to the person and talk to them to make the spell continue. Why? The spell most likely worked and the person is attracted to you, but if they are extremely shy or think you're out of their league, this will definitely delay the spell.
How to Make A Spell/ How to Cast A Spell Guide
- Pinkpower_80
- Posts: 409
- Joined: Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:36 pm
- Gender: Female
Re: How to Make A Spell/ How to Cast A Spell Guide
Thank you for this guide.
I have what may seem like kind of a dumb question.
Ok, I can raise the proper amount of energy but as far as crying, I don't cry very easily. After years of doing so it takes a lot to make me cry. Even if I don't bring myself to tears, will my spell still be as powerful as long as I do put my emotions fully into it?
I have what may seem like kind of a dumb question.
Ok, I can raise the proper amount of energy but as far as crying, I don't cry very easily. After years of doing so it takes a lot to make me cry. Even if I don't bring myself to tears, will my spell still be as powerful as long as I do put my emotions fully into it?
Re: How to Make A Spell/ How to Cast A Spell Guide
Pinkpower_80 wrote:Thank you for this guide.
I have what may seem like kind of a dumb question.
Ok, I can raise the proper amount of energy but as far as crying, I don't cry very easily. After years of doing so it takes a lot to make me cry. Even if I don't bring myself to tears, will my spell still be as powerful as long as I do put my emotions fully into it?
Yes, It will still be as powerful. I was just trying to let those who read this know that, that's how much it takes when making and casting a spell.
Re: How to Make A Spell/ How to Cast A Spell Guide
I am not a crier either. I find building up energy then screaming my intent at what I'm doing works.
Re: How to Make A Spell/ How to Cast A Spell Guide
It's okay. Whatever makes the emotions come will do just fine.Holdasown wrote:I am not a crier either. I find building up energy then screaming my intent at what I'm doing works.
Re: How to Make A Spell/ How to Cast A Spell Guide
My spells haven't been working the way I want to and maybe it's because of the lack of intention and focus. 
Will try it again.

Will try it again.
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:49 am
Re: How to Make A Spell/ How to Cast A Spell Guide
bummed the link is dead 

Re: How to Make A Spell/ How to Cast A Spell Guide
You can use the wayback machine on that dead link. This is one very useful tutorial- Thanks for sharing!!! Blessed be