Daily prayers?

Many pagans and witches use prayer as a form of worship and for requesting help from deities. Share and discuss prayers here.
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Daily prayers?

Post by WaterBorn »

This may be a little personal but I have had trouble finding, making, using prayers in my daily life mainly because I am too self critical of what I come up with and I have trouble remembering to say them. Could anyone please give me some ideas as to what prayers I could use in the morning, night and for meals. Meals is kind of one im more interested in because I live in a Christian household and I would like to say more in a prayer than just thank you goddess for this meal (I pray to the God and Goddess for daily things and more specific gods/goddesses for my rituals) but I feel awkward when im surrounded by people praying for like 2 minutes and saying elaborate things while im standing there and all i can think of to say is that. Any help would be greatly appreciated Blessed be
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by Klia »

I always say a quick prayer before I fall asleep. I just say thank you for the great and safe day and pray that my family and loved ones are happy and doing well.

For meals, I'll say something quick as well. Could be something like: "Lord and Lady, thank you for this food that feeds my body and nourishes my soul. Blessed be."
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by WaterBorn »

thank you that does help me. Its actually great to talk to people who actually take this seriously and not some of the people I have been around who take it as a fad to try to set themselves apart from the general public
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by LoneWhiteWolf »

Youre deities wont judge you on how short or long youre prayer is, so long as youre communicating with them in a possitive way its fine. :) And as long as youre comfortable with youre lord and lady and what you say, its all good.
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by WaterBorn »

Thank you all this actually has helped me. All I have had for guidance with this topic is a few books that only give guidelines on prayers such as prayers should have rhyme in them for them to be effective and several things to end the prayers with. I wish I could have had a mentor in my studies. I've basically just had vague guidance from book and internet sources.
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I'd like to recommend reading "Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham. Chapter nine, Daily Prayer and Chants, has some lovely, simple and effective prayers for several occasions. Personally, I'm a big fan of Cunningham, so I recommend him all the time. :) He's a good author, so if you don't find the aforementioned book to your liking, you may like some of his other work. I also think that chapter eight of the same book, Effective Prayer, might also be of interest to you.
From personal experience, I don't find memorized or rhyming prayer to be a necessity. When I was in a coven, we used specific chants and invocations. I wasn't able to memorize them at all during the short time I was with that group. It wasn't from a lack of trying, I did practice, but it just didn't work out for me. When I pray to the Lord and Lady, it's from my heart. I pray what's on my mind. To me, prayer is pretty much a normal conversation, treating the gods like a good friend. Imagine talking to Them like you would talk to yourself. It's okay if there's a bit of quick mumbling or a few pregnant pauses while your mind wanders briefly. They know what our limitations are as humans and They still love us. :D
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by smogie_michele »

I think it is important to remember that speaking with the gods is the important part, not how formal or informal you are when talking to them.
I talk to them the same way I talk to my own mother. I respect them, I listen to them, and I honor them. I stay humble when I speak, but feel like If I try to memorize lines or chants that I am faking it.

There is no wrong way to pray.. Just pray :)
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by MsMollimizz »

When I start to cook, "We give thanks to the Spirit of these
plant/animals that gave that we may live." When you adapt
things for yourself, use what feels good for you, anything
else is like Smogie's saying is like faking it if you don't
feel it.
I pray at night, I really should in the morning also, I just
haven't gotten to that part; I am composing it in my head
it may take me a while !
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by Seraphin »

You don't need long prayers or blessings. Just talk to your Deities and personally utter blessings to Them for each detail of your daily experience. Such practice surely points to a deep inward appreciation for the good things our Deities provide for us throughout each day. Just vocalize your gratitude to Them for Their daily provision and care.

Our Deities have given us Their personal mobile phone number and is just waiting for our call. When we pray, we meditate for a few moments on the fact that we are communicating with Great Spirits.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

Re: Daily prayers?

Post by 70swoodstock »

Hi WaterBorn,

I felt the same as you recently. I wanted to learn some simple daily prayers and practices that would help keep me get focused and connected. As was mentioned in a previous reply, I have found Cunningham's book, Living Wiccan to be a very practical resource. I have actually copied a morning and evening prayer from his book and recite them everyday while meditating on the words. I have only been doing this for a couple of days now, but I do feel more grounded and connected as a result.

All the best to you.
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by Argante »

I'm quite a "prayer" person. I usually find it hard to describe it as prayer because often I get in a sort of meditative state while talking to the Goddess.

I believe memorizing something with a certain rythm and rhyme will help keeping your mind focused on what you wish to say/ask, but as long as it comes from deep withing your heart, you will connect to your deities.

It has always worked for me, and I don't even pray/think in my native language :P
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by valerian moon »

WaterBorn wrote:thank you that does help me. Its actually great to talk to people who actually take this seriously and not some of the people I have been around who take it as a fad to try to set themselves apart from the general public
Ooh, my grandfather says that and I hate it.
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by valerian moon »

Echo_of_shadows wrote:I'd like to recommend reading "Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham. Chapter nine, Daily Prayer and Chants, has some lovely, simple and effective prayers for several occasions.
I have that book, it's really good!!
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by FranMirren »

I went through a time when I felt the need for daily prayers and I asked the same questions, read books and tried to memorize other people's suggestions. I felt a lack of confidence myself in the prayers that I came up with. But since then, I've realized that a few words of thanks to Nature that come from the heart mean so much more to me. An example is just tonight. I was baking bread, and I thanked Nature for all of the wonderful ingredients that she provided for me, that I was baking this loaf with love and that I felt gratitude for my blessings. I just remember being forced into a religion that meant nothing to me as a child - having to say the prayers mindlessly as I stood, sat or knelt down...it just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Not everyone is as informal as I am,I hope you find what suits you!
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Re: Daily prayers?

Post by Lux »

WaterBorn wrote:This may be a little personal but I have had trouble finding, making, using prayers in my daily life mainly because I am too self critical of what I come up with and I have trouble remembering to say them. Could anyone please give me some ideas as to what prayers I could use in the morning, night and for meals. Meals is kind of one im more interested in because I live in a Christian household and I would like to say more in a prayer than just thank you goddess for this meal (I pray to the God and Goddess for daily things and more specific gods/goddesses for my rituals) but I feel awkward when im surrounded by people praying for like 2 minutes and saying elaborate things while im standing there and all i can think of to say is that. Any help would be greatly appreciated Blessed be
Maybe you can start out with a daily prayer to help with your self-criticism,

"I am unique, I am beautiful, I am strong, I am capable."

Something quick and easy to remember is always effective. There's no reason for you to feel pressured to get into a bunch of pomp and ceremony. I sometimes feel awkward too when reciting in front of people, and simple precise words tend to make me feel confident.
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