Do you have a spirit guide/guardian?

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Little Green Dragon
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Do you have a spirit guide/guardian?

Post by Little Green Dragon »

I'd love to hear if you know your spirit guides or guardians. Do you talk with them? How did you meet them? Do they help you with things etc... :-)

LGD :-)
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Re: Do you have a spirit guide/guardian?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yes, indeed. As far back as I can remember, which is like age 3-4, Ive had "flying" dreams in which the same person would take me different places of interest.

How about you, LGD? What makes you ask? Do you work with a guide/guardian?
Last edited by SpiritTalker on Wed Jul 14, 2021 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Little Green Dragon
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Re: Do you have a spirit guide/guardian?

Post by Little Green Dragon »

Thanks for your reply SpiritTalker. What an interesting story you have.

Yes, I have a guide. We talk regularly. Like you I've had Wiccan books pointed out to me or have asked for help with something and been given a solution. I've also been on a "flying dream" with my grandmother (in spirit after she died) to visit my family overseas.

I met my guides one night when I was feeling depressed and they turned up to cheer me up. It worked and I've stayed in touch with my main guide ever since.

Really interested to hear from others with a similar experience.

LGD :-)
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Re: Do you have a spirit guide/guardian?

Post by Ashrend »

Mine is a simple story, I tried to connect to them and they connected. A leopard who Guards me from harm and various dragons that have helped me from time to time. I've called out to the ether and they responded. I'm still young on my path so I'm still naive to things and haven't noticed the little yet significant things yet.
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Re: Do you have a spirit guide/guardian?

Post by chaoticghxst »

Yes actually! I just found this out a few days ago. I'm still getting used to this. It's a whole new experience. I found out my guide is a little dragon that was attached to a pendulum I was drawn to a long time ago. We have had some pleasant interactions so far and I hope to have many more with my guide.
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