A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by Symandinome »


I would like to believe that it was the "dust" when inhaled is what has caused the sickness and not the magickal connotations behind it all. TO protect yourselves from this I would recommend doing the following:

you will need or the first part of the ritual:

black votive candle
dragons blood incense
a black feather
dragons blood ink
dirt from a cemetary gathered just before the new moon which is the time right before there is no moon. gather it at midnite and if thats not possible gather it at sunset.
a mirror that you can dispose of.
a large metal bowl
all the items including the envelope of what was sent to you
a hammer and black cloth

You will need for the second part of the ritual:
a glass jar with a tight sealing lid.
nail clippings
a clipping of your hair
mestrual blood if possible
old rusted nails that are bent
a small amount of your feces

On the night of the New Moon gather all these ingredients and keep them seperated from each other according to the way I have seperated them above. Have this to be prepared for to start working the ritual at midnite. (cast a magick circle if you are capable but if not dont worry about it)

Light the black candle at the center of your working table or altar and say:

In secrecy and strength do I light this flame of vindication

Light the dragons blood incense and say:

Ancient powers on my side work my will by candle light, shroud this work in secrecy As I WILL so MOTE it BE!

Arrange all the things that was sent to you starting with the paper with the symbol, on the bottom, then the check, then envelope rear side up. (be sure that the eye on the bottom piece of paper is hidden from sight.

Take the black feather in your projecting hand *right if your a righty* pass it through the smoke of the incense and then burn its tip slightly in the flame of the black candle. Then take the dragons blood ink and pass it through the incense smoke and hold it above the flame of the black candle.

Now take the feather and dip its tip in the ink. and draw across the envelope being sure to encompass not only the bottom part of the envelope but also the part you lick to seal it. Draw a spiral that spins COUNTER CLOCKWISE!!!!

Spit on the center of the spiral you have just drawn and then set it on fire from the black candle and let it burn completely to ash in the large metal bowl and say:

I return you to sender.

Take the feather and ink again and on the face of the check where the person signed their name to make the check valid draw the same symbol there and spit on it like you did before and burn this also in the fire and burn it completely to ash and say:

I return you to sender.

NOW with one quick motion with an ink tipped feather STAB THE CENTER OF THE EYE on the symbol paper. and say:

Blind are you of what you've done, Blind are you for whats to come.

Now draw the COUNTER CLOCKWISE SYMBOL over the symbol they sent you. BE SURE TO draw this counterclockwise Spiral much larger and thicker then what they have sent you. Then SPIT ON IT.

Take the mirror and pass it through the smoke of the incense then hold it reflective side down over the symbol of the eye that they sent to you and say:

OPEN EYE and take your PLACE
Away from me to from where you came

NOW WITHOUT LOOKING IN THE MIRROR flip it over and cover it with the black cloth and smash the mirror with the hammer.

Take the symbol paper that they sent you and without looking at the eye on it burn it from the black candle and let it burn to ash in the metal bowl like the others. Once it is no longer on fire and it is completely ashed over take some of the graveyard dirt and sprinkle it over all the ashes and say:

This is now laid to rest SO MOTE IT BE!


Take the broken glass shards and put them inside the glass jar with the rusted bent nails and put it aside for the moment.

With the metal bowl full of ashes URINATE ONTOP OF THEM then take the URINE AND ASH mixture and pour it into the jar with the broken mirror and rusted bent nails then put into the jar your nail clippings then your hair then your menstrual blood if possible and then your feces and seal the jar.

Take the feather and dip it in the ink and draw on the lid the same spiral you have been drawing then pass it through the incense smoke and then through the flame of the black candle. Take the black candle in your hand and 3 drops of wax across the top of the jar and say:


*take the jar and all other items that can be disposed of and throw them all into a large body of water with a fast current OR bury them in the ground in a place that you will not likely return to. Do this and know that it is over and they CANNOT harm YOU with magick again.

This jar must be rid of before morning light!
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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by Melindrose »

um a simple uncrossing would be fine, symandinome what you have done is going above and beyond what is currently needed.
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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by Moon Stone »

Melindrose wrote:um a simple uncrossing would be fine, symandinome what you have done is going above and beyond what is currently needed.
That all depends. Symandinome, might recognize this as something that a simple uncrossing spell may not be effective enough to stop all together. Besides, it looks to me like a combination of an uncrossing and witches bottle to protect these people from any further nasty spell attempts. This makes sense, as some one has already gotten sick over this alledged spell, and from the sounds of it, it is doubtful that the spell caster is going to stop at this point.

But I think we all agree that these people need to report this to the police, and get the contents of that dust analyzed first and fore most.
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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by Melindrose »

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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by ebenb84 »

also i would like to add that unless your husband is already better that maybe he should be checked out by a doctor just in case there was something in the dust he was allergic to or maybe a poison. i hope that is not the case but it would be a good idea to check.
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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by Symandinome »

Yes I agree That pursuing this with the police and exploring other mundane options is the first thing that ANYONE in this situation should do.

I did notice something specific about the spell that was sent to her that compelled me to provide her with something a little more indepth. I have chosen not to propose these suspicions so as not to worry the woman any further. What I gave was meant to reverse, trap, and prevent.

I am quite sure that should her husbands illness be the work of a spell that it wasn't intended for him as everything was addressed to her. He simply got caught in the crossfire which is why I didnt feel the need for her to do any working in regards to the rest of her family.

I hope everything works out well for you ma'am.
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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by Melindrose »

Ah okay obviously I didn't see the same thing.

Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by Avalon7468 »


The postal inspector came to my home. He started with a simple test which found protein in the dust sample. This shocked him. I could tell by the deer in the headlights look he got on his face. Finding the protein, however, required him to computer analyze the dust. There wasnt much left to test but he was able to get an ishy reading. The dust was 97% wheat cereal, he thinks. The way he explained it is that its 97% likely to be that. Likely is the keyword here. That is that according to what the computer knows, the substance came 97% closer to being wheat cereal than anything else in its database. The other 3%, you ask? Well that wasn't in his database. Wheat would explain the protein, he said. There was nothing biologically dangerous about the material on the feather - meaning known toxins, viruses, bacteria, etc.

My attorney and the postal inspector say that if I can find documentation of the symbol and it's meaning, and if it is intended in a negative or harmful/threatening manner, then I have options.

My husband's fever is gone. He is now left with a cough but seems to be on the mend. I'm grateful he's feeling better.

I have written to an anthropologist who studies religious symbolism, specifically Wiccan, Pagan, etc, in hope to define the symbol. I'm not sure if she'll respond but I'm staying positive.

I'm more tired then usual but I think it's because I'm expending a lot more energy in all areas then I normally have to.

I do want to thank you all for your responses and your thoughtfulness. It renews me in many ways. I hope you all feel as blessed as I do for the connections and positive energy. You have all brightened my days considerably.

Today, I'm going to clean the cottage and plan my garden.

The best revenge is living well.

Coincidentally, I've also noticed it pisses off negative people and makes them want to stay away - almost like a natural bug spray. Yay for that!

I'll update again when I know more....
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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by )O( Krystal Raven )O( »

That looks like a very simple Evil Eye charm. In addition to some of these excellent suggestions, here's one that is effective and doesn't "look like anything". Place a small mirror on the inside of your front door with the reflective surface facing outside. This casts back the negative energy of anyone/anything attempting to enter your Sanctuary with malicious intent. Blessed Be, dear sister!!! )O( R)O(
)O( May the Cosmica known unto us by millions of names bless you with the ecstasy of Her Bliss. Namaste. )O(
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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by )O( Krystal Raven )O( »

Also, I have plenty of proof culturally that the Evil Eye is a malicious symbol. If you'd like further details, please message me privately.
)O( May the Cosmica known unto us by millions of names bless you with the ecstasy of Her Bliss. Namaste. )O(
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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by Symandinome »

I agree that that use of the eye is used in absorbing or dispelling evil influence the part that I find interesting about this symboly is that the spiral that is put within it is a clockwise spiral which is SENDING OUT not absorbing ;) which is why i feel that this symbol was a means of "peering in" and sending out instead of what you would normally associate an eye with.

The fact that the bottom "lid" so to speak is not a smooth line would indicate to me the person was unsure and didnt have a steady hand when they were making it but that doesnt rule out that it has a meaning that I am not familiar with either.

Also maybe these things were inentionally sent like this with no magickal will attached to them so they would kinda freak you out and in turn "hex" yourself because you trick yourself into believing it was malicious magick behind and in turn you start willing these things into your existance because you tricked yourself to believing that there was magick.

there are many websites to check symbolism for like symbols.com and .net and there are many others I cant recall there names but google works wonders.

Keep us posted.
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Re: A spell cast & sent to me via US Mail

Post by AutumnMaidens »

I'm glad that your husband is doing better, and I agree with you also, smile and be kind to your enemies, nothing annoys them more.
Blessing to you and I hope all goes well!
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Our bible IS the wind and the rain."
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