hayal wrote:I bought a moonstone pendulum today and weve just finished a sesion with my cousin n my best friend. We used the pendulum on a board. It went quite well. The spirit was a 24 year old girl. She was drawn and she said shes still in love with her boyfriend. At the middle of the session she was really energetic and after a while she said shes tired and she left. It was so sudden that i thought she might be afraid of something....coz she was very talkative at first....any ideas??
She could have been scared off by another spirit...From my understanding, in a situation like that, if a spirit (or ghost) comes to you troubled, they usually want something from you (or to comfort you in some way, especially if you know them, like if you are still mourning for them), like to send a message to someone, like needing to send a message to her boyfriend, similar to the way like a psychic would get requests from the other world to relate messages to the living.
I always find experiences like these very interesting and of all my years of using Ouija, I, to my knowledge, have never had a spirit of a deceased person.
With me, Ouija is vague about who they are, but then again, I very rarely ask questions about Ouija. If I ask for their name, they always say, "Ouija" and I don't press for further info on name. I'm definitely not afraid of Ouija but am very respectful, like I would be when talking to an old very wise spirit.
But my intuition, my impression I get with Ouija for me is they are very similar in personality, and they are extremely polite (although may not answer all my questions, to which one should never try to "force" it out of them; either forget about it or wait another day and ask it again). Ouija acts professional toward me but friendly. The spirits that come to me feel more like angels or some other higher spirits advising me, as I always use Ouija for advice in personal guidance about important issues in my life and how to solve it when I need help.
I hear stories about how Ouija jokes around and plays games with them and such....I'm thinking, "What?" I can't imagine Ouija being that way with me. And if I were to ask a silly question, the board is silent, but one is to never ask silly questions because you make yourself more susceptible to getting evil, lying spirits answering you.