Feel free to add on your ideas for daily practice ...
. Grounding & centering and shielding a couple times daily until it becomes second nature can’t be over done. Extend your energy from the crown and down the spine, deep into the earth. Draw it up through the breath to center. Feel it in the belly then gently push from the gut and out to fill your aura. See it in your mind as a light-shield 🛡 .
. Light a daily candle & offer a gratitude prayer
. Do a morning greeting of the 6 directions - face East and raise your arms to the sky and sun. Feel your body energized. Then bend over & place your palms on the earth with thanks. Straighten up and face each direction and welcome it’s many virtues. Repeat at sunset.
. Or greet Sun, Moon & Earth “Hail Sol, Selena and Gaia” & 4-winds NESW “Hail Boreas, Eurus, Notos, Zephyrus“
. Meditate 20 minutes in the sunlight to let UV light cleanse your aura & physical body
. Meditate in moonlight to balance your psychic abilities and magnetize your energy-body
. Do a specimen hunt to collect plants for drying. Take no more than 2/3 of a plant so it can regrow. Leave an offering.
. Dry herbs, chop & bottle or bag & label [/i]them
. Collect rain water or snow for spells; Storm water has extra energy
. Make a container garden wherever you have the space
. Make Moon light cold-brew coffee and herbal Sun tea
. Make moonlight charged, herb-water for spells; It can substitute for oils to charge up spells
. Make candles - fill jars with used candle stubs placed in a dry crock pot with lid, to melt; remove & add tin tabbed wicks
. Make incense - roll 3” paper into a cigarette-size tube, stand tube in dish of sand, fill tube with crushed herbs; light top end
. Make assorted color draw string bags from cloth remnants or felt; use fabric glue if you don’t sew
. Make a wand or staff from a fallen branch cut to fit; then peel, sand & rub with furniture polish
. Make a robe to wear alone or a sleeveless tabard to wear over clothing
. Make a 3-color Witch’s Cord as long as you are tall; Tie knots @ ends; then Measure around your forehead @3rd👁, chest & groin & tie knots @ ea. to capture psychic ID
. Make a pentagram from twigs like a wreath; paint or decoupage a stone or saucer or disc
. Brew a healing tea tonic - place herbs into a mug with infuser, add hot H2O & steep 2-3 mins.; remove infuser
. Be conscious of the four elements in every meal
. Collect uniquely marked or shaped stones that suggest magical uses. Leave an offering for Nature whenever taking something for magical use. Birdseed, bread or cornmeal, water are all useful.
. Build a fairy house using all natural materials collected from outdoors. Include Open House with honey, sweets & milk.
. Get slice-&-bake cookie dough and after you’ve “sampled” bake the rest into cookies and share with Nature.
. Shape cinnamon-buns- or biscuits-in-a-tube for herb bread and share with Nature
. Feed the birds and strays as an offering to Nature
. Do a daily Tarot card or Rune draw, or whatever divination method you use
. Design a spell just for fun, rhyme some incantations
. Make an entry in your BOS
. Sweep up & replace the salt at windows and doors monthly
. Place selenite on window sills - Chant thrice “Selenite bring in the Light!”
. Clean out those fusty waxy candle holders
. Mind meld with your cat
. Learn a few different methods of circle casting
. Use dowsing rods to plot your location’s energy flow
. Draw protection sigils on 3x5 cards or post-it-notes and place them at all windows, doors, chimney’s, mouse holes
Ideas for Daily Practice
Frequently asked questions about witchcraft, Wicca, magick, paganism, and the occult. Subjects include love spells, Ouija boards, curses, Law of Attraction, and what to do if you don't have the needed tools, ingredients, altar, etc.
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- Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:51 am
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