Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

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Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by Binglian »

During the nights when I woke up, I often would see something strange floating/crawling in my room. They would always appeared in a specific area, no matter where I look. They remind me of worms or spiders in a sense, but in a really disfigured way. I would often get startled, and thought that I am having a night terror. But no matter how hard I squint or blink my eyes, they would still be there. They last from 3 to 4 seconds, to 30 seconds in some occasions. One time, when I try to touch them, my hands just went straight through them.

I actually find some of these things (the spider ones) looks really cute. But the squiggly worms just look really disturbing. I have searched on-line, and know that some people had seen black figure that look like a giant spider. But the things I saw although resemble worms/spiders, but does not look exactly like them.

I am wondering if anyone have the same experiences or have saw similar things as me?

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Re: seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by Becks »

Where in the room specifically are they? Colour?
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Re: seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by Becks »

I ask because my mind went immediately to Ross Heaven's book entitled, "The Sin Eaters Last Confessions" published 2008.

He writes:

"What Adam was holding was not smoke at all, but strings of slime.......some of them changed form as he held them and became worms or snakes writhing in his hands and trying to wiggle free as he closed his mouth around them. Some were larger, darker, and looked to me as if they knew exactly what was happening.."

The passage goes on, but essentially Adam is a shaman and is dealing with unwanted energies that are attached to a client. Heaven explains that Adam taught him that these energies are different in how they come to us, most (not all) are a result of us not living in accordance with our true purpose, and out of harmony with other people, beings, plants and animals around us.

Not too big a deal; and not necessarily what you are experiencing, but I was reminded of this shamanic work.
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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by Binglian »

Hi Becks, thanks for your reply. That is a really interesting passage. Its a interesting way to describe the things as bunch of negative energy. I wonder how are they formed, and if everyone would have those slimy things?

Most of the time, I would see them on the wall, and it was always the same wall. They appeared in group, or I think it is a group since many of the things are tangled together (or they are actually one whole being). I couldn't really make out whether they are snakes or worms, but they do resemble those shapes. And some actually looks like spiders. They are completely black, and does not have the smoke appearance. It actually do sound like the things Heaven described. But what I find interesting is that those "energy" are not attached to me, but only crawling on the wall. Do you think that they could be the same things?

I am actually interesting to read the book because the book sounds really interesting.
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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by Becks »

Hi Binglan,

I don't know the answer to your questions because I'm not there and I can't 'feel' it specifically. I'm relying on what you communicate.

The bedroom wall.....does it back into another room or another person's dwelling? If you are in a house, and not backing on something, specifically what is on the other side of the wall. Is it electrical? A panel or wires? Electromagnetic signals do affect our brains and create unusual phenomena. Beyond that, could it be a kind of energetic rift or portal? Look for the common sense first and go from there.
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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by SpiritTalker »

I see these things too, and I think the name of the conscious state is hypnogogia. Its when you are coming out of deeper sleep level and not consciously awake, even though we can get up and smack the wall with a broom.
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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by Binglian »

Wow, this is an old post, and I completely forgot about it! Sorry, Becks for not answering your questions in time. I guess it's not too late for me to answer it now since I still sees them, just not as often as before. And one time not too long ago, I saw a huge golden snake like creature lying flatly on the wall. It is huge, from my bed extended to the ceiling, and have the diameter of 30 cm wide. It is there for about few seconds until I become too afraid and closed my eyes. But other than that, the dark creatures still appeared from time to time.

The wall is next to nothing. There are no room or anything on that side of the wall. There is an electrical plugs underneath it but I never use it. The wall is covered by wood, so it does not have the traditional paint cover. Nothing special about that wall really.

Hi SpiritTalker, I have thought of the possibility of being hypnogogia, but I just cannot explain why I always see the same things at the same places. When I slept in other room, I would not be able to see it. But even when I change my sleep position, I would still be able to see that things at specific places.
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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by SpiritTalker »

I usually see them in the curtain, so I also see them in the same spot like you. I can't explain why...I suppose there's energy of some kind that draws my eyes there as I wake. I've gone so far as to beat the curtains with a broom, while still groggy. The broom passed thru the squiggles. It so startled me I woke with a snap and the squiggles disappeared. Heck, for all I know I emit squiggly energies in my sleep. Who's to say what a hypnogogiac state is, just because somebody fixed a name to it? Maybe squiggles are dimensional entities only visible in the altered state? Maybe they feed off energy like mistletoe on an oak? Symbiosis?

The window I sleep under is 8' above the ground. It happens to be located above where the sewer pipes from the street attach to my house. Is that a connection? Incoming and outgoing water lines are conduits. I think incoming water pipes run from the alley in back the house, as do electric power lines. Gas lines, I dunno. All these things subtly affect us.
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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by Deerstep »
Please don't take this the wrong way... have you had an eye exam?

I've actually seen squiggly wormy things before, with almost the exact same effects that you've described. If they move around when you look left or right, they might just be 'floaters' or bits of collagen stuck in the vitreous humour of your eyeball. I've been dealing with floaters in my vitreous humor since I was a kid. I have REALLY bad eyesight, so my ophthalmologist wasn't surprised when I told him I saw 'floatey worms' in my eyes. If your curtain is a bright color like a pale blue or white, that may explain it. It tends to make the collagen strands show up easier on your retina.

I have a tendency to suspect the mundane first. But, if this is something that's actually sitting on your windowsill, and isn't just hanging in your vision, then... I don't know nearly enough to help ya there. Sorry. :(

Edit: Eye floaters look like this. They never go away completely, but they're not harmful. Just mildly annoying. However, if they ever multiply or if you ever see flashing lights in your peripherals along with them? That gets worrying. It means that your retina is starting to detach. Image
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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh yes, I see dust particles, cat hairs and floaters too, especially in reflected light, smack in the eye. The curtains are plain beige. The things Ive swung at with the broom are 2 inches across, & dark. I can leap out of bed pretty fast for my age...

For years my drivers license has noted I need corrective lenses to drive, until 4 years ago. I fell down the stairs, somersaulted, and smacked the top of my head on the floor at the bottom. Ever since then, I have not needed glasses, and I've worn them since I was 12. My current license no longer shows corrective lenses required. I'm past 60. Strange blessing in disguise...I had lots of bruises, but I believe my Guardian was on the job because I didn't break anything, like my neck. :roll:
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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by SnowCat »

Closed head injuries can be funny things. My fall down the stairs was the cause of my ongoing back problems. Of course it was compounded by not having insurance, and then, when I got insurance, being told that I didn't really need treatment.

I see black crawly things on my bedroom ceiling sometimes. Not sure what they are, but I don't like them. I also noticed that I have fewer floaters, since seeing an optometrist that got my prescription correct. The one before insisted that I had major astigmatism, and kept trying to correct for it. It would have been easier on everyone for him to just listen.

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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by Binglian »

I do see floaters too sometimes, but only occansitionally as I don't see them that often, but I can definitely tell that those things are not floaters since they have definite different shapes and colours. And to me, floaters often stay in the same place and do not move or change shape, but those things does.

I'm near sighted, so I do need to wear glasses, but my exams were okay expect for my prescription for eye glasses. So i don't know if near nearsightedness has anything to do with seeing stuff? Maybe since we have some problems with our eyes (like nearsightedness), that might causes us to see certain things.

But other than that, I don't have any other problems that I've know of. I didn't suffer from any head injuries. So i guess it's still a mystery as there are just so many variables involves in this case.
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Re: Seeing squiggly worm/spider things

Post by Deerstep »

Hmmm.... curiouser and curiouser...
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