How young is too young?

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How young is too young?

Post by Pandemonium »

Hey! So, my little sister of 10 (almost 11) has been enjoying me exploring my TWU tarot deck. I've been practising some daily readings for her (she comes ask me to do it after school) so she shows interest. Earlier she asked me, "Do the cards really tell the truth?" and I said "If you treat them like a toy, they'll answer you in the same fashion. If you ask them truly, they will be honest" and she went very serious. She has now showed interest in having her own deck. I'm sure she has no mentality for it still but I find it endearing that she wants to have her own. She went to ask our mother if she could be gifted one and my mom answered she was too young to draw any meaning from it, and too young to get answers from it.
I understand what she means but our mom also claims that my readings of her will not be accurate because she's a child.
Thoughts? :P
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Re: How young is too young?

Post by SpiritTalker »

IMO, Maturity and intelligence matter more than number of years. Lots of young people are spiritually aware and thinking for themselves by 11,& just need moderate supervision in tough corners. Maybe an inexpensive deck with the meanings printed on the cards would be a useful starter deck, or a spare deck of yours she can write key words on with a Sharpee. Then when she passes puberty (which i think is what your mother may have had in mind) she'll already know how they work.
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