Apples in folk magic

American Folk Magick, Hoodoo, Appalachian Granny Magic, Ozark Mountain Magic, Pow-wow Magic, and other types of folk magick are discussed here.
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Apples in folk magic

Post by Holdasown »

I feel an overwhelming urge to post about apples for some reason. They are a fruit found in most regions and grow abundantly so they pop up in many types of folk magic and stories. Apples represent love, fertility, health and vitality. They are used to find a lover if you peal the skin without breaking it and let it fall the first letter of your love's name should appear. The old saying of "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" points to apples being considered a fruit of health. It's used to make vinegar and cider both used to remove negative energy from one's home and in a bath to cleanse. Apples also appear in folk lore including Idunn apples keeping the Norse gods alive, in the story of Frau Holle, Snow White, on of Hercules' tasks was getting a golden apple, Middle Eastern folk tales, Johnny Appleseed and has been used to represent the fruit of knowledge in Adam and Eve. Bobbing for apples and Wassail are seasonal traditions that are based on apples.

You can use apples for spells that include love and fertility. Some half an apple and write spells in the soft core then tie it back together and bury it. Be creative.
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Re: Apples in folk magic

Post by loona wynd »

This thread made me think of a prayer that was "sung" at a Christian summer camp I went to called the Johnny Appleseed prayer. Its a song of thanks for plenty and experiences:

"Oh the Lord is Good to me
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need
The sun the rain and the apple seed
Oh the lord is Good to me

And every seed I sew
Will grew into a tree
And someday they'll be apples there
For every one in the world to share
Oh the Lord is Good to me

(Camp specific verse)

When I'm at Pilgrim Lodge
I sing this song to thee
To thank thee for
The glorious shore, the mountains, and the forest floor
Oh the Lord is Good to me"

I personally would associate apples with plenty or prosperity as well as love and protection. Apples have a natural pentagram in them that I associate with protection and prosperity. They also have an underworld aspect.
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Re: Apples in folk magic

Post by Xiao Rong »

Plus, if you cut an apple horizontally, you will find a natural pentacle:

~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~
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Re: Apples in folk magic

Post by loona wynd »

Xiao Rong wrote:Plus, if you cut an apple horizontally, you will find a natural pentacle:

Thats what I meant when I said pentagram for protection. For me the pentacle is the star in the circle and the pentagram is the star. Both are powerful for protection.
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Re: Apples in folk magic

Post by Xiao Rong »

Oops, I must have missed your last paragraph in your previous post -- didn't mean to repeat what you said! I just see pictures of the apple pentagram on Pinterest all the time, so I wanted to share it visually.
~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~
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Re: Apples in folk magic

Post by loona wynd »

Xiao Rong wrote:Oops, I must have missed your last paragraph in your previous post -- didn't mean to repeat what you said! I just see pictures of the apple pentagram on Pinterest all the time, so I wanted to share it visually.
The visual representation is always a plus.

I recently read about using apple heads in doll or poppet style magic. You would make the apple head the target of the spell. By using the apple you work with the associations of the apple for the magic.
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Re: Apples in folk magic

Post by Holdasown »

loona wynd wrote:
Xiao Rong wrote:Oops, I must have missed your last paragraph in your previous post -- didn't mean to repeat what you said! I just see pictures of the apple pentagram on Pinterest all the time, so I wanted to share it visually.
The visual representation is always a plus.

I recently read about using apple heads in doll or poppet style magic. You would make the apple head the target of the spell. By using the apple you work with the associations of the apple for the magic.
I tried to make an apple head doll to represent Holda on my altar and it molded. I couldn't get them not to. I may try again.
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Re: Apples in folk magic

Post by loona wynd »

Holdasown wrote:
loona wynd wrote:
Xiao Rong wrote:Oops, I must have missed your last paragraph in your previous post -- didn't mean to repeat what you said! I just see pictures of the apple pentagram on Pinterest all the time, so I wanted to share it visually.
The visual representation is always a plus.

I recently read about using apple heads in doll or poppet style magic. You would make the apple head the target of the spell. By using the apple you work with the associations of the apple for the magic.
I tried to make an apple head doll to represent Holda on my altar and it molded. I couldn't get them not to. I may try again.
I think you are supposed to carve it and bake it in the oven for a bit as a starting drying point before letting nature dry it.
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