
Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Post by SpiritTalker »

Has anybody ever used a man-made stone called terahertz? I happened to see this when I was browsing another site and then looked it up on a frequently visited online site. It was described as a natural stone from which the silicon has been removed for industrial use. It posseses thermal qualities & is used for pain relief. The sale item was a terahertz 💀 skull. However there was also terahertz hemetite beads, and terahertz stone resembles polished hematite. Description noted the stone was rare so a single polished 1” pebble was selling for $16 and a 7” stretch beaded bracelet for $20 & up. Too too costly if it’s just hematite without silicon.

Does anybody have experience with it as a healing stone?
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