Crone Spell to Produce Psychic Dreams

You will need:
- Two teaspoons of dried mugwort
- One teaspoon of powdered elder leaves
- Six drops of cypress oil
- Mortar and pestle
- One charcoal disk in a fireproof dish
- One black candle, 6-8"
- Matches or a lighter
- Blend the mugwort, elder leaves, and cypress oil in the mortar and
- Light the charcoal, then the black candle, saying:
Hecate, goddess of the crossroads, Direct me.
Weaver, guide my thread into
the spaces between
- Sprinkle the incense onto the charcoal, and inhale the scent.
- Close your eyes. Visualize yourself walking from the east to a crossroads
at sunset and stopping to face north. From this direction, a dark figure
approaches. This is the crone. When she stops, she will beckon you to follow
her. She will lead you to a gateway; do not pass through this time, but note
what it looks like and any symbols written upon it. This is the gateway
through which you must pass before you can walk between worlds-and you
will need to look out for it, or its symbols, in lucid dreams during
this winter.
- Keep careful notes of your dreams between now and Imbolc.
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