Color Associations and Symbolism
Color energies are useful in many ways. One of the most basic ways to
use color symbolism in magick is to select candles of the color
appropriate to your purpose. The power of color may be added at any point
in rituals and spells to enhance the symbolism, and thus the power of the
spell.Examples include:
- Candles
- Altar Cloth & Flowers
- Fabric and components for Amulets, Talismans, Dream Pillows, etc.
- Food coloring choices in Bath Salts.
- Label/Container choices for brews, teas, essential oils etc.
- Meditations on colors for reaching specific chakras, or areas for
psychic development.
- Garments for ceremonies or simply on days when you wish to attract
(or deflect) certain energies.
- Colored papers and inks for written spell work.
- Awareness of colors you select in your decor and environment.
As with most things magickal, how you feel about the color and your
aims is the most important guide. If a color feels right to use for a
purpose, even if it is not listed here, use it! As shown in the varying
and sometimes overlapping associations above, the power and meaning of
colors varies somewhat form person to person.