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Why Do You Post Spells You Don't Believe Will Work?

First off I want to say that your site is great, and since I'm sort at this, I was glad that it led me to some informational pages to help me get started. I never actually thought before to search this sort of stuff online, and now that I did, I'm glad, and I feel stupid for not doing so in the first place! :) I loved your dumb emails page, and I just couldn't believe how serious some of those idiots were! Wow... I also wanted to ask why, if certain spells like the eye color, hair color, etc. spells don't work, then why do you post them to your site? After thinking about this, I figured that if I were you, I would leave them just to hear the great emails I get back from the "dumb" people. It's just hilarious! Anyhow, thanks again, and I'll definitely be visiting your site a lot in the future! Love always,
Hi Emily,

Thanks for visiting my site and signing the guestbook. Welcome to the world of witchcraft! :) I'm glad my site could help you learn more about it.

As for the spells that I think are bogus... Well, people are going to be searching for spells like that, whether or not I think they work, so I might as well offer them on my site so they will come to my site to find spells instead of somewhere else. Just because it's my opinion that they won't work doesn't mean everyone else thinks that way. I want to give the people what they want, so I offer a little bit of everything (under the moon, lol) whether or not it's something I would personally use or not. I want my site to be a one-stop resource center for all witches, so I offer nearly every kind of spell available and let visitors make up their own mind which ones might work best for their particular situation.

Please come back and visit again soon. There is a ton of stuff on the site.


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